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Deeq A.

Shirkadda Diyaaradaha Ee Ethiopian Airline oo Maanta hakisay Duulimaadyadeedii Addis Ababa+Sababta

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Deeq A.   

Shirkadda Diyaaradaha Ee Ethiopian Airline oo Maanta hakisay Duulimaadyadeedii Addis Ababa+Sababta

Shirkadda Diyaaradaha Ee Ethiopian Airline ayaa maanta hakisay duulimaadyadeedii Addis Ababa, ka dib markii ay ceeryaamo iyo Roobab wada socdaa dabooleen Magaaladaasi Caasimadda ah.
Qoraal ay shirkadu soo saartay ayay sidaas ku sheegtay.
May be an image of text that says 'Ethiopian Ethiopian Airlines 2h. 2h … Dear esteemed passengers, Due to foggy weather condition at Addis Ababa Bole International Airport, we are experiencing delays on flight departures and arrivals. Ethiopian would like to apologize to its esteemed customers for the delays and the resulting inconveniences. We will continue to update you about the situation. Ethiopian የኢትዮጵያ'

Qaran News

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