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Deep Thoughts

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Checking a box on a Driver's License application to Donate Organs wasn't a difficult decision to make - Despite how disturbing this might've been to my Family and Loved ones, the thought of the opportunity to contribute to the healing/life of Someone else was so exciting.


But over the years, I've been having deep thoughts and re-examining my decision - It occured to me that they (the powerful) let people live or die on the basis of their ability to pay? Why should something that was "Donated" cost a buttload of $$. Are they out there to save lives or make Money?Why do people have to die for being Poor?


Same thing with Food - Why should there be a price on it? Isn't food a neccessity that we need as much as we need Oxgyen. Ever thought about why they put a price on our lives?


Thought I'd share some of my disturbing thoughts - as they say acquiring minds never fail to search/know how and why things run the way they'r.


God Bless.




"He tried to be somebody by trying to be like everybody, which makes him a nobody."

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Hmmmmmmmmm donate your organs!

I don't know walaahi, i never thought about it.

I guess I wouldn't even want an autopsy to be done on me if I were murdered, but who will ask me for permission.

I want ppl to recognize me in the after life, therefore i would like my organs intact.

That isn't my final answer so i'll think about it some more!

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Waaaaaaw it’s a sensitive topic and should be approached from different points of view,

I personally would not donate my organs simply because I want to die in one piece just I like I was born in one piece, these days organs are big business ppl buy it for loads of money to have them and what do my family get from donating my organs, nothing so therefore why should I donate my organs when its gone go to someone that might be a gay or racist, I would not even think about it nor would I be persuaded to think about organs is in my body and that’s where they gone stay.



[This message has been edited by Quite -Storm (edited 04-25-2002).]

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Salama Alaikum Nomad Sisters and Brothers.


I have serioussss deeep thoughts:

If quitters never win and winners never quit, what fool came up with, "Quit while your ahead"?

If vegetable oil comes from vegetables, where does baby oil come from?

If a tin whistle is made out of tin, what exactly is a fog horn made out of?

What do they call a coffee break at the Lipton Tea Company?

If a man is standing in the middle of the forest speaking and there is no woman around to hear him Is he still wrong?

How much deeper would the oceans be without sponges?

If FED EX and UPS were to merge, would they call it FED UP?



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silly me, i forgot to to respond the topic.

I need to know what I S L A M says about donating organs. Mama did not rise a fool no way hosei i would ever ever even consider about it.


Free Food = more heavyweight champions. maybe If you call the American Obesity Assoc. they will explain it better why i said dat looooool.

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Thats deep sis,


Oragn donations, i've always been against... simply cos I wanna go back as i've come to this world. I also, dunno how much i buy this notion of humans saving a life! i mean, we all know that our time is written for us, so how can we assume that an action from any of us would prolong anothers life.


I remember reading an article on the fisrt organ transplant ever... it was a heart transplant .. and two months later the dude that recieved the transplant died of another ilness ... i guess U can never cheat time.



on pricing things, I always wondered why they sold water ... a significant precentage of the earths surface is water based ... rain is in abundance .... no body controlls the water cycle, no body created water (expcept Allah) .. but they charge U for it? I mean okay they may have created a system of supply ... but why do we have to pay a water bill as opposed to a 'supply' bill. (am I making sense?)

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Suddenly one is thrown in adilema having read wht Soul just wrote.


A couple of queries for the ones who say they want to go back in one piece.


What happens if you suddenly become ill and in need of lets say akidney or Liver. Would you take it? if you do why when you cant let someone else have apiece of you?


Would you say Money has become asecond religion to some if not first?



There is no Sin Greater Than Ignorance




`6_ 6 ) `-. ( ).`-.__.`)

(_Y_.)' ._ ) `._ `. ``-..-'

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(il),-`` (li),` ((!.-` S-h-a-q-ss-ii

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Ashkira: Without a doubt, I know organ donation is allowed in Islam. If you need to get a confirmation, please talk to your local scholar.


I know I won't give a second thought to check that box on my driver's license when that time arrives (don't ask me why, I don't have a license!!!). If my organs will save another human being and there's something I could do about it, why not! Anyway, I know my body will rot under 6feet, so why should I be selfish and worry about how intact my body will be. Aren't we going to be resurrected with a new body in the hearafter? So why worry about it.

And to the question about the "powerful" people having the decision to make about who gets to live and die, well that's unfortunate. With a long waiting list, am sure they'll favour patients over others. But atleast I know someone might get to breath a little bit longer if I donate, and that's all that counts for me. Peace n' Blessings.




"The shortest distance between a problem and a solution is the distance between your knees and the floor. The one who kneels to the Almighty can stand up to anything."

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You come up here writting about how the "powerful let people live or die on the basis of their ability to pay." Guess what hun. In case you haven't noticed, everyone was created equal. Everyone. They were givin the same opportunities at the beginning of time. So why is one richer than the other? The anwser is, that one worked harder than the other. While one was slacking off, The other was working their ass's off.


One excuse society likes to use is"one was born with a silver spoon in their mouth's" Well the person's great great great great grandparents worked really hard to get that silver spoon in there. While the rest, were running around, waisting precious time. Not putting the work in it.

Its very feckless to direct everyday's problem in society to the rich. They worked hard, why can't the rest of them? Thats a question that needs anwsering. Allah didn't favour one over the other. They each were in the wound for 9 months. They each came out the same way. They each had the same perspective of life. So how did one get to be like Bill gates, and the other became a bom on the street? It all comes back to the fact, that one worked harder than the other.


So one shouldn't pay for the other's mistake. One should be responsible for their own actions and dilemma.

The rich should be congratulated for a fine job, and the poor should be smacked over the head. Not the other way around. One should not feel sorry for the poor, because they put themselv's in that situation.



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Hold up, wait a minute, stop!!

Seriously Seductrezz, how could you say that? "The rich should be congratulated adn teh poor shoudl be smacked upside the head? Isn't that an insensitive thing so say?

So wait, you don't believe that inequalities don't exist between teh rich and the poor? and that the gap between them isn't widening? And that the rich who control the resources (hmmm was it something like 8% of this society) don't abuse and use the poor to their advantage? Well in America, "the land of the free" where the American dream can supposedly happen if you put effort into it, is to some degree true. Yes, you can work hard and taste the pay-off. But tell me how many black CEO's do u see, and how come there are no black candidates for presidency in our time? aaaahh, you're forgetting that this "freedom" you talk about only existed for few decades. I should congratulate Malcolm X and Martin Luther King and the peaceful demostrators who fought for basic human rights in this country. Otherwise, we nomads wouldn't be here if it wasn't for the opportunities here (which I think is only limited!!) And how do u explain the poor in Africa, Asia? You're telling me they're not hardworkers...plss, they work harder than the average american..(16hrs plus) in some Nike factory for few cents an hour. How do you explain that?? Just food for thought.....later.



"The shortest distance between a problem and a solution is the distance between your knees and the floor. The one who kneels to the Almighty can stand up to anything."

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I wanted to say thank you for great topic Soul_lady, and yes I also checked that box.


After all, (aboor ayaa cunaaya) so it may as well be used for someone who really needs it.


That's all am gonna say about that

peace cwm16.gif

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Tamina I agree, Sudectrezz has been showing insensitivity all day long.


I guess it was alright when she and her family where getting the welfare and the food stamp, but know that she started to earn minimum wage......well let's just say, she is over the moon.


Sudectrezz, you need to pipe down, it is happy(or pretend). And for god sakes stop trying to sound like you're all that, it is not like you are on the cover of People magazine or something......take a chill pill girl.


I read in another posting that you were writing a paper and taking a wrote it alright, I just read it.


Time for me to earn my livin' comes my

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Communication and understanding is avery big issue in our community......This should have been more moral than rags and riches...


Im dumbfounded by some peoples reactions but then again this being aforum for everyone, Im not suprised so lets keep the ball rolling smile.gifsmile.gif


Some folks have it and some dont cwm16.gif



There is no Sin Greater Than Ignorance




`6_ 6 ) `-. ( ).`-.__.`)

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(il),-`` (li),` ((!.-` S-h-a-q-ss-ii


[This message has been edited by Shaqsii (edited 04-26-2002).]

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I think there should be room for disagreement, without bashing a fellow nomad. Let's stay away from the personal attacks. I still got luv for my nomadz... peace.

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Tamina, macanto I understand what your saying. I totaly respect that. I also agree to an extent. What I was simply getting at was the fact that rich people shouldn't be blaimed for the unsucessfulness of the poor. Ofcourse they should donate money and help them out as best as they can. Its up to them thou. You can't just assume just because they are rich, they are obligated. It doesn't work that way.

The poor however, since they are misreable and needy, they brought it upon thereself's. Thats a bit insensitive, I know I'm sorry to admitt it too. Thats a fact! The reason they are poor is because they didn't work hard enough. If they had they would also be on top. EAsy things doesn't just come to those who just sit around. Inorder to succeed and taste life's glory, you must work for it. If things were as simple as sitting around, and having good things come to them, without lifting a finger, than we would have to wait till we get to heaven.


girl if you don't agree with what I just said, prove me wrong. Give me statistic facts.


I aint got nuttin but luv fo u girl...Keep yo head up...


Girl I dedicated a whole page for cwm37.gif



Everyone is Unique in their own weird way!

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