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How did I get on this path?.

When did I get on this path, and why?

Aw, all I remember was the gun fire and screaming family memebers. I guess I was too weak to really understand, what was happening to my lifes route. What was it about? who was it about? how did it go about? am lost in the reason.

Vivid memories of kids chassing down drunken men down the streets of Xamar, throwing rocks after them. Now reality checks stuck stairing Somali men drinking in front of their kids, chewing their lifes away, addicted to drugs. Where do I got from here? books throw me off and make me day dream, cause the writer was not real.

Nothing to feel, how the hell did I make to self distruction? why am I lopping with friends that drink? where are my believes?. Time is battling me, and the light is getting dark. Hope I find my way away from this brainwashing systems, they have me thinking stupid thoughts like murder. Use my fist am dumb, use my head to get ahead, but how will I find my way back?

Am lost, trying to find prayer times.

Lost with out a map, I need you to show me the way. I heard you've been this route before father, mother told me so. So, why dont you guide me uncle?. Auntie just wants to judge me, telling bad stories about me to my mother. Leave her be cuisine she is your mother, and I don't want to be the one in between you two.

Friend listen, you never last and we rarely get along. So I suggest we sing a different song, your shortcuts are too long to take as route. Leave me be, am not into no more girlfriend.

Our kisses, hugs, love making just got me more lost. Far off am in need of a map.

Am lost with out a map!.....


...Applies 2all those who see life 4real....


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Nice piece....we do need a map that give us a direction or path leading us into better tomorow and save us from self-destruction. I hope we find that map sooner rather than later.

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lolJookez~Ahaa lo...thnx Northerner

Got me on a good Friday, an' ya' point was good about it.




I just got 2 :D

But, I was looking for another map, I know I have that one on my shelf, in my

thanks alot anyways....Appreciate it.

~ahahahahha ah

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Northerners ..

U have a point there bro.


Deadly Vision


I feel ya bro. Being Somali I feel like am thrown in a mind blowing situation. Creating my own map kinda springs to mind. ya know take the good and bad out of every encounter and that way you direct your own destiny instead of allowing life the trod on ya.



or ...........

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