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Somaliland-Patriot said


In the West, Marriage is no longer sacred, but more so characterized by a business transaction. If you’re not "happy" with the service, you simply terminate the contract.




I couldn't agree with you more.

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'The poets say what they don't do'

Thats why Allah looks down upon them in the Quran.


Sophist, you write in such a way that only you can comprehend what you are saying and just because you are often mistunderstood doesn't make you brilliant!!!



the problem with the issue of love is that when you are clinically sober and you have all the mechanisms of your mind is functioning then you can see the idiocy behind this mirage but it when you are engulfed the intensity of the euphoria that you lose your sight consequently


Anything that makes a person addicted is khamir (an Intoxicant) and certainly Love can be an intoxicant. In this day and age, its often sold as something that can give you heaven on earth. In the Islamic concept of Love and Sex, Allah allowed the married couple to experience this b/c it is the closest sensation that man can have to something of heaven. So Allah is kinda of saying to Man, that what you will exerpience in Janna is like the sensation that you experience through love and sex but much much greater.


In the modern age, when relationships have been devoid of religion and the Absolute, what is relative (the plain love and sexual desires) have become the Absolute (Superme, Godly etc.). It is when this seperation is created and transfigured, that people commit Shirk out right. They end up worshipping and living their entire life for their own self gratification and feelings.


About the concept of Beauty, there is a hadith in which the rasul (salallahu aaliyhe waslim) said "Allah is Beautiful and He loves Beauty".

There is Beauty in Allah's creation and ugliness is created when Allah doesn't give His blessing to something and that Thing is going against the Shariah of Allah.


Modern day marriages that are not looked upon as being something done to serve the Sacred, have become a social affair. In our day and age, its even encouraged for couples to 'try each other out' before marriage. You can see how perverted this has become when you see Ministers performing wedding sermonies for gay/lesbian couples.


The idea that one is completed by his “soul mate” (what a tosh) is nothing short of inferiority complex.

Nothing can satisfy the soul except its Lord to whom it is from and belongs to. All other means of satisfying oneself deviod of this basic notion that All religions have in common, is Shirk. All religions have come with the aim for preparing the soul to return to its Lord in the best state that it can otherwise why would there be revelation if it isn't to prepare us for death and the next world.

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Assalamu Alaikum,


Brother Sophist I really don't care if you respond to emotional black mail or not. My intention was to show you the errors you've made in judging something you can't possibly conceive. I don't like to argue with someone who claims he isn't religious and yet practice's Sufism which is a branch of Islamic thought. Having said that, I will leave you with Khayr's post and I hope it enlightens you. I would like you to pay close attention to the following quote by Shaykh Muhammad Sa'id Burhani who was a major Damascene Hanafi faqih and Sufi.


Do not limit yourself to deep words and profound spiritual allusions but make provision for the afterlife before death comes, when fine words will be lost and the raka's you prayed by night or day will remain..


Good Day Walaal

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Salamu Alaikum Warahma


"Ninba Ceesaantii ceel geey"


Kheyr- Akhii to assume that that I seek briliance out of sounding aloof and obscure itself is lack of comprehension of what I am about!. I write in a fashion that suits my taste, if you have difficulty understanding me then I must say I am sorry to leave you behind.


I have written something I give credence and I welcome any intelectual challenge either based on Islam or merely the principles of logic; either way I shall take great please reading our thoughts. What I don't like is a merely people trying to quote what the half understand! that is not something I enjoy reading and responding to.


One correction: the Hadith you have quaoted is not a Hadith but merely an Athar (I trust you know the difference between an Athar and Hadith). It was said by Abdulahi Ibnu Mascuud who was a sahabi Jalil Radiyalahu Canu; in Arabic "Inalaaha Jamilu Yuhibu Jamala".




I am all for religion and when I said I am not religious what I meant was I have no deep knowledge of our Deen. About the Sufism, as long as it is Safwatul Qalb then I am all for it. But if it does contain elements of houwaho then I have nothing to do with it.


Others: Thanks for your contribution and keep it coming.


Thus Spake the Old Nomad



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MALAIKA I don't think we are alone when it comes to Sophist and the content of his post, as Khayr said only he can comprehend. I sometimes wonder if some of the words he uses even go together, the brother tries too hard. (Just my opinion)


Whether, it was from a religion aspect or just your opinion SomaliLand Patriot and Khayr have just said it all.


“There is Beauty in Allah's creation and ugliness is created when Allah doesn't give His blessing to something and that Thing is going against the Shariah of Allah.”


I think what Sophist failed to distinguish was love in terms of the Islam and love when it comes to his philosophical impression.




--** Each day is new, and living one day at a time enables us to truly enjoy life and

live it to the fullest.--**


Faridah = Unique & Matchless

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Salaam Nomads! It has indeed been a while sincw I last posted anything here, so let me just add my two cents in this frivolously extended debate.


Sophist: As usual brother, you infatuate facts or maybe exaggerate a little. I know it seems like everyone has his or her eye on you, so let me just cut you some slack and give my unbiased opinion. "Our minds seduce us to believing that we are sometimes happy because of the beautiful life we lead." to me this is just words that I refuse to agree with. Happiness is usually defined differently from individual to individual, basing their definition on one/two or even more aspects of their lives. Our judgment of their happiness shouldn't be founded on the grounds of our definitions rather theirs. And as the saying goes, " One man's meat is another's poison". So my friend you may entertain yourself with the thoughts of happiness when in actuality you are sad, but this doesn't necessarily imply that all humans do as such. Believe me there are people who are naturally born to be happy. It's not our minds that trick us, rather its personality. You will meet folks that have everything one could ever wish from this life, yet can't be happy, because their happiness comes only after miseries. Their concept is this, " I am the happiest when I am miserable". I have seen them trust me they exist.


Now about love, it can indeed be physically visible if one wishes to see it. You may not be able to touch it or even embrace it, but its existence can be seen and felt through those that dwell in its nest. You may agree or disagree for that matter, but brother reality is too bright for one with eyes to ignore. Love does exist only to those who are willing to accept it. You may not have been in love before or even for that matter met someone you could wander with; nonetheless, it shouldn't block your way to this heavenly joy. Some define it as you did, " A psychological fascination of one's own fairytale", however, to the likes of me, who have been there know the reality of it. And like everything else in this world extremists exist in the world of love as well. There are those that commit suicide for the sake of love, and those like yourself, who believe its just a mere imagination. And of course the moderates, like myself, who see love as the most beautiful and precious gift life could ever offer one, yet at the same time, won't let failure in that department hold their lives down. Love comes and goes. And like everything else one should be logical in approach.


I hope I was objective in my criticism...

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Salaams To you all,


On the outset of this argument, let me say that I am all for critical disparagement provided one is not utilising fetid language. You can denigrate my ideas as long as you can disprove it either by Islamic principles or simply by the principles of logic. But to dwell upon my style of writing demonstrates harebrained character you are. In order to enjoy a courteous discourse we shall all strip off the pictures we had formed in our minds of each other—granted some of them would be difficult to dismantle. Hey I am JUST A HUMAN (as my friend kept saying yesterday evening).




My sister your absence has been felt and it left many of us dwelling into the imprints you had made in our thoughts. Your come back has shown the overture of what lies deep inside you; to expose and be an example to a subject that had shown to be controversial is nothing short of a great valour. Alas, now I shall gallantly defend my case.


Happiness is the offshoot of love (the euphoric state of love produces happiness, or so they say.). For me the idea of happiness is a matter of religious quintessence. The chaps you have mentioned who have all the earthly goods any superficial being would want are not happy! The question arises why is that the case?. The most compelling argument I have heard that for the time being I give credence to is that they lack an inner shine; enlightened soul that have a rope in heaven. Without this rope when becomes painfully aware they the void within us. That is why because of this void people look for other worldly things; be that as a form of Eros love, power or what have you. But to view happiness subjectively shows my dear sister that you haven’t ventured from the educational books you have been given at the college you attend. Please for our sake read not only the academic books which we are all painfully subjected to; expose yourself the delights of ancient theories of life then we can all learn from your lucid interpretation of life—I hope you don’t take this in the wrong way.


On Love?


What I refute is the intransience of love and that the idea of love being independent from our psyche. This does not mean love does not exist in our minds but it means it is merely a creation of our minds. How do we do this (refer to what I have written above). The fact that one had experienced “love” gives an authority is just another tosh. How can I accept such a premise when I am disagreeing the whole notion they build their expertise on.


You have said that you can feel love; sure you can. But where does this feeling comes from is the question I am interested in! Hate does exist but it does not exist autonomously from our emotions. We greatly loathe certain individuals for whatever reason; you can feel your blood curl inside whenever you hear their names; but what does this mean? These are the products of our curious minds.


Hibo, I am not doubting that you have “experienced love”, but the conceptualisation of love is what I am arguing from. The feeling that without your beloved your existence ceases. The extreme sensation that runs through your deep veins whenever you gaze up you beloved and all the other paraphernalia that comes with this is something I acknowledge wholeheartedly. But if you carefully read what I have written up there then it becomes clear that I am not negating what you had felt but indeed I am against the intransience of “love” and its independence from our minds.


I hope that cleared some issues. Welcome back Walaashiis.


Thus Spake The Old Nomad



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My dear Sophist, u seem to be having a lot of problems up in here. :D


About the existence of love, I'll reserve judgement for now. However, should you ever fall (and Insha'Allah, I'm sure you will sooner or later) I'll be there with a huge slice of humble pie, complete with extra layers of 'I told you sos'. ;)

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Ya Habiby

I agree with most of the comments that you make in here but your Bayan (your wording) is so dense. The less words used, the easier to delineate the subjects being stated in the writing.

But Alhamdillah, you are serving a better purpose inshallah by writing the way you do.

You are indirectly telling others to enhance their english vocabulary and to pay more attention to what is being said in these threads. That why, inshallah better and lengthier discussions can be produced in Somaliaonline.

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Sophist brother: I am not available for any comments if thats your take on my feelings on love lol. damn soft landing! :D hard landing maad i traahdid instead! i would have droped the mentioning of love.

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Barwaaqo Macaantey we shall see that insha Allah.


Jamal, we shall have this discussion in person perhaps in a fortnight.


Kheyr: Walaal saas maaha.


Thus Spake The Old Nomad



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Guys and gils i have to agree with sophist on this...cos love to me means compatability...which is an extension of reality. so you know in your mind you will love only some1 you think that will make you happy.. and soon as you find out they dont make you happy you move on. but on the other hand if the your compatible with the person your getting into a realtionship with you will grow to appreciate them, you then become more happy and so on...

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Uuh and there we are another brother who misconstrues what I have written. These days it had indeed become something of habitual mantra;; uh I don’t understand what you have written and so forth.


Walaalkiis, if you need any particular elucidation on particular line or paragraph then I would certainly be obliged but if you want me to rewrite the whole thing then brother as much as I like to see my words being written (here I am making a joke on myself) I have neither the time or the energy.


Moses, malaha waxaa fiicnaan laheyd inaan Somali arinkaan ku qoro. Laakiin, taas waxey keeni laheyd dadka aan ugu talagelay oo ah dhalinta iyo barbaarta soomaliyeed ee caalamka geesihiisa kala joogta oo qaarkood soamaaliga aan nasiib uyeelan iney bartaan akhrintiisa inaaney fahmin. Barbaartu waxay ubaahan tahay in loo iftiimiyo mas’alooyinka soo fuudsaaraya noloshooda.


Calaa kuli xaal, mahadsanif inaad isku deydid inaad akhridid oo aad fahamtid maqaalkan aan kobtan ku qorey duqa.


Thus Spake the Old Nomad


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