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How do you define terrorist!

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My confused nomad sxb plz dont be one. There is no real definition for terrorists because one can be considered a freedom fighter by his/her group and at the same time a terrorist by another group and I think that is why the AMERICANS are not capable of eradicating terrorists from the face of the earth even they spent billions and billions of dollar in Afghanistan and Pakistan........Even those "moorians" and warlords in somalia assume they are the freedom figther :D or so call "Mujahid" Sad redface.gif

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I totally agree with bachelor


"One man's terrorist is another man's freedon fighter"


The united states definition is

premeditated, politicaly motivated violence perpetrated against noncombatant targets by subnational groups or state agents, usually to influence an audience.


i believe terrorist are people who instill fear and attract attention(media), motivated by religous, political beliefs or revenge, and domestic power control.


i honestly believe that terrosim wouldn't be condoned so much if it didnt bring along with it deaths of civilians. There is a big difference between those in Palestine who kill the Isreali's, then Nelson Mendela and his followers who bombed EMPTY government buildings.

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Originally posted by Princess_Sexy:

"One man's terrorist is another man's freedon fighter"

How true that is.

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There is major difference between terrorist and freedom fighter..

First if you want to define it literally then

Freedom Fighter the person engaged in armed rebellion or resistance against an oppressive government.

Terrorist the person who governs by terrorism or intimidation and engages in acts or an act of terrorism.


In my opinion I think as long as the target isn't civilians or civilian complex then you can't refer to it as act of terrorism, perfect example 9/11 that was act of terrorism!!!

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This is my definition of terrorist: a repubican president of the U.S.A (any one of them Reagan, Bush Sr, Bush Jr, etc,. ...take your pick ;) )*shudders*.


And these are people that are scary (to me) Ginos and Martha Stewart *violent shudders* :eek: :eek:

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Nasra sis i disagree with you ..Terrorist means MUSLIMS...... the religion of Islam and are well-informed about Islam as commanded by God in the Qur'an noted clearly that the words "Islam" and "terror" cannot stand side by side, and that no divine religion permits violence.

Religion commands love, mercy and peace. Terror, on the other hand, is the opposite of religion; it is cruel, merciless and demands bloodshed and misery. A Muslim is someone who abides by the commands of God, tries scrupulously to live by Qur'anic morality, peace and harmony, which make the world a more beautiful place and lead it to progress. His aim is to lead people to beauty, goodness and well-being. The Qur'an says:

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The definition of terriost could mean either or all;someone who has different enthcity in comparision to the place which they attack. Someone who is indifferent of how social,economy and political laws are being prejudged. & simply having the intension to corrupt a state, country, terrory for whatever the reasonings might be. But being a muslim isnt being a terriost nor does it mean one individual doing all the acts which our relgion by far restricks as from. So haven been knowlelged nomads, we should be at the stage to recognize as well as fix what we see as "bad".




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what is the real definition of terrorist?


What other nation spends $500 billion a yr.

on their national defence.They spend more on defence then all other nations put together.

Conjuring up new ways to flatten people.

There scientists do nothing but think of new ways to cause bigger and more lethal explosions.



I don't agree with any muslim group that bombs civilian places like cafes and bus stops (such as the Hamas). Surpisingly, most muslims deny that this is terrorism when its against Israelis.

Where is the honor in becoming mass murderers?

You don't break the hudud of the Shariah out of frustration. If that was the case, then we can say that sisters can take their hijabs off to find employment or abortion is halal when a women is raped. But the majority of the Ulama say that its Haram because one bent gate leads to more haram acts.

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Nasra that was meant in sarcasm right? if tis so dont forget to add couple of rolling eyes some people might take ya seriously.


I agree that if the targets are not civilians, then tis a form of freedom fighting..and even as I am writing this I am thinking of the Palestinian sucide bombers..thier targets are civilians..but do they really have a choice..tis silence or action?


Its a very complex issue and terrisom cannot be defined for a dictionary it means a thousand and one different meanings to who ever it concerns

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I agree with most of the people in here-

except nasra,Terrorism in my definition

means creating fear on people,by using force and

showing how much power you have over them.Today the only people that fit in my discribtion is , "USA".


Therefore USA is creating fear around the world.

So U.S Is considered terrorists in my book.

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