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Deni says he has been thrown under the bus

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XOG: Madaxweyne Deni oo eedeeyay Xasan Sheekh, & Xildhibaanada uu la kulmay

June 19, 2022 Xuseen 25

Madaxweynaha dawladda Puntland Siciid Deni ayaa maanta, si cad ugu sheegay Xildhibaanada Puntland oo uu kulan albaabadu u xiran yihiin layeeshay in uu ku khasaaray 3-dii sanno ee lasoo dhaafay dagaal siyaasadeedkii Dawladda Federaalka.

Madaxweynaha ayaa sheegay in 3-dii sanno ee lasoo dhaafay uu galay dagaal adag, uuna ka shaqeynayay sidi Farmaajo loo ridi lahaa, Puntlandna u heli lahayd faa’iido siyaasadeed oo ah tagida Villa Soomaaliya, taas oo uu sheegay in ay kooxo badan jilaafeeyeen.

Wuxuu dhaliilay balan-daradana ku eedeeyey Madaxweyne Xasan Sheekh, isagoo kusifeeyey mid aan waxba dhaqaajin karin.

Niyad-darro ayuu kamuujiyey magacaabida Raysalwasaarah cusub, isagoo sheegay in 120 cisho latijaabin doono, isagoo duray kalsoonida lagu qabi karro Xukuumad uu dhiso doono, oo uu madax banaani la’aan dareen ah qabay.

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I think you can't blame HSM for throwing Deni under the bus. Deni's behaviour during the farce s/election process speak volumes. In fact, his tailor-made selectioneering of Puntland's MPs was probably the worse aspect of the whole farce process. 

Additionally, the fact that Deni kept his candidacy a close secret up until the last minute may have angered Mogadishu Hopefuls. They would have preferred if he was forthcoming with his plans. 

That said, where does another 4 years in the wilderness from Somalia's Politics leave Puntland?


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^stop sugar effing coating it. Mogadishu boys threw him him to the dogs, and he deserves.  

Unuka boys went in there with the mindset of 'all or nothing '. He was just a useful idiot.  

Everything that was done the last few decades to bring this shitty country  together will go to waste,  as the current administration knows only one thing: unuka. 

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It is raganimo in jabkiisa Deni sheeego, his whole argument and opposition against Farmaajo was misguided.

It is the interest of all Somalis , to find opposition to stop the m0ryaan in power, else they will sell whole country. 


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Deni has one sole problem - islaweyni iyo xanaaq dhow shaqsiyadiisa. Labadaan waxyaabood qofkii lagu arko siyaasad Soomaaliyeed mala gilgilan karo. He paid the most laaluush, yet he couldn't get any other single xildhibaan than those from gobolkiisa iyo Jubbooyinka.

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In politics you win sometimes and you lose other times. He is only 50 something and he has a lot of experience and opportunities to serve his country. He needs to concentrate on Puntland now and take Hassan to account as well.

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Deni's problem was he made politics very very personal and had no plan B. He also managed to alienate the home base.

And HSM would not and doesn't need to consult with him anything. He thinks he has a full mandate.

The anti- Farmaajo foriegn camp would not encourage Deni to antagonize HSM as they now have direct access to Villa Somalia. Emirates ambassador practically lives there.

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55 minutes ago, Che -Guevara said:


The anti- Farmaajo foriegn camp would not encourage Deni to antagonize HSM as they now have direct access to Villa Somalia. Emirates ambassador practically lives there.ï»ż

I agree it's all about Geopolitics. For three years Deni and others were busy meetings with embassies in Naraibo. At the end of the election, Rooble was given a full mandate to end Farmaajo rule for good, especially U.K and U.S.A played a big role.

Now Deni and Putland lost Jubaland community as well and Everyone knew what happened, he just needed to keep quiet for at least three months.


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3 hours ago, Che -Guevara said:

Deni's problem was he made politics very very personal and had no plan B. He also managed to alienate the home base.

And HSM would not and doesn't need to consult with him anything. He thinks he has a full mandate.

The anti- Farmaajo foriegn camp would not encourage Deni to antagonize HSM as they now have direct access to Villa Somalia. Emirates ambassador practically lives there.

There was no plan B to be had. Home base would be like " Dani iigeeya" if he had became president. It is nature of human being that they lament the losing part.

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1 hour ago, Samafal said:

There was no plan B to be had. Home base would be like " Dani iigeeya" if he had became president. It is nature of human being that they lament the losing part.

But they are buying a house for Farmaajo who lost the election!. He is done with Somali politics forever. It will be difficult for him to come back. He probably lost to the UAE man of Somalia status as well. He will be lonely in Garoowe with his usual family supporters.

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57 minutes ago, Duufaan said:

But they are buying a house for Farmaajo who lost the election!. He is done with Somali politics forever. It will be difficult for him to come back. He probably lost to the UAE man of Somalia status as well. He will be lonely in Garoowe with his usual family supporters.

But Deni does not need a house, he is self made millionaire before he even joined politics. So no tuugsi for him from poor fellas 😂

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1 hour ago, Samafal said:

But Deni does not need a house, he is self made millionaire before he even joined politics. So no tuugsi for him from poor fellas 😂


Right I read how he got his money, different way than Hassan. For sure he got his local support as well.  He gets fish money directly without going the putland bank as well😁



Garowe (PP News Desk) —  Since 1998 Puntland State of Somalia has issued fishing licences to foreign companies. Successive...


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Not sure, if he is making himself more popular by portraying he came off worst. Would think that it might have been a better approach to portray public perception of claiming victory, and achieving his sole purpose of getting rid of the previous President and giving public support for the new PM and for giving the brethren clan the opportunity of filling the post for once in history.

Irrelevant if this is true or not,  but at least saving face and building goodwill with the broader public and home audience, rather then showing any sign of defeat or disappointment with the choice of the PM. 

But it’s easy then done though, not knowing exactly what occurred and what he did or did not say to said audience. 

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