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Quit Pasturalism, Embrace Agriculture for Development.

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^There's nothing significant about the situation of this kid in the picture, CG. If I strip away all the variables (the mimicking pose, the miswak, the 'evil' look, the ammo, the fighters etc), what I see is a kid, as normal as it was for me in my early teens (during '88 to 89 war) to play with (empty AK)guns, Bazuka 7's in the borderlines.


In behaviourism, it says: 'Children see, children do'. And if society changes and starts to value different images and situations, so will the child. They quickly change too and mold.

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I think you have made my point for me.

88 -> 2009 = 20 years.

99 -> 2009 = 10 years.


and still no change, so what hope is there

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hence, the only conclusion, somali's 'move in mysterious ways' so why not demystify the problem for them by sinking it. It would be kindest thing

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In antiquity, there was a famous Knot that belonged to the Phrygians, looked after by the priests. Travellers and scholars would come to the temple at Gordium to try their wits at undoing the knot. But no one could manage it, for all they tried, no one could undo the knot. It was seen as one of the wonders of the world.


Then came Alexadr the great, having heard of the knot, he went to Gordium. He tried to untie it, but it would not give no matter what he tried. In the end, he grew tried of the futility of his effort and stepped back, and though for a moment. To the surprise of all, Alexadr pulled out his sword and sliced it half. The knot was no nore.

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