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Why do we separate oursleves?

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We as somalis are one of the few nationalities who dosn't embrace our fellow somalis instead we spearte oursleves from each other with whatever we can find. And most of the times it has to do with us thinking we're better than that person or this person because they are jareere or midgaan cadoon or yibiir. Not only are these childish names and slurs but they are rude tribal references. There is nothing worse than two people that are born in the same country and never met but they hate each other because of a juvenile campfire story or legend. So my question is why do some of us separate each other from other fellow country men/women?

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salaamu calaykum.


Answer to u question is JAAHILNIMO, waxaan ku dhaqmaynaa wixii ay carabtu ku dhaqmijireen wakhtigii ay jaahiliinta ayahaayeen.


Midkale waxaynu ka tagnay diintii illahay, waxaan xalaalaysanay wixii uu illahay iga xaaraamitimayay.


Markaa intaa ayaa jaahiliinimadu nugu jirto oo aad ka carareeno diintii illahay waxaa sameenaynaa waxa yaalo badan oo xunxun.


salaamu calaykum

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good thingi...i cant stand folks who judge an individual coz of race and color and other stuff.

it just aint smart.

jareer/midgaan and other names somalis use are to me RACIST words and thoughts and anyone using or acting like that is like "manala" said..JAAHIL.

so..i pray for ppl like them.

its xaram. you guys wonder when some ppl say.."meel oo somali ka buuxda faaida maleh?".kafogaaw..kacarara..kadheeraw..why do WE run away from "US"?.cajiib!

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Sallamu Alleykum


Somalia use to be the envy of many African was a territory inhibited by people who shared the same ancestral origin, language, religion and culture-all the elements of common ethnicity. Unfortunately that ethnic or nationality bond was not strong enough to prevent the prevailing chaos.

This clan separaion is caused by ignorancy and it is time to eliminate the "ideology" of certain clans being superior or inferior to another one. When are we going to realize that clan/tribe belongings is nothing but a designation or a label?

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We are all aware of how ignorant our people can be/are. If we all do a lil bit of researching, it doesn't take a genius to figure out what the root causes of most of our problems are!


So lets quit whining, and start with ourselves. It's starts right here, right now. How willing are you to put an end to this madness? Are you goin to step up to the plate and teach the coming generation what we now know to be detrimental to our existing culture?

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Asalaamu Aleikum Wr Wb

We do it cuz of Islaweyni. We r very high of ourselves, we tend to think we the best. Therefore that is where sepration from each other comes in. The other thing is we r lack of knowledge interms of Islam religion. Little do we know what most of us practice is forbiden. The other thing i noticed is waxey dunida intiisa kale ka ilbaxeen ayee soo mali wali ku danbeysaa, wax waliba oo xun oo laga ilbaxay waan ku dhaqanaa.

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