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War Debate

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Originally posted by Gediid:

Somalis say nin aad dagaal aqoon u leheen ayaa ku dagdaga

That's perfect Gediid. You hit the nail on the head there.


Wars have become emotionless and bloodless (well, almost) hi-tech affairs. While the killing of innocent people is termed "collateral damage". A concept which I find morally mind-boggling. Who needs to worry about committing genocides or annihilating whole countries when you can do it cleanly from miles off, without having to deal with any of the gory details that usually accompany wars?


It is really strange, we live in a society where the government is constantly targetting musicians and some groups for inticing 'hatred' advocating and 'violence'. The same government that is calling for the ban of rap music and making legislations forbidding parents for smaking their children ..... seems to enjoy bombing defensless countries. Damn, hyporcits



The domestic issues you've pointed out affect the day-2-day lives of people in Britain, thus it has to be dealth with. War with Iraq, however, probably wouldn't affect the population at all.

The only costs of war nowadays for the US and Britain is mainly financial. The Americans, for example, carpet-bombed Afghanistan, destroyed whatever was left of the country and killed tens-of-thousands of Afghans without so much as losing one American Soldier to the "enemy". Therefore, there's isn't much risk in bombing poor Third-World countries for profit or security or disarmament or whatever they call it.

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I would think that most Somalis having seen the scourage of war would have been mortified at the very thought of seeing one where ever it may rear its ugly head but I get the feeling here that there are quite a number of people who seem to think that it sometimes is the solution.I get the impression here malaha Sol baa u yar baahaan in malaha gacma leys yar daro.On a more serious note I personally think that when ever war breaks out its the masakiin who die and the people who start it walk away unscatched.Sad but true.

Maybe if a few more leaders were hurt then maybe there would be far many less wars.

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Since you have scrutinized more thoroughly on the issues surrounding wars its causes and sources, can I ask you brothers and sisters in your opinion what do you think are the basis for the civil war in Somalia. One might argue it is driven by greed (power greed), another might say it is driven by revenge (on what, on who); another of you might say it is driven by hatred (what is the cause). In my opinion it is base less, because if it had a reasonable basis then there would have been agreements or at least some sort of compromise.


Let your opinions be heard




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According to me the War in Somalia(retchedly disgusting) stemmed from our hatred on our blood brothers. We as Somalian failed to realize that we are all brother regardless of our tribal differences. Tribes are part of our culture in that they are there for eugenic porpuses rather than the porpuse we use it for, which is one of hate. Civil Wars are natural for a society in order for change to occur but ours is seriously quite contrary to other civil wars in that it stems from hatred.

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what do you think of a somali national memorial for the absurdest war ever !


it should be a part of the mogadishu national park containing "villa somalia" which is now a museum where (holographic)actors teach history ..



* (holographic)actors is a registered trademark of "a somali entertainment kambani" , as a free service to the somali national museum.

-the technology was provided by

"some somali IT company"

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There is no justifiable war because in the end it is indiscriminate in effect; environment, Life forms, economy, things which have taken generations maybe thousands of years to create and evolve are destroyed or damaged in the blink of an eye.


People and nations begin war when they are taken over by the passions of the mind specially the emotions of anger and aggression; There is nothing holy about war when it is a means to acquire power and material goods; In nutshell in all cases war is an expression of the dark side of the human psyche.


Nevertheless philosophically one can say that man himself is in evolution. Just two thousand years ago at the height of the Roman Empire and before that soldiers were not paid but had to live on the plunders from the people, towns and cities they conquer. They killed without mercy all they associated with the enemy except women whom they took as slave wives. Even cannibalism of the enemy was encouraged by primative tribes when fighting broke between them. This was the norm at that time but since then man has been progressively adopting more humane ways to treat one another.


More kind and compassionate human being is where we are heading; qualities of kindness and compassion which are antidotes to war has yet to unfold in our collective psyche. But in time in the evolution of man we will come to an stage of adulthood in which we will supposedly realize that everyone of us is in fact steward who has responsibility to care for his human companions, the environment the earth and whatever else which exists in ones domain of influence.


Hence when one justifies war today that person in effect is saying " let us destroy our life and life of others". When one tells us to be kind he is saying in effect " let us preserve Life". The choice is ours to make individually!



The Awakener2

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very positive indeed ..


incredibly articulate how you used the utterly negative expression "collective psyche" without hurting the rest of the script ..

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Is it not possible that wars are both the cure to some societal ills and the cause of others? I do not think it is a zero-sum proposition as it was presented in the original question.


Oh, and I will take the extremely contraversial position and say "war is bad."

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War must be the last resort, when every other solutions fails, but there must be a after-war- postive outcome. the way South-Somalia is killing for the sake of killing is a cardinal mistake. No peace no war is hell in its own right, self-inflicting and shooting your own foot.

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