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Deeq A.

Building a Luxury Home for Farmajo is The Mother of All Smoke Screens

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Deeq A.   

If you have been shocked and outraged by Farmajo's fundraising campaign for a lavish home when millions of Somalis are dying of hunger and thirst and the country is facing one of the worst drought, famine, and humanitarian catastrophes, I have some news for you. The fundraising for the luxurious house is just the appetizer, and I'm afraid there are more sinister projects in the pipeline. It's not unusual or unheard of for a politician to organize and conduct fundraising events, but the intent and articulated purposes of this specific initiative alarmed any logical person with a shred of morals and dignity. Initially, most reasonable people thought it to be a political prank, but as the dust settled, two critical questions emerged. The first question is, does he actually need a house?

Source: Hiiraan Online

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