
Soomaali iib ah, ifkana ka iib ah

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Xasan asked madaxweynaha Tansaaniya land in Tansaaniya before and now he asked Kiikuuyada one was well. Waala siiyey, but he has to support Raila's Midowga Afrika's chairmanship candidacy. I have no doubt it is true.


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5 hours ago, Qurac&qansax said:


What is this qaraar? Kenya is light years ahead of this failed nation? There is no comparison 

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9 hours ago, Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar said:

C/raxmaan C/shakuur Warsame asaga ayaa ka mid ahaa kuwa noo keenay Xasan Maxishoode oo bahdilkiisa ku faraxsan. Waxba yuunan naga wacdin wuxuu asaga noo keenay.

Xasan Sheiuk maxamuud isagu ma keenin, parlamankaa keenay, oo doortay, oo jeebka loo buuxiyay.

Farmaajo way ku saxsaneed in laga huryimaado, Xasana laga horyimaado, CCW wuxuu tusay in uu qabiil iyo jeeba ka weenyahay, he is probably the best HAG politicians (with Shariif) so far.



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6 hours ago, maakhiri1 said:

What is this qaraar? Kenya is light years ahead of this failed nation? There is no comparison 

He is just saying what you are saying, Kenya is a head of us.

but he is reminding some young folks, like Maakhiri, we were once ahead of them. That is all

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The looters are now  crying, eh? Not getting enough of the loot? I say Somalia needs breaking up. This can't go on. 

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when all your engineering graduated from UNUKAA leh university and there is no check and balance, good luck any one who buys high rising property in somalia, dont kill yourself 

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23 hours ago, Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar said:

Tuugii uu keensaday ka eed sheeganaayaa boobka joogtada ah uu wado tuugaas. Haka saarto.


What leverage and influence does this guy have?

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HSM is a very dangerous man. I don't care about his looting or the cronies he surrounded with himself, the issue is bigger than that. We might even lose the sovereignty of the country before the election of 2026.

Even Abiy Ahmed talked two days ago in the Ethiopian parliament about HSM. He said:

“Danteenu Waxay ku jirtaa in aynu ilaalsano dawladnimadeena. Dawlad aan doorasho ku iman oo aan sharci ku dhisnayn mar danbe ka dhici mayso dalka .

Danteena Ayaa ku jirta dawlad sharci ku dhisan. Hadii aan jidkaa ka leexano, koley waad aragtaan labada Darif kuwa ina xiga .

Qaar danihiii qaran kooda dan gaar ah ku badalanaya Iyo qaar isu hayntii shacabkooda ku fashilmay Ayay noqdeen .

In aad dal jira oo lugihiisa ku taagan sii ahaato ma sahlana marka la fiiriyo duruufaha ka jira geeska Afrika.

Sidaa awgeed Waa in aynu taxadar dheeri ah yeelano.

Who he is talking about when he says, " THere are those who exchanged the interest of their country with personal interest". I think he is talking about HSM.


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