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29th Feb

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Any of you harridans plan to propose to random strangers tonight (or at least those you like)?


I of course am still off limits this year. You may try again in four years time. :D

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Today morning I was watching BBC breakfast an anonymous letter was being read: a woman who is planning a surprise proposal and a wedding, she invited 50 guests to the surprise do. I was flabbergasted just imagine what if he says no? In front of everyone I would just die of shame!


Seriously, proposals are mans business I don’t care what modern folks say am old fashion when it comes to that, if the animal kingdom can maintain that bit of tradition why cant humans?


Ps Ng I don’t think anyone would even entertain the idea, but as I told you before the polish offer still stands.


p.s.s if a woman proposes, should she also cuff up the cost for the wedding?


Allah hugnayeey ceeb malaku diinto wala ku ceeboba maha teri wiilka walaguursadey aah- I can just picture my mum saying that@ the idea ( excuse the Somali I tried)


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^^ You don't even look at them, how in the world do you expect them to propose? No. In your case, I think a leap year is heaven sent. Grab it with both hands, my darling, propose to the first coolie you meet. icon_razz.gif

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NG- how double dare you, propose to the nearest tom dick and farax aah? thanks but no thanks. I think I shall continue entertaining the idea of a knight in a shinning armour££££££££££ getting down on one knees pledging his life/love/soul/ His entire being etc too yours truly and me looking at him then saying NO! You can’t rob of that…

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Originally posted by cynical lady:

getting down on one knees

my mind can't help but be befuddled by that. He should be on TV, channel 4, 10pm on a Friday night, share him with the rest of us, please.

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