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Poems abt Women

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Helen Keller by Langston Hughes



In the dark,

Found light

Brighter than many ever see.


Within herself,

Found loveliness,

Through the soul's own mastery.

And now the world receives

From her dower:

The message of the strength

Of inner power.

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"Listen to a woman speak at a public gathering (if she hasn't painfully lost her wind). She doesn't 'speak', she throws her trembling body forward; she lets go of herself, she flies; all of her passes into her voice, and it's with her body that she vitally supports the 'logic' of her speech. Her flesh speaks true. She lays herself bare. In fact, she physically materializes what she's thinking; she signifies it with her body. In a certain way she inscribes what she's saying, because she doesn't deny her drives the intractable and impassioned part they have in speaking. Her speech, even when 'theoretical' or political, is never simple or linear or 'objectified', generalized: she draws her story into history."


**excerpt from the Laugh of the Medusa**

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Are you sure you're not a Feminist?



^^^Just asking. :cool:



Peace, Love & Unity.

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p.s You can read a translation here.


Hooyooy la'aantaa Adduunyadu hubaashii


habeen kama baxdeenoo, iftiin lama haleenoo


dadku uma hayaameen, dayax heego joogoo


sida haad mafuuleen, xiddig hawd ka lulatoo


hawo laguma gaareen, hubka laguma tuureen


cirka hirar ka muuqdoo, ruux aad hagayso


usha mid aad u haysaa. Hilin toosan weligi


ka habaabi maayo hooyooy addoomuhu,


halkay maanta joogaan adigow horseedoo,


intaad hanad xambaartee haaneedka siisee,


horaadada jaqsiisee habtay baan xisaab iyo,


tiro lagu heleynoo Marka aad nin hiillo,


laga baqo hashiisiyo halyey diran dhashaabaa,


hooyo lagu xasuustaa



marka aad nin hoo-loo, gurigiisa habaqluhu


isku soo halleeyoo, hayntiisa quudhoo


hor Illaahay geystiyo lama hure dhashaabaa


hooyo lagu xasuustaa >Marka aad nin himilada


hilin toosan mariyoo hir markii la gaaraba


ku labaad hilaadshoo haga maatadisoo


la higsado dhashaa baa hooyo lagu xasuustaa


Marka aad nin hoogiyo ka hor tago dagaalkoo


garta hubin yaqaannoo xaqa hoos u eegoo


halistiyo colaadaha dabka hura bakhtiiyoo


ku hagoogata dhiigoo dadka kale hagaajoo


kala haga dhashaa baa

hooyo lagu xasuustaa Markaad hoobal caaniyo


hindisa farshaxanoo hab-dhaca iyo luuqdiyo


hawraarta maansada heensayn yaqaaniyoo


Rabbi hibo u siiyoo labadaba hannaanshiyo


hal abuur dhashaa baa hooyo lagu xasuustaa


Dumar iyo haween baa



nolol lagu haweystaa kuwa lagu hammiyayee


sida hawd caleen weyn rag u wada hammuume


ishu halacsanaysaa hablahaaga weeyee


marka guur la haybshee gabar heego dheeroo


hoobaan la moodoo karti iyo hub qaadloo


quruxdana ka hodaniyo hufan laga aroostaa


hooyo lagu xasuustaa Hooyooy la'aantaa


higgaad lama barteenoo hooyooy lan'aantaa


hadal lama kareenoo ruuxaad habinoo


kolba aanad hees iyo hoobay ku sabinoo


hawshaada waayaa hanaqaadi maayee


hoygii kalgacalkee naxariistu hadataay


Hooyo dushaadaa nabad lagu hubaayoo


hooyooy dhabtaadaa hurdo lagu gam'aayoo


hooyooy taftaadaa dugsi laga helaayoo


waxaa lagu hal maalaa hooyo ababintaadee


hayin lagu baraaraay hogol lagu qaboobaay


gogol lama huraaneey dugsigii hufnaantaay


hidda lagu arooraay Intaad hooyo nooshahay


hambalyiyo salaan baa hanti kaaga dhigayaa


hamrashiyo xaq-dhawr baan dusha kaa huwinayaa


hooyo dhimashadaaduna hoogeyga weeyoo


Weligay hoggaagaan ka dul heesayaayoo


hiyiga laabtaan kugu haynayaayoo


hengel baan u xirayaa inta haadka duushiyo


idil habar dugaaggee IFKA HIBO KU NOOLOOW



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^Use to listen to that song,when I flew the nest - and that was tormenting to say the least! :(




Anyone watched this programmed called : Tribal Wives on BBC2 ? Comes on Tuesdays at 9pm,there six series - two already aired,but one can watch them on BBC iplayer or Youtube.


Here is an overview,it is a must watch.


Six women are given the opportunity to travel to some of the most remote parts of the world and experience life with a tribe in this new series for BBC Two. Like many women today, juggling with the pressures of Western life from careers to home and family, all the women think something is missing. By spending time with tribes in which women's roles are very different, they hope they can find some answers and, in doing so, change their own lives. The series provides a unique and intimate insight into the lives of women in tribes around the world, from the Amazon to sub-Saharan Africa. For the six Western women, it proves to be a life-changing experience as they immerse themselves into living as a tribal woman in some of the world's most remote and beautiful locations.



Just some of the quotes from the tribal women:


*walk your life" - face fear,and live..[liked that]


"embrace your femininity,from it draw strenght"

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