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Delirium Train

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Hell I danced, rocked

As my very own train

Of ecstasy steamed,

Into a misty eternity

Of a Shisha fantasy

And I raised my head

In the smoky clouds

That meshed in

With the meadow’s hue

And in the highs

Of that dreamy time

I was a Persian saint

Lost in Elysian Fields

Hankering after forbidden

Knowledge of enlightenment


Now I truly know

It wasn’t the mint flavour

That got me hearing

‘Oh Babylon train

Take we to Zion’

‘Hey man,’ I said

‘This is Yrpes Express!’


That’s when ecstasy train

Took the Silk Route

And my Gypsy friend

Strummed his guitar

And hummed to me

‘Heavy shit you smoking,

You’re going to Nan-king!’

‘Oh yeah?’ I asked

‘Hell yeah’ he said

‘But I’ll sing for you

A sweet song till Nan-king’

‘Where’s Nan-King?’ I asked

‘Few stops from hell’ he smiled

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Originally posted by Paragon:

It's a traverse.

Meaning what exactly? Forgive my ignorance but is that a type of poem? I guess I understood the poem on a diff level. Good thing the author is around to clarify.

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