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At the consent of our mighty

between romance and friendship

in the lands of kings and queens

commitment lingering the dreams of two

emotions of bliss overhaul

while she and I stand split in Sequence of faith


with microscope

under the moonlight

in mix of thoughts

searching her smile

at the north star

gleams of expression

wave back and forth

only to drift in tear

and troubling ME out of sleep


inside the sentiment

right and wrong, something cynical

at the midst cold feeling

try to stand on my feet

and scape the memory

only to be lost by the mix of heart beat

and non to cure the scene

How many rivers do I have to cross

before she leaves?



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Speak into me...


Allow me to become your vocal instrument

allow me the vast satisfaction to recline as "Yours"

simply between verses and sound

allow me to be the inspiration of your talent

speak into me...

and allow me to love you...

sing into me...

allow me to vibe the intimacy you spread...

so that simply you can understand that...

I am humble at the idea of embracing you

concluded within my soul as the rhythm of our love

speak into me

and allow us to share the breath of life

sing into me

and allow us to be the sheer melodies of possibilities

all from the radiance of our future

we come together and make the evidence from our lyrics speak

reading for all to see that into you is being inside of me...



Peace, Love & Unity.

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