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Kaalaya, is it me or is Underdog getting more chauvanistic by the day? Dang!..UD, dee maalin dhow waxaad bilaabi doontaa inaad budh madaxa kala dhacdo hablaha aad attentionkooda your neanderthal cousins used to back in the day. Ha na soo marin. :rolleyes:

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you can call me Captain Caveman :D


Thats not the case Bee. Gadhaha in aan uaqliyeyo aanrabey. then I found out in aay difaac xoogle aay galeen. Sidii militarigii mareeykanka aay dhabarka inta isisaarteen started shooting sporadically in every direction.


Laantood Qoraxda ma ifto....laakin kibir aay shahaadoyiin mastar ka weyn kuqaateen.


isbedelka aay nagasugaayan cakligal mahan. If it ain't broke don't fix it.

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lol bee. ka cabso abaay ninkaan oo kale maba la heli karo. Koo madaxa budh kaala dhacaayaa? in a million

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Bee: He is lil confused...


UnderDog: Marka ay dumarka wax bartaan uma baran ninkaada la tartan balse waxey u barteeen hadii berito wax ku dhoco ninkooda in ay caruurtooda u baxsan karaan... and the mother is said to me uma-al mu'alima.. .meaning the community teacher... if the mother is educated

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Qac Qaac   

if the mother is educated in islamic way. depending of what u mean education.


underdog buddy, u said, what u had to say to them, but they wanna play defence, let them, it is them and their husbands.


women and men should listen to each other. lots of muslim men abuse women back homes, that is true no one is arguing that. but to say i would be strong and take on a miskiin guy in north america whose could only think about how he is gonna pay that loan. is unfair. Girls u guys have to separate the Jerk men, from the real men ok.

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UnderDog: Marka ay dumarka wax bartaan uma baran ninkaada la tartan balse waxey u barteeen hadii berito wax ku dhoco ninkooda in ay caruurtooda u baxsan karaan... and the mother is said to me uma-al mu'alima.. .meaning the community teacher... if the mother is educated

true.but that is not somali women attitude toward education.they think if they are educated then they can manipulate men.war waxyaho maxaad garanaysaa,oo show waxaad imoodi in aan wax qabsankarin hadaab kala tagno kind of faaan,they educated to dictate,the main aim of education of both men and women should be build on co-operation basis.not like wartag yaa kuubahan,

i am definitely ecouraging all somali women to try their best get educated but that should not in one way or other drag them also true that somali men disaprove his partner's ideas. like naa nagatag caruur raad weyn baad tihiine.which men we all know where this fanatic fiascos came from.we (men,women) arenot fullfilling our role as moslim man and woman.had we follow the quran and sunah our lives would have been far better.ignorrance and partly scietific socialims is playing the major role of somali culture. war naaga haaa latashan,!!!!! my GOd. as if the women opinion is not worthy.

father and mother are the main moulders of any society,if both of them are educated they can raise well behave and good children and good society as result.

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There's a difference between meeting with big boys and meeting with real men. Unless you end that cycle of taking experiment from those sissy boys around you, you would continue congratulating yourself how threating and intimidating you're in spite of the reality being the opposite.



Besides the biggest problem facing Somali females who atleast got post secondary education is that majority of them can't really differentiate their fantasy and reality. That's the logic reasoning behind pathetic questions such as this Why do sisters who know what they want from life pose such a threat? .


Maybe they're threat somewhere in Jupiter or Venus but not in this planet called Earth!

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Originally posted by underdog:

sides if you're all tough and can handle anything and everything this world can throw at you, you don't need a man to do anything for you. And since you're independant and self-sufficient I'll save my services for a woman who needs it and can appreciate a man that will take care of her.
I'm looking for a woman I can provide for and protect.
Someone who completes my skills not competes with them.

Why don't you just adopt a child if you want someone to provide for who is unable to do it for themselves?

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Originally posted by Hibo:

Bee: He is lil confused...


UnderDog: Marka ay dumarka wax bartaan uma baran ninkaada la tartan balse waxey u barteeen hadii berito wax ku dhoco ninkooda in ay caruurtooda u baxsan karaan... and the mother is said to me uma-al mu'alima.. .meaning the community teacher... if the mother is educated

I feel ya on this Hibo, but not all the sisters see it the same na'mean.

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Originally posted by Hibo:

Bee: He is lil confused...


UnderDog: Marka ay dumarka wax bartaan uma baran ninkaada la tartan balse waxey u barteeen hadii berito wax ku dhoco ninkooda in ay caruurtooda u baxsan karaan... and the mother is said to me uma-al mu'alima.. .meaning the community teacher... if the mother is educated

Yo! can some translate this!! what kind of af somaali is this!!lol!! i mean look at this word "dhoco"... sorry sista, but me lost big time!! i dont UNDERSTAND THE WORDS COMING OUT OF YOUR MOUTH!! CAN U SPEAK! AF Reer Jowhaar!! MA XAASTRI! just like that!!

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Caakifa says:


"Walaahi in ay naag nool tahay..taas shit-ka ma qaadato!"


looool, thats a good one,lol


Carry on,,,,,,,,

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underdog baa lagu goobtay, i got ur back bro.

hibo walaahi waa runtaa waxa aad shegday oo dhan, kula fikrad baan ahay.


underdog WALAAHI WAXAAN KUU QIRAA INAAD 100% NIN, sida aad udaafacday ur fellow brothers aanba ka helay, nin iga dheh.


what i wanted 2 say about this topic has already been covered so i'll keep it 2 myself now.


rudy jowhar boy, see ku dhacday inaad fahmi waysay erayga "dhoco"? aroo wexey ka waday incase something happens 2 her.

ma fahmoosaa hada.

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Qac Qaac   

maxaawaaaye marax nimadaan meeshaan hadda afkii aaba la isku mic neen bisinka iyo kitaabka jaamica ah.


caremel adna saad udifaacday macalinka underdog aan ka helay, 100% dumar iga dheh.

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Bee, translates Chauvinist as 1: a person with a prejudiced belief in the superiority of his or her own kind 2: an extreme bellicose nationalist [syn: jingoist, jingo, flag-waver, hundred-percenter]


Hibo is the one making the sweeping statements on how female superioty is making men scatter like roaches when the lights come on and I'm saying they maybe running for other who's the chauvinist?


Caramel, thanks for the back-up good to see someone who'll consider all sides of the argument before taking sides based on which washroom you have access to. ;) right back at you

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