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XIINFANIIN: Marmarsiiyo oday uun ka dhigtay maan maslaxo doono! (GABAY)

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XIINFANIIN: Marmarsiiyo oday uun ka dhigtay maan maslaxo doonno!


Theme I


Ducco iyo Taxaliil iyo Quraan hadaan duudka laga saarin

Ma dabiibmo ruuxii dardaran daa'im abidkiiye

Miitaalka hadalkaa waxaan meeshan ugu sheegi

Marmarsiiyo oday uun ka dhigtay maan maslaxo doonno

Oo aan macnayneyn hadana muskii laga wareegaayay

Mucjiso iyo layaab waxaa ah oon maanku qabanneynin

'Maamuuska' loo hayoo midkaa tuuri madfaciisa

ee kii mujaahidka mahadiyeyna marnaba loo quudhin

Magacooyin ciidaa ka badan mid uunse aan sheegi

Waa midaa ii dhashee 'Cyber-jihadist' maaxday!!!


Theme II


Dhalaan dooxata Meles soo dirsaday inaan murqaha goyno

Oo aan Tigre iyo duligay wataan diloon dalka xoreeyno

Dagaal iyo hadii uu ka dhashay doodo diga weyni

Kuu daayay sheekhaaga nabadiisa iyo dabawareegeeda

Dan uga baxay Shariifkaa nasteexiisa iyo kooxa kala sooca

Ee Xiinoow dariiqayga ka bax daw hadaad garani


Theme III


Marse hadii aan dhugtay oo ka dhargay daacad nimadaada

Damiirkaagu inuu saafi yahay waan arkaa dood yaqaan yahowe

Balse duulaanka aad igu wadaa yaa dabbaro dheere

Daji oo bal darris inuu wuxuun dibadda kaa yaalo

Oo dood-ficleedku yay ku galin dhufays daalim dhex hilaabtay

Docdood yay ku dhigin darajo iyo afkaar dad aan kula wadaagaynin

Dowga ka caddee hadii aad tidhaa oo tanna ka doodo

DUKE iyo EMPEROR iyo waxaan dhaw ka siin dhowr kaloon garane!!

Waa markaan is dhoohaansho een BASHI kor u dhaafoo



After all, I can only pick one fight at a time.


cautionary Note: No one is allowed to critique a poem of a neophyte!! Deel-qaaf baa kujira lama odhan karoo. Wa mamnuuc!! This poem is cleared by such luminaries as Hadrawi and Singub (waa kaftan). :D:D

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Doondoonatay rag aanad ogayn waxay daneeyaane

Duugistaadaan sugayaa markay ku daaraane

Aniguna sidii daawade ayaan diiradda ku hayne

Maqiiqane goortii la dili baan diyaar u ahaane

Alaylehe waakaa dab shiday Daa'imow abade

Dermada bal ii soo dhiga daawashadu khayre

Darmuus shaahana keena aan u dangiigsado e

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^ Waxba ha ii dardaar walinin. Ninmankaad sheegayso qudbado siyaasadeed mooye gabay laguma sheegin. Lafahoodan tirsaday. Laakiin intay tolka ku dhex dhacaan, waxoogaa way la iman karaan meeshan.


I know Las Caanood is the closest place to go for help. :D:D

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Dabuubta gabayga

Daandaansi ciyaarta

Hawaawirka dookha

Intaad derganayso

Durbaanka sugayso

Armaad dardhataa


Raggaad doorbidayso

Dushooda ishaaqsiga

Danigaaga malaynta

Dabaal aad u malaysay

Armay ku dilaan

Xabaasha dusheeda

Duleedka qabrigaaga

Dayacnaanta naftaada

Hadaaban arkaaye

Hoy ka daa lahaydaa ,,, :D

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^Look how mischivious you are. I am not talking about him or anyone for that matter. Adigaa dabshidaya ayaan ku leeyahay. I know you understood it. But still thought I do the formality of putting up a disclaimer.

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war meesha rag khatar ah isku aruursaday.


qaybtaan gabayada hadaa iigu horaysa inaan soo galo ... abtiga , Xiin, JB.


bal aan buug iyo qalin soo qaato :D

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Before you exhaust yourself, please find out where Xiin is coming from. This is what the "reer Magaal" used to argue exactly 3 years ago.

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Abtigiis & Tolka , it seems to me that gabay is not your forte adeer, ee maad iska daysid hadaba?


Ayoub, my argument 3 years ago with OLOL, a Xamar warlord rep (who thought properties he took or his warlords took from innocent folks during the civil war were permanently taken, and no government will ever be able to exact justice toward that issue)was sound. It was sound 3 years ago when the only alternative in Somali politics was tfg, it was sound when the Courts emerged in Xamar, and it's sound now after last years conflict.


OLOL had a very disturbing views. Expellees like Xiin, he thought, will have no place in Somali politics and should happily accept whatever is granted to them. I am sure you share OLOL’s views! Not sure though if you ever admit that on this pages.


You reminded me poet Cukaash's lines;


Gefka Farax shire baa tolkay gacalo moodaaye'e

Jinku wuxuu galaa meel insigu gooyey waa hore'e


I see no need to defend my sincerity, but since you took the time to dig in SOL's database in your attempt to find something that proves Xiin had contradictory stances, I felt the need to put things in context. And after I will have done that, what you did, good Ayoub, will help emerge a more consistent picture of my stances.


I supported tfg ----I don’t know how many people in SOL did support it then for the same reasons I did--- not because it was what I wanted for Somalia, but it was what Somali political actors and International community produced for Somalia. I opposed those who opposed it then in their effort to continue the status qou. I reluctantly supported foreign troops to come in and help the country transition. Those were the facts adeer. They were my positions and I actively advocated for those positions with the exception of foreign troops (I said I was very reluctant).


When the courts emerged and the status quo in Xamar has changed and the warlords were defeated, I celebrated with my people in Xamar, and I was very harsh on the tfg for not recognizing the opportunity that presented it self for them to revive Somalia and govern it. I hoped the two could actually strike a political arrangement that’s palatable for both sides. Every time they met, I prayed for their talks to succeed. Finally when it seemed that the Courts and TFG are fated to clash, I sided with the Courts, not because I believed they will win and rule Somalia, but I sided with them out of a conviction that they will at least be able to hold the South and had the people with them. I trusted that they will avoid war and had a sound strategy if it became inevitable. When the war broke out, although I would have liked them to avoid it, I supported and prayed they will win. Those were all inline with my desire to see Somalia emerge from the prolonged civil war. It turned out that Uncle Sam and the powers that be exploited Courts weakness and deliberately wanted a war to break out so they can bring Ethiopia in and crush Islamic movement, and with it the little hope that Somalis had.


The result, as we all know, was a humanitarian calamity. Thousands dead. Tens of thousands wounded. Millions forced to flee. Ethiopian influence deepened, and more entrenched than it was before Courts emergence. Confronted with such painful facts, and knowing what I know about Ethiopia and its relationship with the west, I concluded until Somalis agree on to something, the chance of rolling back Ethiopia’s influence in general, and her occupation in the south in particular is very slim. I advocated for unconditional talks between the two primary actors in Somali politics. If Somalia were to be rescued from her fall, Courts and TFG must meet and talk with no preconditions. If these two agree and reach some political arrangement, the rest of Somali dispute would be that much easier to address including of course your little holy cow, Somaliland. Fortunately, leaders in the highest positions of the toppled Courts came to the same conclusion like I did. Today I can see the wheels of progress toward a peaceful settlement are starting to roll albeit ever slowly. I like it. I think it’s good for Somalia. I think it’s bad for Ethiopia. If Somalis agree on something, I think it will be strategic defeat for Ethiopia. For in the final analysis, it was our division that gave Ethiopia the upper hand and allowed her to exploit our weakness in the fullest limit. I welcome, nay rejoice, the mere facts the two sides have met. So positions I take, as I told you before, are always based on a set of deep convictions. Convictions like this one: for Somalis to survive as a people, the Somali republic must be revived. And for Somali republic to be revived Somalis must do away with the divisions that exist between them. Seldom can such positions be scathed by the feeble attempts your kind labors adeer.


It’s fair to say that while many of us wept for the loss of Somali nation, and continue to weep, flaming secessionists like you saw it as a miracle mina-Laah and wasted no opportunity to buttress their case for separatism with repeated reference to the painful political and security predicament of the south. Look what your hired pens write to convince relevant power centers day in and day out and see to it if you can wash it with your often repeated lines of we are separate because British colonized us.


jamaacah, I understand this is a poetry section, and I shouldn’t be bringing politics to it. If the poetry section became the trenches of SOL’s known charlatans, however, I felt that I have no choice but flush them out…out in the open so the nakedness of their argument is clear for all to see.

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Adiga calankaa aad is hor wadaan diidayba, to start with. But good of you to show Xiin's position years back. Curiously, it only cemented my beleif that the man is a patriot and a pragmatist. I agree with all the arguments he stated above. Except one.



the one thing that seems to escape your attention is who is in charge of the TFG? is it not Ethiopia? Then how do you expect such an entity to do what you rightly say willl be to the disadvanatge of the masters? for the sake of argument, let us do away with the simliar quaqmire the opposition is in Eritrea. For my intention is to show the irrelevancy of the TFG as a credible government. As a group among the many competing forces (not government) it is logical that it has a role to play in future reconciliation. But they have forfeited the claims of governance when they do nothing about upholding the soverignity of the country and protection of its citizens. Ethiopian commanders who come back from Somalia hadaad la sheekayasatid, waad is dili la hayed as a somali. It is disgusting how they talk about pushing and shoving 'Minsters' and 'Parlimentarians' in the ignominous TFG.


Gabay is not my forte, I know. In fact I have rarely tried to compose two lines before this week. But you must admit, if I take time, I can perfect this raw talent and can be a composer of "afareey's".I don't think I can be able to do a proper poetry.


Xiinoow faraska ka dag oo xabad joojin iga guddoon!!! :D

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^^ :D:D


Inkastoo uusan Sh. Shariif xabbad joojin weli fasaxin :D haddana abtigiis & tolkow waan aqbalay.


As for gabayyada iyo tirintooda, adeer waxaan damcay inaan ku iraahdo,


Qaatilu naf baad tahay malaha soo qammaartegeye

Qabrigiyo xabaashaa beryahan kuu qabyo ahaayyee

Ima qaban kartid waxad istiri kan isku qaameeyyee

Qasdigaagu waa oday xiin :D bay beri isqoomeennee


In qunbulad :D miskiin laguu ridaa maaha qaanuune'e




of course i owe apologies to Ali Dhuh, the uathor of these putdown verse after he sensed that the contender for his poetic throne was a sham personality!


But on a second thought, you made headways, as i said, in your last effort. Jacaylbaro horay kuuma wado wuxuu rabaa inaan qar kaa tuuro. Afarrey baan waa hore qudhiisa ku tuuray waana la ogaa sidaan u ga-gabiyey :D ...


Waa inigii iri;


marka hore jacaylow

nin jidbaysan baa tahay

jinkii qays ku dhacay baa

jehadiyo wadnaha iyo

kaa jiiray madaxoo

ku wareershay jaahoo

kaa dhigay janwiid falan


marka xiga jacaylow

taarikh jarribanoo

jaalayaal ku xiga iyo

rag ku jaan yaqaaniyo

jiilkaagu tebiyaa

ayyaa jaalle timidoo

nagu tiri jacayl baro

waa nin jaa if qaba oo

mingis iyo junuun iyo

laga tumay jinniyo badan

yaan loo juuqin bay tiri

waa jaaxid bay tiri

midnimiyo jammaaciyo

ma yaqaan jamhuuroo

waa jeeni go'anoo

keli joogsi iyo go'id

ayyuu jeesk soomaal

la rabaa jacayl baro


marka xiga jacaylow

... :D


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