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The determined procrastinator

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Sometimes, I put a hand over my watch

to try to hold time, stup!d I know


but it helps me to cope with things

I wish to never confront like...


time passing me by, idly squandered seconds

wasted minutes of my life; Yeah, my life

See, I was never a seed of father time.

Never planted roots, always left them undeveloped

Mother earth would say, I could walk the whole earth

and not document my insteps, leave prints but never

cherish them

treat it like a stepchild with each step I trekked

along its womb with my unlaced boots

Live it but never cherish it.

Pity for me would make her oceans weep, she'd say

So she'd cry until her wells almost dried

and as baby New year wiped her eyes

He'd tell me, "your resolutions would never be kept."

"They are just as useless as the paper your write upon

them; and no matter how hard you pierce it with your

lethal ink jet, you could never keep 'em.

A tree died, its life ended before its midlife crisis

just so you could write upon his product only to waste it."


A perfect creation mared only by this imperfection

A determined procrastinator whose limits are limitless

except for the limits she has cast upon it

Timeless, her effort; as a child she used

to try to hold time, mold time to her liking

but she learned that time waits for no man

How lucky is she to be born a woman, then?

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Aaawwwwwwwwwwwwww...Now that is more like it Ms Word aka Mrs Gates...Good to have you back Madam...stay around and please keep them coming Insha Allah...its me, from your number UNO Fan. smile.gif


PS. Please Pass my Salam to my beloved Sister Ms Pili-Pili Xaaji aka Besbaaso.



Salam Aleikum W.W



Peace, Love & Unity.

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