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'Just Randomness'


talk all around me

i stare off into deep space

contemplating the things

of my past

looking for bright spots

amongst the violent flow of darkness

i daydream of tomorrow

what joys my Creator

will bring my way

what lessons have i to learn

what blessings have i to receive

i think of my future

and smile

my path has been laminated

i can see the road ahead

there is only room for one

fear will not tag along for the ride

i will set off alone physically

accompanied only in spirit

by those who have tread

the path before me

a new day dawn

I’m ready


"Searching For A Bliss"


A still life

a snapshot of time the story of a Somali nomad told

The solo shred upon his audacity

weave the saga of his ancestors

revealing dark secrets and deep zeal

known to none but him

the silence of it all

unnatural, disturbing

his eyes speak

of dreams stolen

the crushing of his character

nevertheless a slight pleat

at the sides

of his lips

sign of hope

recovery revival

He’ll progress

all identical

carrying the strength

of his foremothers

As he deals with

the burdens of life

and sheds them all in

that one tear

that only still life

could enshrine for all time



"Figment of the imagination"


i dreamt of you

three nights

and your still on my mind

why becuz it seems

strange that i would

see you in that light

in my dreams i felt

starngely at peace

with the thought

of you and being

with you

but my reality

wont entertain this thought

it wont allow it

someone else has been made

for you and that someone

is not me


"The Spark U flame"


being here with u is more/ than words can say/ but ill try/ pressed against u/ so close/ breathing deep and heavy/ passionate/ heartbeats faster than “Deadly Vision†rhythms/ complete harmony/ no need for words/ just that look u give/ I’m all smiles/ that’s all I can be…



"The power in words"


there is power in words/ a simple word/ can decide the fate of a nation/ three words can change the course of any relationship/ two words can change a couples life/ one word can incite riot/ or bring peace/ a word can mean the differnce between/ being who you were born to be/ and falling short of your own glory/ there is power in words/ they can heal/ comfort/ destroy/build/ and so much more/ there is power in words/ so choose them carefully

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