
Breaking news Farmaajo conceeded defeat and will help Shariif Ahmed to be the next president.

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This news is coming from people close to FArmaajo. After careful investigation of the results of the speaker of the parliament, which crowned former warlord Aadan Modoobe (he is not Sheikh), N&N had seen the writing on the wall.Their expected numbers from the first round would be around 90 votes which is similar number former president Hassan Sheikh got in 2017 which eventually resulted his defeat after the gang up of all other leaders except C/laahi Deni who added his 18 votes to his fellow Damujadiid.

The sources said that while Farmaajo had extensive talks about the coming vote with Shariif Ahmed, this latest agreement is totally different and it is favoured to tolt the balance to the Shariif side.

Among the agreements that was reached are:

If Farmaajo can't secure over one hunfred threshold, he will tell his supporters to join Shariif Ahmed.

Farmaajo asked Shariif to implement his vision on military and security by keeping both the military chief general Odowa and commander of the police general Xajjar. Shariif Ahmed axxepted to keep Odowa, but said he will make Xajjar as national security adviser or some other security related appointment. 

THere could be some other agreements which we don't know yet.

THe main task of the Farmaajo and N&N group is to block Hassan Sheikh and Deni which is financed by Cumar Geelle.

Rather than become a sore loser like Hassan Sheikh and Shariif who were comapainging since the day Farmaajo got elected, Farmaajo had seen the light and decided to defeat his political enemies through proxy methods.

I was thinking that if Farmaajo couldn't pass just over 90, and from there things could be for grabs with Hassan Sheikh , Deni and Shariif. Now it is clear the game is probably 3 vs 3. Ina C/shakur, Hassan and Deni against Farmaajo, Hassan Khayre and Shariif.

With Shariif as a president there could be more surprises. He could pick the prime minister from OG in JUbbaland. 

And one more thing. These Somali npoliticians ride the tribal card when threy insitigate things, but in terms of loyalty very few clans srick together in terms of voting. In fact, real democracy will pit local clans one against the other and would eventually eliminate for good the false blocks. In these selection, the biggest losers are the D block who don't even know for what they are looking for other than carry the waters for the Unaka candidates. And even worse ,HG politicians will never be elected to anything for decades to come. Some even say deep down they don't even want a government or even law and order.

Folks, this is probably the end of N&N and even Damujadiid.

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49 minutes ago, galbeedi said:

l I was thinking that if Farmaajo couldn't pass just over 90, and from there things could be for grabs with Hassan Sheikh , Deni and Shariif. Now it is clear the game is probably 3 vs 3. Ina C/shakur, Hassan and Deni against Farmaajo, Hassan Khayre and Shariif.

Could we do a SOL poll here between these two “coalitions”? 

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I assure if Xamar survived Farmajo and Rooble, it will continue to survive regardless of who comes next. More importantly, everyone has something to lose now. There's simply too much money in Xamar. These 'politicians' are not the warlords of the late 90s/early 00s, of small airfields, neighborhood isbaaro and pocket change from the CIA. They are heavily invested in the city. Even AS leaders have deep business roots, and the business community is in no mood to vacate the city.

The Somalis of the south are as tribal as any other Somali group but their politics is played differently in that the clans are not monolithic. Abdullahi Yusuf became president cuz of the likes Musa Sudi and the late Cali Mahdi, not because his large clan family wanted him to become a president. Farmaajo might be ousted because his fellow clansmen from Pland won't vote for him. 

Despite purported loyalty to any one candidate,  MPs at the end of the day can switch their votes. Just the night before HSM was defeated, he had MPs all lined up and was so sure he would win.

And I am reminded of the below post by Mahad Salad

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In South Somalia, Cash is King. There is no tribal affiliation or political or anything whatsoever. If you have the $$$, you can do whatever you want.

If Qatar is willing to go hard, they can bring Farmaajo back the brink. Hands down. So don't count Farmaajo or Fahad Yassin out. Specialy considering the current indivituals who make up this parliament is the most corrupted and all know they came through in a questionable and highly unfair process. The people did not vote for them and they know they have only this chance in life to make $$$.

The Speaker of Parliament is good to have him on your side but it is not the whole story. 

All Farmaajo needs is a mandate for another term and these so called Speakers and Deputies will be removed in heart beat. 

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1 hour ago, baala xoofto said:

In South Somalia, Cash is King. There is no tribal affiliation or political or anything whatsoever. If you have the $$$, you can do whatever you want.

If Qatar is willing to go hard, they can bring Farmaajo back the brink. Hands down. So don't count Farmaajo or Fahad Yassin out. Specialy considering the current indivituals who make up this parliament is the most corrupted and all know they came through in a questionable and highly unfair process. The people did not vote for them and they know they have only this chance in life to make $$$.

The Speaker of Parliament is good to have him on your side but it is not the whole story. 

All Farmaajo needs is a mandate for another term and these so called Speakers and Deputies will be removed in heart beat. 

Very true,  person with biggest cash 💸 will win, no doubt in my mind.

Who can outbid others, no loyalty, nothing 


And after the election,  many will retire and leave the positions 

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2 hours ago, Che -Guevara said:


I assure if Xamar survived Farmajo and Rooble, it will continue to survive regardless of who comes next. More importantly, everyone has something to lose now. There's simply too much money in Xamar. These 'politicians' are not the warlords of the late 90s/early 00s, of small airfields, neighborhood isbaaro and pocket change from the CIA. They are heavily invested in the city. Even AS leaders have deep business roots, and the business community is in no mood to vacate the city.

The Somalis of the south are as tribal as any other Somali group but their politics is played differently in that the clans are not monolithic. Abdullahi Yusuf became president cuz of the likes Musa Sudi and the late Cali Mahdi, not because his large clan family wanted him to become a president. Farmaajo might be ousted because his fellow clansmen from Pland won't vote for him. 

Despite purported loyalty to any one candidate,  MPs at the end of the day can switch their votes. Just the night before HSM was defeated, he had MPs all lined up and was so sure he would win.

And I am reminded of the below post by Mahad Salad

I have read somewhere Hassan was outbid,  odayga xoogaa bakhayl tuuga buu ahaa

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4 hours ago, maakhiri1 said:

Very true,  person with biggest cash 💸 will win, no doubt in my mind.

Who can outbid others, no loyalty, nothing 

And after the election,  many will retire and leave the positions 

Sh. Aaden Madoobe was said to have paid millions of dollars to buy votes financed by some shisheeye - tsk tsk - via Shariifka.

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6 hours ago, baala xoofto said:

f Qatar is willing to go hard, they can bring Farmaajo back the brink. Hands down. So don't count Farmaajo or Fahad Yassin out. Specialy considering the current indivituals who make up this parliament is the most corrupted and all know they came through in a

That is so . mAybe FAhad who is traveling to QAtar this week could bring the cash and buy the whole thing.

THese mps are the most corrupt in the history of politics in the world. The best parliamentarians were the ones selected in CArta in 2000. Most of them were selected by their clans without interference and were eager to rescue a nation.

Somalia ma shawa xaaladeedy.

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The new alliance might have already happened:

Saciid Deni, Sheekh Shariif iyo Khadiijo Diiriye oo dhabar jabiyay Jubbaland

Xog ay heshay Caasimada Online ayaa sheegaysa in doorashadii guddoomiye ku-xigeenka koowaad ee golaha shacabka oo ay ku tartamayeen toban murashax ay ka abuurmeen isbaheysiyo siyaasadeed oo cusub.

Doorashada ayaa waxaa wareeggii koowaad ugu cod batay afar musharax oo codadka u kala helay sidan:

1. Maxamed-weli Cabdalle Axmed: 59 cod. Waa xildhibaan ku cusub baarlamaanka islamarkaana ku fadhiya kursigii C/weli Muudeey oo loo diiday inuu u dhoofo magaalada Baraawe ee deegaan doorashadiisa, taageerana ka helayay Villa Somalia

2. Maxamed Cali Cumar (Caanonuug): 58 cod. Waxa uu kasoo galay maamul goboleedka Jubaland, taageerayayna Axmed Madoobe iyo Deni, taageeradaas oo ku dhisneyd heshiis hoosaad horay u dhex maray labada maamul in Puntland qaadato Guddoomiye ku-xigeenka Aqalka Sare, iyo in Jubbaland ay hesho guddoomiye ku-xigeenka koowaad ee aqalka hoose.

3. Sacdiya Yaasiin Xaaji (Samatar): 52 cod. Waxay deegaan doorashadeeda tahay Puntland waxayna si lama filaan isugu soo sharaxday guddoomiye ku-xigeenka koowaad ee aqalka baarlamaanka, taasoo meel ka dhac ku aheyd heshiiskii ay horay u gaareen Puntland iyo Jubbaland, kana hortimid dalab uu Saciid Deni hordhigay oo aheyd ineysan is-sharxin.

4. Khadiijo Maxamed Diiriye: 21 cod. Waxaa dhisayay Kutlo uu hoggaamiyo Aadan Saransoor waxayna ka goosatay Nabad iyo Nolol.

Waxaa dhacday in Maxamed-weli Cabdalle Axmed oo ku horeeyay cododka ugu badan ee xildhibaanada ayaa si lama filaan ah ugu tanaasulay Sacdiya.

Deni oo diidan sideey wax u socdeen, xadgudubna ku ah heshiiska siyaasadeed ee Puntland iyo Jubbaland ayaa wuxuu xiriir lasoo sameeyay Khadiijo maxamed Diiriye isagoona u balan qaaday 300,000 dollar si ay cododkeeda ay ugu tanaasusho Caananuug oo Jubbaland ka socday isagoo ugu talagalay inuusan burburin heshiiska labada maamul.

Khadiijo Diiriye oo ogolaaday dalabka Deni ayaa waxay u tanaasushay Caananuug iyadoo kaamirooyinka qabanayaanna waxay cod dheer ku tiri iyadoo farta ku fiiqeyso “Aniga iyo Beene Beene cododkeena waxay aadayaan Caana-Nuug.”

Nabad iyo Nolol oo meeshaasi fursad qaali ah ugu soo baxday ayaa u wareegay xildhibaanad Sacdiyo Yaasiin oo taageero ka heleysa Xisbiga Himilo Qaran ee Shariifka.

Guuldaradaasi Caananuug ku habsatay oo sababteeda laheyd Khadiijo Diiriye iyo Saciid Deni ayaa dhanka kale xildhibaanada Himilo Qaran ee Shariifka waxay dhankooda caddaawad u arkeen in Caananuug oo Axmed Madoobe taageerayay uu soo baxo codkoodana u wareejiyay xildhibaanad Sacdiyo.

Isku soo wada duub natiijadii doorashooyinka Aqalka Sare iyo Aqalka Hoose ee kusoo gabagabowday in xildhibaanno kasoo jeeda Puntland ay ku wada guuleysteen guddoomiye kuxigeenada labada aqal inkastoo siyaasad ahaan aysan madalin Puntland laakiin deegaan doorashadoodu ay tahay Puntland.

Waxayna taasi guul u tahay Nabad iyo Nolol iyo xisbiga Himilo Qaran oo meel bannaan fursad qaali ah ka helay, lamana dhihi karo guuldaro usoo hoyaday Nabad iyo Nolol.

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1 hour ago, galbeedi said:

That is so . mAybe FAhad who is traveling to QAtar this week could bring the cash and buy the whole thing.

THese mps are the most corrupt in the history of politics in the world. The best parliamentarians were the ones selected in CArta in 2000. Most of them were selected by their clans without interference and were eager to rescue a nation.

Somalia ma shawa xaaladeedy.

It is seems after every cycle of elections/selections, we are getting worse. 

I also believe in 2000, and even 2004, there were many Somalis who had idea about governance, hada madaxa lagu wada socon. 

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