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Somali Supreme Court: Fahad vs Guddiga Doorashada

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Maxkamadda Sare oo go’aan ka gaartay kiiska kursiga Fahad Yaasiin

Maxkamadda Sare ee Soomaaliya ayaa go’aan lama filaan ah oo ay qaadatay ku diiday qaadista Dacwadda kiiska kursiga la xayiray ee Fahad Yaasiin ee HOP086, taasi oo meesha ka saartay rajadii ugu dambeysay ee Fahad.

Maxkamadda Sare ayaa go’aankeeda sabab uga dhigtay in aanay awood u lahayn ka garnaqida cabashooyinka ka dhasha go’aannada maamul ee doorashada dadban ee  Barlamaanka 11-aad ee Soomaaliya, waxayna aqbashay hor-is-taagga xafiiska garyaqaanka Guud ee Dawladda oo matalaya Guddiga Hirgalinta Doorashooyinka Dadban ee Heer Federaal.

Xafiiska ayaa dooddii shalay ee Maxkamaddu ay qabatay ku dooday in Maxkamadda Sare aanay awood u lahayn ka-garnaqida cabashooyinka la xidhiidha doorashada dadban ee Baarlamaanka 11-aad, taasi oo Maxkamadda ay ku raacday.

Go’aanka waxa saxiixay saddexda garsoore oo dacwaddan dhagaystay, kuwaas oo kale ah: Gudoomiyaha Maxkamadda sare Baashe Yuusuf Axmed, iyo garsoore Cabdulcasiis Maxamed Yuusuf, iyo Garsoore Saalax Sh. Ibraahim Dhiblaawe.

Fahad Yaasiin Xaaji Daahir oo hadda ah la taliyaha amniga qaranka ee madaxweyne Farmaajo, horeyna u soo noqday agaasimaha hay’adda sirdoonka ayaa kursigaas loogu doortay 20-kii bishii Febraayo ee sanadkan magaalada Beledweyne.

Si kastaba, waxaa doorashadiisa ku gacan seyray guddiga hirgalinta doorashooyinka heer Federaal oo sheegay in aan la marin habraacyadii doorashada u dagsanaa, taasina waxay abuurtay jahwareer iyo khilaaf cusub, waxayna markii dambe uu Fahad Yaasin dacwad u gudbiyay maxkamadda sare.

Go’aankan ayaa imanaya xilli aad loo filayey in Maxkamadda Sare ay soo saarto go’aan ay ku fasaxeyso kursiga Fahad, ayada oo la rumeysnaa in guddoomiyaha Maxkamadda Sare Baashe Yuusuf uu aad ugu dhow yahay Villa Somalia.

Arrintan ayaa dhabarjab weyn ku ah Fahad Yaasiin, waxayna tani soo xirtay albaabkii ugu dambeeyey ee uu ku noqon lahaa xildhibaan, mana cadda waddada xigta ee uu qaadi doono. 


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4 hours ago, Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar said:

Now the two competing Garbahaareey selections will come before this court again.

Make sense , one has no leg to stand on though. People who were calling Somali courts kangaroo courts have new appreciation for the supreme court today😂

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Most including myself say this Garsoore Baashe is scared of sh*t of having the same faith as Abwaan Badal.

In a few days, he will hear Garbaharay vs El Wak. I already know how he's gonna rule. Somali Sharcigu waa Qori caradii & everyone knows...

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This man, Fahad Yasin has been singled out by a whole group of people. Young and old , men and women, the diaspora, politicians and the so called journalist warlords. 

Miyaad aragtay beel dhan oo ku khafiiftay Fahad Yasin. When you investigate crimes by the mafia, first you encouter the foot soldiers, the enforcers and minor crime bosses. If you keep pushing , you might the big fish: AKA the mob boses.

Al-shabaab do exist, especialy the country side, but most of the targeted killings in Mogadishu is committed by the local mafia including the business community and criminals deputized many years ago.

The big takeaway on this verdict is these judges appointed by Farmaajo ruled against one of his allies. In Hargeisa and Gaeoowe most judges and other arbiterators of justice are either ones uncle, in laws or cousins. THey only rule one way and everyone knows the vedict before you even stand infront of a judge.

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If there was a threat to their lives, they are not the first one. Have you seen " WAsiir Dube" from the ministery of information? He was told to disapear or else.

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On 4/21/2022 at 3:05 AM, Shurwac said:

Most including myself say this Garsoore Baashe is scared of sh*t of having the same faith as Abwaan Badal.

In a few days, he will hear Garbaharay vs El Wak. I already know how he's gonna rule. Somali Sharcigu waa Qori caradii & everyone knows...

Aren’t you comparing two different things cases? 

Who won or didn’t win an election is not for the high court to decide, however the courts can judge on complaints if specific processes can or should be followed, according to the law, or are reasonable or necessitated by specific situation. My understanding is courts can judge processes of elections but not on the outcome of the elections.


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