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the world is full you

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the world is full of you

who run from the rain

the tears i shed on the glory world

rain on you on those days of winter blues


with tea scent

your sorrow eyes reflect my complextion


the world is full of you


that hold their breath for a day

to be alive

to feel live


the world is full you

that capture

aroma of sadness that

is lovely and cleanes the histroic cracks on your back


the world is full you

it wants to breath

air of light queens

pure sand


there is no room for you

as you have displayed willingness to capture


and feed on mangoes

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Day break

red heart melts

in fear of what to come

and what is not coming


in search of truth

you lost the eye

to see even

the clear waters

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Free write.


I try only to fail

And when I fail: I try


Interject:Moot point.


I’m blinded by what I see

Only to see to be blinded

By what I have not seen


How awkward: moot it is not


I awake to sleep

And sleep to awake

Only to live to die

While dying to live


Is there no middle ground?


I talk to listen

And listen to talk

Hearing is selective

Yet speech is not


Apparently: I haven’t found it


I tell the truth only to lie

And I lie to cover the truth


Which am I telling really?


After life, death awaits me

After death, life embraces me


Why can't I just Be?





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