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Deeq A.

Xarunta Xuquuqal Iinsaanka Madaxa Banaan Ee Somaliland Oo Si Adag U Cambaaraysay Wariyeyaal Lagu Xidhay Hargeysa

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Deeq A.   

(SLT-Hargeysa)- xarunta xuquuqul insaanka madaxa bannaan ee Somaliland ayaa si adag u cambaaraysay xadhig ay xukuumadda Somaliland kula kacday wariyeyaal tiro badan

Halkan hoose ka akhriso warsaxafadeed ka soo baxay xarunta

Warsaxaafadeed ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ 14/04/2022 ​ ​

Xarunta Xuquuqal Insaanka madaxa bannaan ee Somaliland waxay si xoogan u cambaaraynaysa xadhiga weriyayaasha waxanay ku baaqaysa in xoriyadooda si dhaqso ah loogu soo celiyo.​

 ​ ​

Xarunta Xuquuqal Insaanka Madaxa bannaan ee Somaliland, waxay si xoogan u cambaaraynaysa xadhiga iyo jidhdilka loo gaystey suxufiyiin tiro badan oo shalay lagu xidhay magaalada Hargeisa xili ay ka war bixinayeen dhacdadii shalay ka dhacday jeelka weyn ee Hargeisa.​

 13/4/2022, waxa booliska Somaliland xidheen 12 weriye oo ka kala howl gala warbaaxinta madaxa bannaan ee dalka xili ay ku guddo jireen tebin toos ah oo la xidhiiday isku dhac u dhexeeyey maxaabiista jeelka weyn ee Hargaysa iyo ilaalada xabsiga. ​

Weriyayaashaas oo kale ah, Maxamed Cabdi Sheekh (Ilig) Oo ah gudoomiyaha MMTV, Xasan Saleebaan Haaruun (Xasan Galaydh) oo ka tirsan Idaacadda BBC, Axmed Maxamuud, oo katirsan SBTV, Caydaruus Maxamed, oo ka howlgala Goobjoog TV, Axmed Shimaali oo ka howl gala HCTV, Maxamed Faan, oo isna ka tirsan MMTV, Axmed Samraawi oo ka tirsan BTV, Khaalid Aleeli, Cabdijibaar Maxamed iyo Maxamed Suldaan oo iyaguna ka tirsan HCTV.​

Waxa sidoo kale shalay laxidhay Sagal Mustafe Xasan Nuur, oo ka tirsan VOA, iyo Niciima Cabdi oo iyana ka tirsan CARO EDEG MEDIA, labada hablood waa la sii daayay, waxase dhaawac soo gadhacay Niciima, waxa sidoo kale dhaawac madaxa ah qaba Axmed Shimaali.​

Xaruntu waxay walaac xoogan ka muujinaysa xadhiga suxufiyiintan oo ah mid khilaafsan dastuurka dalka iyo xeerarka caalamiga ah ee xuquuqal insaanka. ​

Waxa kale oo walaacu yahay, in suxufiyiintan qaar ka mid ah ilaa hada aan lahaynin Meesha lagu xidhay ama la geeyayey.​

Qodobka 32 (1) ee dastuuka Somaliland waxa u damaanad qaadayaa “in qofku xaq u leeyahay inuu rayigiisa ku cabiri karo hab qoraala, hadal ah, gabey ah ama qaabkale​

Sidoo kale Dastuurka Somaliland qodobka 27(4) waxa uu dhigaya “waxa reeban in qofka lagu xidho meel aan xeerku banneyn”.​

Dastuurka Somaliland waxa uu sidoo kale dhigaya in aan qofka xoriyadiisa si aan sharci ahayn looga qaadi karin. Sida ku cad qodobka 25 (2) ee dastuurka Somaliland “qofna xoriyadiisa loogama qaadi karo si aan sharcigu bannayn”.​

Arintani waxay xadgudub weyn ku tahay dastuurka iyo xeerarka dalka, Dastuurka Jamuuriyada Somaliland qodobkisa 24 (2) (3 ) waxa uu sheegaya“ qofku waxuu xaq u leeyahay in la nabadgaliyo jidhkiisa; ​ in waxyeelo loo geystaana way reeban tahay”.​

“ Qof kasta waxuu xaq u leeyahay in la xurmeeyo, sharaftiisa, sumcadiisa iyo noloshiisa gaar ahaaneed”.​

Xaruntu waxay walaac weyn ka qabta in tirro inta leeg oo weriyayaal uu xadhig ku dhaco iyagoo shaqadoodii ku gudo jira. ​

Ugu danbayn xarunta xuquuqal insaanku waxay ku baaqaysa in si dhaqso ah xoriyadooda loogu soo celiyo suxufiyiinta xidhan iyo in sidoo kale sharciga la horkeeno cidii jidhdil ka u gaysatay labada suxufi ee kale lana xaqdhowro xuquuqaha dastuuriga ah ee muwaadiniintaas iyo xeerarka ​ caalamiga ee xuquuqal iinsaanka.​

Yaasmiin Cumar ​ Xaaji Maxamuud​

Gudoomiyaha Xarunta Xuquuqal Insaana​


Press release ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ 14/4/2022​

Somaliland Police Retaliation at the Hargeisa Central Prison Events Regarding Journalists​

In the afternoon of April 13th, there were gunshots heard at the Hargeisa Central Prison, confirming a scuffle between the inmates and guards, leading to retaliation from Somaliland police forces. In retaliation, Somaliland police arrested several journalists covering the breaking news at the prison. ​ According to information collected and update, HRC can confirm the arrests of 12 journalists arrested and detained, although there are still unconfirmed numbers higher than the 12 journalists currently known to be detained. ​

Free and independent media is at the foundation of a functioning and free democracy and is a crucial indicator of a country’s democracy. Without a free press, one cannot have and maintain informed citizens. Journalists need to have the ability to inform the public, without pressure and harassment, the decision-making policies of the government, communicating the needs of constituents to government bodies to hold governments accountable, displaying transparency within institutions and the decisions taken by officials. ​

When free press is restricted or limited, as we have seen in the past months in Somaliland, incidents such as yesterday’s events involving journalist will continue to happen and further erode the vital functions of the government, thus leading to the trajectory of dictatorial tendencies that we have seen. ​ Without the ability of granting journalists free reign, other issues will arise, such as the self-censorship we’ve noticed as a trend here in Somaliland. Free press and journalism are also a core value of protecting human rights overall. ​

It is unfortunate that we continue to see an erosion on fundamental values such as free press, as guaranteed and upheld by the constitution of Somaliland and treaties around the globe. At HRC, our work is to advocate for protecting and promoting human rights, where the supreme law of the land is enacted upon and implemented properly, which includes a free press and journalism. ​

Journalists are a core value to our society and should be allowed to report, investigate, and inform the public of the decision-making of the country, without fear and intimidation. Journalism is a right that is enshrined in the constitution of Somaliland, as stipulated by article 32(3) “The press and other media are part of the fundamental freedoms of expression and are independent. ​

All acts to subjugate them are prohibited, and a law shall determine their regulation.” While the constitution clearly states the rights of a free press, yesterday’s events saw several journalists arrested, of the twelve we have a knowledge of, 2 were detained and released shortly after.​


Their names are Mohammed Abdi Sheik Illig, Hassan ​ Saleeban Haroon Gallaydh, Sagal Mustafe Hassan Nur, Nicimo Abdi, Ahmed Mohammed, Caydaruus Mohammed, Ahmed Shimaali, Mohammed Faan, Ahmed Samrawi, Khalid Aleeli, Abdijabir Mohammed, and Mohameed Suldaan. Of the journalists mentioned, we can report that Ahmed Shimaali was arrested and injured in his detainment. Nimco Abdi and Sagal Mustafe were the two individuals that were detained and released shortly after. These journalists are affiliated with MM-TV, Horn Cable TV, Goobjoog, Saab TV, Bulsho TV, and HCTV. ​

HRC is requesting and remind Somaliland Police to honor their actions as the duty bearers of the country, immediately release the journalists, and prevent the erosion of a fundamental right in Somaliland. ​

Yasmin Omar Haji Mohamoud​

The Chairperson of Human Rights Centre


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