Che -Guevara

Laftagareen ii geeya

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Rooble ilma adeeradiisa muu soo diraaya in lala hadlo? Laftagareen warkiisa waa caddaa shalay. Afartaan kursi aanan la fasaxin, plus xubinkii ku jiray guddiga doorashooyinka heer federaal la soo celin wax soconaayo ma leh. 

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9 minutes ago, Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar said:

Rooble ilma adeeradiisa muu soo diraaya in lala hadlo? Laftagareen warkiisa waa caddaa shalay. Afartaan kursi aanan la fasaxin, plus xubinkii ku jiray guddiga doorashooyinka heer federaal la soo celin wax soconaayo ma leh. 

Rooble will eventually accept. I think he's looking for face saving way out. Qoorqoor might be the way the man to do it.  If I were Qoorqoor, I wouldn't bring those morons with me.

With the largest voting block, it's time people understand the way to Villa Somalia is through Villa Baydhabo.


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1 hour ago, Che -Guevara said:

Rooble will eventually accept. I think he's looking for face saving way out. Qoorqoor might be the way the man to do it.  If I were Qoorqoor, I wouldn't bring those morons with me.

With the largest voting block, it's time people understand the way to Villa Somalia is through Villa Baydhabo.


Rooblaawe now wants to separate the three KG seats from Fahad's one. He wants to accept these three. Sheekadaas maa soconeyso.

Plus he is completely disgarding Reer Gedo oo qabiil walba ku jiro kuraastooda. Maba oga Baahane kuraasta Gedo Laftagareen ku tashanaaye oo dhowr kursi tolkiisa ku jiraan. 

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7 minutes ago, Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar said:

Rooblaawe now wants to separate the three KG seats from Fahad's one. He wants to accept these three. Sheekadaas maa soconeyso.

Plus he is completely disgarding Reer Gedo oo qabiil walba ku jiro kuraastooda. Maba oga Baahane kuraasta Gedo Laftagareen ku tashanaaye oo dhowr kursi tolkiisa ku jiraan. 

Maxaa Lafta Gareen Fahad ka galay? 

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1 hour ago, Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar said:

Why? Caddaalad ka sakoow, kuraas Reer Koonfur Galbeed ayaa yaalo Gedo, mainly Luuq, Baardheere iyo Ceelwaaq. 

They seem to think Farmajo owns Gedo. It shows a lack of respect for the residents.

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These Mogadishu based mafia doesn't know the south west people have deep wounds that mustn't be touched. They have lost over 300,000 people due to the actions of the D block and USC in early ninties. They decided to forget and move ahead for the cause of Siomalihood.

THeir people have been expeled from Somaliland without a right cause and compensation yet they are not compaining or fragile like our northern friends.

Guys, one more thing. Did you remember about a certain statement made by C/laahi Deni before the end of the year or early January when Rooble and Farmaajo deadlocked and Rooble kept demanding to be in charge of security?

C/laahi Deni said , " Wax la aqbali karo maha, mana ogolaanayno kuwa raba Somalia in ay ku celiyaan Teendhadii Carta".

I heard that statement but never understood. I thought he meant " Teendhada Xalane". But, an informed guy told me yesterday that Rooble and company including Ahmed Madoobe wanted to create an evironment of fear and instability in Mogadishu and then relocate the election in Djibouti.

The idea was to elect Mohamerd Jawaari as the speaker and elect Shariif Ahmed as prsident with the help of Djibouti, Kenya, Somalilnd and others. Remember Shariif Ahmed had never won an election in his political life. He wanted to get crowned just like last time. My friend tells me that the issue of Carta was well prepared except Deni refused to go along.

If this is true this Rooble guy is nothing but a trouble. He is trying to fillful his contract even if it leads to civil war. Even his Mogadishu agitators had explictly wanted to disolve the whole government and begin Carta style conventions. Why? because if either Farmaajo or Deni get elected it will not be business as usual . Even a Shariif Ahmed presidency has no chice but to deal with the agitators who have no any desire of a functioning government.


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