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Women In Dawah

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1.The Home: This is surely the most fertile and most effective channel. Allah has ordained both husbands and wives as nurtures for each other and the family. The mother shares with the father the responsibilities of educating and nurturing in all physical, moral, psychological, social, and external aspects each other and their children. Members of the family are gathered together in the home for many hours and this creates harmony among them as well as affords an opportunity for presenting good examples and guidance.


^^^ Very true, as Charity begins at home, Dawa'a also begins at Home.


There are some other problems facing the Dawa'a,


1- Some sisters think that they are not qualified to inform/tell about the Islamic Teachings and that the Dawa'a must be handled only by the Muslim sheikhs,scholars and teachers. Which is wrong coz the Dawa'a is not limited to the scholars only. Its true that the sheikhs are more knowledgable than us but its also our duty as muslims to convey the messages of Islam to all the Humanity even if its one phrase only as the Prophet(PBUH) had told us.


2- While some others know the Islamic Teachings very well and have the ability to spread the Dawa'a but they became like the nom-muslims who think that the religion is a personal matter; something that shouldn't be discussed with their brothers and sister. Like for example if they see a muslim (bro or sis) who is smoking during the fasting hours in Ramadan they won't remind/warn them. Perhaps they are afraid to be embarrased or considered as intruders.


In one of the last Al-Adha Eids, my colleague at work who is a Roman Catholic Philiphina asked me what does "Al-Adha" means; so I told her the whole story about "Our Prophets Ibrahim (PBUH) and his son Esmaeel (PBUH) and that we as Muslim are following this order from Allah for 14 centuries now. Imagine, this lady has been living in UAE for 20 yrs and she was extremly surprised when she knew that Muslims believe in Abraham and Eshameel as the christians also believe. She told me she never care about Islam and had no interst to know about it but after this story she started to search and ask more about the Islam.


Subxaan Allah, One word can change someone's life(Muslim or Non-muslim)to the better.


Very informative article Ameena, thanx sis.



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Qac Qaac   

the muslim ummah are in this dilema because women are kept away from islamic knowledge, hell some of the countries they don't even let the pray in the masjids, subxanallah... it is a good article...


muslim nations need women scholars badly, when was the last time we had a women scholar.. can somebody tell me..

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^^Good question indeed!


There are a few scholars in Egypt but some how they aren't as recognised as their male peers.


I personaly think that it's more to do with people's attitudes to Islamic Knowledge; some how it's precieved that it's the domain of men. Even though most Muslim scholars cite women as tehir primary source of Islamic knowledge.


It would be too easy to blame male chavenism alone. Sisters have also accpeted this notion without bother; I guess life is so much easier if all we have to do for Islam is raise Muslim kids.....


In many Muslim countries; there are opportunities for sisters to study Islam - right OG-Girl? How many of them take their roles seriously?

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Right sister there are opportunities for sisters to study Islam and yearly hunderents if not thousands of females graduate from Share'a but sister most marry , have kids and that is it.


There is a lot of reasons cause whatever is your education is not allowed to work without your father's signature with your resume tat is if you are not married , If you are married your husbands approvel request in order to work in any goverment or any organazation. So tell me how women feel from all that? even if your father or husband less educated Islamicly and have no valid reasons he can make you sit home and take care of him only!!. I would say (by personal experiences) dealing with dad better than dealing with Fiance or husband cause they feel jealous from their wives seccess while fathers feel proud of you. ;)


In egypt people less control and society not close like Gulfian countries so women can do a lot if they try harder! when I say harder I really mean it cause still men can't take challenge from women , is Arab mentality.. By the way Ameenah have you seen Egyption series " se sayed" that is how it is :D .


I always likes Zainab Al Ghazali here her struggles .


I loved this :"Zaynab al-Ghazali strongly believes in the religious and social duty of being married. In her first marriage, her husband did not agree with her Islamic activism and so she got a divorce in accordance with a marriage precondition. Her second husband was more understanding and undertook in writing to assist her and never to prevent her from fulfilling her mission in the service of the Islamic cause" smile.gifsmile.gif She was strong women .


here the link:



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Originally posted by OG_Girl:


There is a lot of reasons cause whatever is your education is not allowed to work without your father's signature with your resume tat is if you are not married , If you are married your husbands approvel request in order to work in any goverment or any organazation. So tell me how women feel from all that? even if your father or husband less educated Islamicly and have no valid reasons he can make you sit home and take care of him only!!. I would say (by personal experiences) dealing with dad better than dealing with Fiance or husband cause they feel jealous from their wives seccess while fathers feel proud of you.

^^^Here in UAE you can be an authorised Da'ciah without all these complications, if you are qualified nothing and nobody will stop you.


Its true that the numbers of women in the Dawa's field are less than the men. But that's not because they are oppressed or don't have the right to be a scholar.


Even in the West World, the number of the men working in the Dacwa field are more than the women. For example, I always hear about : Dr. Shahid Athar, Iman Hamza Yousef Hanson, Yusuf Islam ... and many more. I watch them in the TV,or read about'em n the Newspapers or the Net.

But I've never heard till now about any Muslimah Scholar who is working in the Dawaa field in USA,Europe or Australia. Iam not saying they are not available but ofcourse their numbers will not reach the numbers of the Men Scholars. Which means,there are women working in the Dawaa field out there as Muftis,scholars, teachers but you will not expect them to be more than the men.


Now lemme add the following names:-

1- Dr.Abla Al Kahlawi, Dean, Islamic and Arabic Studies and Professor of Islamic Sharia in AlAzhar University. Egypt

2- Dr.Suaad Saleh, Professor of Comparative Fiqh, AlAzhar University. Egypt

3- Dr.Zaynab Mustapha


BTW, Dr, Abla and Dr.Suad have their own programs in Iqra Islamic Channel (The Arab Radio and Television) which is owned by the Saudi Investor Saleh Kamel. If he doesn't want Women scholars he can kick them out of his channels group. But he hosted and supported them.



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Clasique, I think that law just in Kuwait and Saudi Arabia. Thought how women can work in Da'wah when her father and husband don't allow her? Is hard when your husband not happy with going and back every day, a lot of girls whom I know stay home to avoid headache every night from their husband and moaning!.


And is not fair to ask women to be as same number as men in da'wah cause a lot of women choose to sit home and take care of husband and kids and that is really full time work unless kids are older.While men wont sit home cause he is bread winner and he have to work out side the house whatever that is Da'wah or other work field.



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Qac Qaac   

u should leave those arab countries that won't even let women drive..forget about her getting educations..


I wonder how u can fit in islamic teachings, with women not allowing to vote or to drive.. what is the harm, i don't get it..

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"u should leave those arab countries that won't even let women drive..forget about her getting educations"


Driving... its not that important thing brother, and its only one country in the whole Islamic world that don't allow women to drive cars which is Saudi Arabia, the rest Arabic and Islamic countries have no problem with that. And for Saudi Arabia,I believe this is upto them, its their own policy. They gave the women their basic needs like education,workinge...etc. And these women have the right to travel and gain more high education from outside the kingdom.


Do you know that the majority of the Ph.D and Master degrees holders in the gulf are Saudi women. And not only in Education,cause most of the ppl think that the Saudi women work as teachers only. They are specialized in different fields: Chemistry, Biology,Engineering, Pyschology,Sociology, Information System,Management... etc. Besides, do you know also the most of the shares holders in the business field in the gulf are Saudi women. They have their own businesses, its just that they don't have direct business relations with the males vendors,agents and businessmen. They have their own private bank accounts. Trully,they are good and professional investors.


Anyway, our topic is not about Arab women Investment,business or driving. But I hope you guyz know more about the Arabic and Islamic countries. And kindly don't count on what the Westerns are writing about the Arab World. Do your own research and get the right information.


Iam afraid next time someone will ask: "Do Arab women eat three meals a day or they are not allowed" :confused:



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Loool@Clasique. sister don't mind Mr Qac Qac he always exagerate in every thing. Arab women acheived a lot..But is our culture don't challenge Men cause simply man is our father, brother, husband and Son and we have a lot of respect for them.We complate each other not enemies!.


Just go any Gulfian Universities , you find 75% if not more are girls , every lecture rooms girls are majority.Arab women have all her rights when it comes to education and ofcourse work suits as a women and sister and protects her dignity. our women don't drive tracks or bus'




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There are many learned Muslimahs today, however unfortunately we don’t hear much about them. One that comes to mind is the daughter of Shaykh Muqbil ibn hadi al-waadi’ee, Umm Abdullah al-waadi’iyyah.

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lol@ Qacqac


They actually pity you! I was reading some silly book by a feminist Arab woman. In the middle of one of their moaning sessions; one of them proclaimed; "Look; there are many who are worse of than us; we are living like Queens compared to our sisters in Afghanistan and Somalia" ...


Clearly; she hasn't met an aroweelonised Somali Man :D


Classique and Og.Gal


Thank you sisters. I just love hearing positive news from the Middle East. Over here; we're only told the dark side...


Coming back to Classiques point about making da'wah everyday. I absolutely agree. It's really simple too.



I likes getting to know about the modern sheekhaat. Maybe we can make a list of them here.... smile.gif

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