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Longing for Allah

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Longing for Allah


Oh my Allah, Thou are my *Rabb

My faith for Thee is true and pure

Thou are both merciful and mercy giving,

Under Thy command are the dead and the living.

Great are Thou, the All-knowing

Glory is to Thee, O Eternally Living.


I long to be with thee O Most Kind

My love for thee is truly never-ending

My heart trembles at Thy Glory

And my eyes become watery

And my body shivers with fear

And my head is bending down in humility and adoration to Thee

Prostrating to thee O Most High, is the best position I love to be

Down on my knees

With Thy love in my heart

My head on the floor

Longing for thee


For thy love and forgiveness, is what I wish to have

And Thy infinite mercy is what I hope for

For Thou are most Merciful most Forgiving!



Copyright ©2005 Najma Bazi Jeylani

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