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I know how one feels when someone will say

That your poems are welcome and ask you to stay,

For it makes you real proud

Welcomed into the crowd,

And you maybe have learned you're a poet that way.


But for me rhyme alone leaves something desired,

And reading some poems makes me feel uninspired,

For it takes something more

Or the rhyme may just bore,

There's another small fact that I think is required.


The thing to improve rhyming most will admit

Is the added support of a rhythm to it.

Just give it some zing,

For by adding some swing

An enjoyable poem you're then sure to get.


I know adding rhythm's not as easy as pie

But a poet won't know if he doesn't comply.

Just by tapping your toe

So your fingers will know

You can add rhythm to any poem if you try.


So give it a try before slamming the door

For I'm sure you can do it, you just have to keep score,

Like someone I know

Always said it should go...

a-one and a-two and a-three and a-four.


Author: Unknown.

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Welcome aboard and Welcome to the elite club my Sister, that was NICE.


Peace, Love & Unity.

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