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Seeking Paradise

QABIIL---~Killing me Softly~

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My father is of Clan X

And my mother belongs to clan Y


I have


Grown older

Seen much

Heard more


I forever swallow vicious rumors

Fed to me by selfish hands

That would surely stab my back

When I turn away


I am forced to choose sides

divide my loyalties

as if my love understands boundaries


I am a love child

With a the seed of hate

Sprouting with within my heart

Its roots firmly entrenched

And hard to rip out


Everyday, without delay

It grows, branches and spreads like weeds

Chocking everything in comes in contact with

Forgiveness, peace, tolerance, and love

Wither away and fade


How could one tiny seed

Cause such havoc in the garden of my soul?


Because it’s sunlight is my anger

For which it reaches for eagerly

And I water it daily with my salty tears




I nurture it

When I listen to lies

And refuse to speak out

When I close my eyes

To the truth in front of me

When I follow popular opinion

Instead of the Quran


I am a love child

Slowly dying inside

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War Balaayo, that was beautiful. Simple yet complex and thought provoking also laakiinse It leaves me kind of feeling sad.

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Dark Angel, that was beautiful, thanks for sharing it with us.



I belong to a race that all look alike

I belong to a race that share one history

I belong to a race that share one religion

I belong to a race that share one language

I belong to a race that share the same culture

I belong to a race that is all temperamental

I belong to a race that is all unpatriotic

I belong to a race that is truly sarcastic

I belong to a race that is all chaotic

I belong to a race that is from one lineage

I belong to a race that have clocked the same mileage

I belong to a race that are all related to one another

I belong to a race that can't stay away from one another

I belong to a race that is crazy about each other

I belong to race that are mad at each other

I belong to a race that lack cohesion

I belong to a race that hates each other with passion

I belong to a race that is desperate for a divine intervention

I belong to a race that love to put each other down

I belong to a race that are divided to be ruled

I belong to a race that is truly battered and mauled

I belong to a race that is really misinformed

I belong to a race that are scattered all over the place

I belong to a race that is the devil's shepherd

I belong to a race that loves tribalism more than ALLAH (S.W).


Somebody Tell Me Please, Am I Blessed Or Cursed?.



Peace, Love & Unity.

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