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Seeking Paradise

Hooyo--I Love You

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I saw you yesterday

When you thought I wasn’t looking

Applying Vaseline and countless other creams

to your face and hands

Hoping that it would smooth the wrinkles

that time and life etched into your face

with such gentle tenderness


When you get angry

You love to tell us

With a deeply forlorn look,

That the wrinkles are from yelling at us

And the gray hairs from the all the trouble

And heartache we always cause you


Tugging at our heartstrings

and making us suffer in guilt & regret

for a few seconds

but then we forget

and things are back to normal



I know that’s not true hooyo macaan

I know why you have those wrinkles around your eyes and lips

And the few gray hairs that stubbornly seem

to wriggle their way out of your masar

that you try to hide with henna


They are caused by:


All the pain you tried to bite back

As the labour contractions almost rocked you off the bed


The screams you heroically swallowed in

As we pushed our way into the world


The tearful smile you sent the doctor

As we were placed upon your heart


Every grimace you gave as we tested our new

Teeth on your tender nipples


Each agonizing tug of your heart

As we skinned a knee

Broke a tooth

or just felt sad


The countless sleepless,

long, exhausting hours

You sang, rubbed our backs

As we lay sick in bed


The times you paced around in worry

franitcally calling all our friends

wondering why we were 5 minutes late


Each night you lay awake

trying to imagine all the horrible things that coud befall us as we were in school, mall, or just walking in the street

conjuring up the worst case scenerios

breaking your heart

wanting deperately to lock us in the house

so no one could hurt us

but knowning that is not possible


Each time you laughed hysterically

at our very very bad jokes

and the times you cried with us

experiencing our pain

and hoping that you could take it away


So dear mother

when you look into the mirror

you see ugliness in your wrinkles and lines

you see old age creeping in on you

dejection plain in your face


But through my eyes

I see kindness

I see love

I see where Allah's mercy has been placed

and to me Hooyo Macaan

You are indeed beautiful

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Ohhh THank you icon_razz.gif I definately call my hooyo macaan in london and tell her How I can never repay her and always appreciate her.


Damn girl you good keeping them coming.


you almost made me cry


Love you Hooyo

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Dark Angel,


This is Classic...Thanks for sharing it with us my Sister and may Allah keep your parents in good health Insha Allah. Aamiin.


a piece of me is gone missing

on tuesday morning september 27th

there's a big empty hole in my heart

my nerves tell me they can't go on

my whole world and life just fell apart


as my lonely mind slowly crumbles

my battered soul starts to grumble

under the pressure of pain & sadness,

i feel like I'm mutilated from within


and as i contemplate,

and pretend to perceive,

i continue to degenerate,

without a single reprieve,


I'm overcome by my painful greif,

as i held on tightly to your lifeless body

refusing to accept that you are really gone,

gone from this world and gone from our lives

pretending that this was just a bad dream,

but now I realize that I can't and wont ever get over you

you brought me into this world when i never did exist

you gave me your best and showed me your greatness

you loved me with all your heart even when you needed love

it tears me apart to remember how hard I made it for you

it hurts me deeply to remember that I was a trouble some

still you loved me and kept caring and nurturing me

as naughty as I was you never laid your hands on me

i remember how dad used to get mad every time you came to my rescue

i remember how he used to say that you are spoiling me

he called it spoiling but you called it love

not that i am saying he didn't love me.. god forbid

dad said the best thing we can do for you right now

is to pray for you every time we stood in front of Allah

dad still loves you that is why he never married again

still sleeping in your bed all by himself

he said he doesn't want your memories to fade

i respect that because that's a true love Mom

and I Love You Mom & Always Will.


I better stop before I hurt myself even more.



Peace, Love & Unity.

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Mansha-allah both Dark Angle and BOB(allaha uu naxaristo)-Amin.


Stay true to your mom's-indeed they are the essence of our life. Thanks for the tributes.


When I get time-I should pay tribute to my beloved mom as well.

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D.A. thanks dear, that was great, if my mom was alife I would tell her how I cant never repay her back, and apprecaite all the hard work she did for all those yrs , wow i'm not so lucky after all i guess,,,,



Hooyooy la'aantaa adduunyadu mugdi kama baxeeyn.....



Hooyo = love,,,,,,,,

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^^^wiilo dont say you are not so lucky my dear-because u are. Allaha uu naxaristo-dambigeedana allaha uu dhaafo hooyadaa walaalo-Amin iyo kuligeenba.

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Thanks raula dear,,,, yeah Allaah ha inoo naxariisto dhammaanteen.....



Nabad iyo Caano:...................

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