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Beware !

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Beyond life's distastes of daily dictation

Lies a transcendent spirit, potent, unfilthed

A spirit oft man forgets, lost or unwanted

Like an orphaned girl, lost in her direction


Man in search of ease or salvage, never finds,

Solace in this world's glitter of unrealness;

For there is no truth in the bond that binds,

Man to woman, mother to son, for closeness.


Pity relation, today's worshiping of wealth

This world of deciet, a living lacking in all,

Of which vice had chased virtue off its path,

A path if not taken delivers humanity to hell



Be not lost,

don't let your senses deceive you...

Be careful

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^^^ lol I think I need more time to respond to your poetic questions. Grant me time to ponder them and answer them please. Why do I get the feeling that I need to do alot of explaining. Good questions walaashiis....thanks.

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Originally posted by J11:

Why do I get the feeling that I need to do alot of explaining.

I am not fond of disparaging , thusly I will let someone else answer you..... smile.gif

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Even a negative thing may sometimes serves for a positive purpose.


For example strong desire to consciously experience higher states of consciousness may initially cause in a person a feeling of gloom and pessimism but as luck would have it such despair may eventually lead him to his goal; and then in retrospection one may appreciate the useful contribution of the difficults he has gone through!


The Awakener2

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Positive, salaam.


Perhaps you're accurate to some extent, especially, in instances where the human in question is either restrospective or frequently contemplative and self-revising. But what of the souls for whom, whilst curiously indulgent, developm the fascination to commit all that is frowned upon in the belief that the habitual commision of perverse acts might the only means of finding their trivial pleasures. What if such folks misconstrue appropriate sources of pleasure as being only the avenues in which sinful pre-occupations factor primely? As such, am I too early with this dity of a warning?


PS: If one is seriously observant and wills to learn from mistakes made and indeed follows through with good intentions, I grant you this much, no decision is more firmer than the one taken by an earnest sinner in order to repent and aim at saintly-ness.

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Salaam Paragon.


When one is neither retrospective nor contemplative then he is probable drifting without direction and is prone to become attracted to all sorts of self-indulgences; at worst he may become an automaton or stereotype driven solely by reflex. Surely this is not an ideal situation for a human being.


An ideal would be to see yourself and others as mere travellers who are here in less than a blink of an eye in cosmic time scale and who lives on after the death of the physical body. What would you ( everyone) do or contribute to Life in that blink of an eye?

Self-indulgence ?


We could contemplate on that!



Alone traveller




The Awakener2

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Positive, indeed. What a significant blink to contemplate on!


I hold the belief that doing this or that to contribute to life only makes matter worse. The more one is active to solve this or that the more that contributes the general outcome of worsening condition. Thus what of doing nothing ?

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Thus what of doing nothing ?

In my opinion as long as ' doing nothing' is a respite it is ok but it is not usually right when the intention is to escape from responsibility.


Besides in the quest for Self knowledge I personally prefer an active path for example contemplation instead of passive path of doing nothing. The first entails among other things to make use of ones free-will; one has defined intention and looks for certain experience in his or her contemplation. In the second, the passive path, there is neither clear intention of what has to come nor expectation of what it might contain.


There are always lessons to learn though regardless of the path one chooses.


The Awakener2

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