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Love Sucks

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Silly crushes come and go,

But there is one thing,

We all should know.

When you love,

Its the greatest thing,

No one knows what it may bring.

Hard times, good times,

And everything else,

Its all part of the feeling, and how its felt.

Each with keys,

To each others heart,

Unlock the problems, that tear you apart.

You once felt,

The greatest feeling,

Now its over, your heart is healing.

Another feeling soon arrives,

A deep sadness,

That makes you cry.

Where did it go wrong?

Where did it mess up?

You realize its all part of love,

And sucks.

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Wow Nafta,


Thx for sharing. I feel also sad u know, but u know what I think?

Love doesnt suck,cause if u love someone you have to go for it. If it doesnt work out (lil chance)

then u have to know that it was not meant to be... snap je me boefje? euhh I mean u fillin me nafta?

so dont worry, be happy, cause everything will work out insha allah.. dont u think.


well Nafta


Assalamu Caleykum Waraxmatullahi Wabarakatuh

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^^ thanx for the comment, not sure i agree though; people can talk about going for it as easy as the alphabet but actually when it comes to it, its a different either way it's not gonna happen (whether it was meant to be or not)...snapke bambam

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Nafta, sweetie I understand how you are feeling. I wrote a poem, maybe it will help out. You aint the only one who thinks love sucks.


A Mistake


Your making a mistake,

Please listen to my words,

What you doing to yourself,

I'm telling you it ain't worth,

If you love him girl,

Please just let him go,

Cause the pain you inflict on yourself,

Girl I'm telling you, he won't know,

You should know how he is,

How his behavior goes,

His mind even isn't about you,

I can tell, but only god knows,

Girl keep your head up,

Stop beating yourself for this,

There will always be tough roads,

So you know you gotta get through it,

No man is worth your tears,

The one who is won't make you cry,

Don't be sad pretty girl,

Cause someone loves you for your smile,

Don't waste your time on him,

If he ain't willing to waste his time on you,

Look at how he carrys on life,

Not once calling to hear how you do,

Your making a mistake,

Please listen to my words,

What you doing to yourself,

I'm telling you it ain't worth


.:peace n luv:.

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Diamond princess, thanx babe ur poem was real,here's another one


Why do I put up

With all this stuff

Well today is the day

I've had enough

No longer with my life

Will you play

The feelings I had

Have gone away

I should have done

This long ago

Because in this case

I was to slow

But now my feelings

They are free

For that I thank God

On bended knee



P.S. Fresh Prince, i'm beginning to feel that positive vibe of urs ;)smile.gif

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