
New useless hanjabaad

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THe trucker protest had cribled Ottawa, Canada's capital for almost 10 days. THey want vaccine passport for truckers eliminated. Police couldn't do much other than give few tickets and charge some mischief behaviour. Towing truck companies had refused to tow the big rigs. 

The big issue is the American truckers and other pro Trump guys might copy this and shut off American highways. What can you do three hundred truck convoys blocking bridges and border crossing?  Police have resources, and the military can't act against civilians. This is not Egypt.

Trudeau is calling their actions illegal and refusing to meat. If he doesn't act quickly and make a deal, the supply chaines of the country could face serious shortages. These are not the anarchist kids marching for the envirnment or BLM people rioting. These are the most productive members of the economy who are very serious about their intensions. Calling them names or small minority will not cut it. 

Here in Alberta  our premier cancelled vaccine passaport effective imediately as of midnight last night. Two years is more than enough. People had lost businesses and livelyhood. THe left is becoming authoritarian yhese days. 

WE have enough medical dictatorship, it is about time to open up the economy. The truckers had earned this by supplying essentials when everyone else was sheltering in place and hidding in their houses.

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Ilhaan Cumar oo Maamulka Biden ugu baaqday in dib u eegis lagu sameeyo cunaqabateyn Maraykanku saaray Soomaaliya

Xildhibaan Ilhaan Nuur Cumar oo ka tirsan aqalka Koongareeska Maraykanka ayaa warqad u qortay Maamulka madaxweyne Joe Biden, taasoo ku baaqaysa in dib u eegis lagu sameeyo cunaqabateyn la saaray Soomaaliya 2010 iyo 2012, taasoo weli taagan.

Tan iyo markii la saaray cunaqabateyntan, xaaladda Soomaaliya ayaa si weyn isu beddeshay. Ilhaan Cumar ayaa warqadda ku weydiinaysa maamulka Biden sida siyaasadda cunaqabateynta ay u ciyaareyso istiraatiijiyadda ballaaran ee Soomaaliya.

April 13, 2010 Madaxweynihii hore ee Maraykanka, Barack Obama ayaa soo saaray amar fulineed oo cunaqabatayn dhaqaale ku soo rogaya dadka ka qayb qaadanaya xaaladda sii xumaanaysa ee Soomaaliya, oo ay ku jiraan falalka budhcad-badeedda ee xeebaha Soomaaliya.

Maraykanka ayaa oggolaaday adeegsiga xeerka Awoodaha Dhaqaale ee Degdegga ah ee Caalamiga ah (IEEPA) iyada oo laga jawaabayo khatarta amniga qaranka Mareykanka iyo siyaasadda arrimaha dibadda.

Cunaqabateynta ayaa isla markiiba dhaqan gashay.

Cunaqabataynta waxaa kamid ah in shakhsiyaadka ama hay'adaha ku hawlan yahay falal si toos ah ama si dadban u khatar gelinaya nabadda, amniga, ama xasilloonida Soomaaliya, in lagusoo rogo xanibaad ka dhan ah hantidooda Maraykanka u taala.

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