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Side by Side...

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Something i received recently on a cyber messaging service (none of it is my work I only coppied and pasted).






Side by Side


They lie on the table side by side


The Holy Quran and the T.V. Guide.


One is well worn and cherished with pride.


Not the Quran, but the T.V. Guide.


One is used daily to help folks decide.


Not the Quran, but the T.V. Guide.


As the pages are turned, what shall they see?


Oh, what does it matter, turn on the T.V.



So they open the book in which they confide.


No, not the Quran, but the T.V. Guide.


The Word of Allah is seldom read.


Maybe a verse before they fall into bed.


Exhausted and sleepy and tired as can be.


Not from reading the Quran, from watching T.V.


So then back to the table side by side,


Lie the Holy Quran and the T.V. Guide.



No time for prayer, no time for the Word,


The plan of Istiqama is seldom heard.



But forgiveness of sin, so full and free,


Is found in the Quran, not on T.V.





P.S. Poetic Nomads take it away and add more based on a similar theme or anything else.

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Prayer sets you apart from the Non-beLievers


Prayer is ONE of the five piLLars of IsLam


You Remove aLL sin and Shaytans whispering words


Its your Heart*Spirit*Mind that you purify thats stained with corrosion


Amalgamating your souL with Creations Great Light


Even the Darkest of hearts can be Left Shinning Bright


Prayer is the path from this Transitory-Evanescent world to the Eternal hereafter


A tranquiLity Overcomes the SouL giving One Serenity of Mind*Body*SouL LIke never before


Prayer makes you remember that...that...that...


That your Life actuaLLy starts when fLesh starts to putrefy


Prayer is that Link to the Mother from the Womb


Prayer is the Guardian that Protects you in the Tomb


Prayer unraveLs your LIfe


To RepeL againt the FIRE of HeLL Its the ONLY Shroud you can wear


So Pray to thy Lord the Most BeneficiaL Most MercifuL


Pray for forgiveness Pray before its too Late


'The DeviL promises you destitution and enjoins on you Lewdness, but


ALLah promises you forgiveness from HimseLf with Bounty,ALLah is ALL-Embracing,ALL-Knowing'


'...Do not foLLow in the footsteps of Satan,for he is an open enemy for You'


SAY your prayers before your prayer are SAID

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Asalaama Alaikum


Thanks Mujahid Jazaka Allah Khayr(even your efforts of copying and pasting...make one stop to think and reflect on life.) ;)


"But forgiveness of sin, so full and free,

Is found in the Quran, not on T.V." That is sooo true. How many kids have I seen when they get too much for their parents, they turn the tv on for them and carry on with their work, not once thinking about the connsequences of what it might do to the child.


Luckly, that too was a beautiful poem, praying brings us closer to Allah, as Nabi Mohammed (scws) said "the shortest distance between a problem and a solution, is the distance between your knees and the floor" Jazza Allahu Khayr walaal.


Here is my two cents:


We love to speak, but not to hear

We fear to die, but never live

We love to take, but not to give.

Ourselves we cherish, truth we let perish

We disdain prayers, yet live in fears

We forsake truth for empty careers.

Inane values rule our desires

Burning us like wildfires.

Yet we do not seek

Real substance

Instead we opt to follow Shaytan


We are blinded by worldly desires...

Yet we forget it is only a fleeting pleasure

The real trial is after death

When we will ALL return to the One above

Now I ask you this...

Have YOU prepared?


Ma'Salaama and afuur wanaagsan!

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Nice poetry guys smile.gif


This is oneofmy favs...


A Muslim Prayer


Oh, Allah: lead me onward

Nor let my footsteps fall

While marching to the graveside

That waiteth there for all


Smooth thou the ragged pathway

That leads towards the goal

To which each pious Muslim

Directs his heart and soul


Protect me when in danger

In sorrow comfort give

Al Hafiz, , God preserver

It is by thee we live


And when my life be over

And all my race is run

Al-Jannah be my portion,

Al-Latif, Gracious one!


Quillam- The Crescent- December 1895

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