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She Still Cries

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she still cries:


It been only a decade or so,

but she is still ill u know

Declared to be a hot spot,

cuz every1 in it is without a thought

What goes around-comes around,

bullets n RPGs discharged by those who havent been crowned

Aid agencies have been pulling out,

n the UN aint even considering her without a doubt

To some she is still a dead lost cause,

to her family she is still alive, with her beating heart at a pause

Waiting for a vaccine to keep her here with us,

she still cries as her family is displaced on a plane-train-or-bus

Its been known-divide and conquer,

thats just how her enemies saw her

Me against my brother turned out to be,

fratracide at its finest hour-u see

As her sisters cry seeing her children die,

her brothers aim turning the blind eye

With a rich and intellegent ancestry,

how can we dis such history

In our heads questions still remain,

without realizing in our hearts the answers are ingrained


They say: a faithful heart makes wishes come true

I ask: will mine be realized before my last breathe is through...



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