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Mankind makes history

Pain and the misery

But seriously

WW3 completes the trilogy


Proton, neutron, electron completes the atom

In a 360 degree rotation like the rings of Saturn

History repeats itself - it’s all a pattern

You can write it in somalian, Chinese, Arabic, English or Latin


The signs are all there so are you mentaly and phisicaly ready to defend whats yours,or are you waiting for the coffin that says trully yours.


The prophecy

Da hypocrisy

The dishonesty

Da monstrosity


The surreal

Da overkill

The mass appeal

Da unreal


Proceed with caution

Epic proportions

Venomous poison


Atlantic to Pacific

Nothing specific

Just that the script – just got flip-did

Don’t you get-id

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Shelter's protection,

I long for

from the coming

of tomorrow's rain.


My life is imprisoned

by gripping anguish,

exclamated by

crippling inner pain.


Cold and shivering,

I am trapped under

the weight of its

torrential downpour.


I am soaked, drenched.

I cannot breathe.

I'll drown here like this,

if I do not discover

something, anything, more.


I watch in horror

as the second hand

tells me today

is about to turn

into another tomorrow.


I seek


in the depths

of opaque shadows


I cling to my faith

and hope I find

peace hidden in

its deepest folds.


If I achieve this,

perhaps, I'll avoid

the dreadful coming

of tomorrow's rain.




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Imagine that.


That was writen with a disdant eye...




The signs are all there so are you mentaly and phisicaly ready to defend whats yours,or are you waiting for the coffin that says trully yours.


The prophecy

Da hypocrisy

The dishonesty

Da monstrosity


The surreal

Da overkill

The mass appeal

Da unreal


Proceed with caution

Epic proportions

Venomous poison


Atlantic to Pacific

Nothing specific

Just that the script – just got flip-did

Don’t you get-id





Shelter's protection,

I long for

from the coming

of tomorrow's rain.


My life is imprisoned

by gripping anguish,

exclamated by

crippling inner pain.


Cold and shivering,

I am trapped under

the weight of its

torrential downpour.


I am soaked, drenched.

I cannot breathe.

I'll drown here like this,

if I do not discover

something, anything, more.


I watch in horror

as the second hand

tells me today

is about to turn

into another tomorrow.


I seek


in the depths

of opaque shadows


I cling to my faith

and hope I find

peace hidden in

its deepest folds.


If I achieve this,

perhaps, I'll avoid

the dreadful coming

of tomorrow's rain.




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Body part

Torn apart hearts

Family loss

Kids under dupree

No mind is free

All groomed

For the up comming

Plantation, weak mind will be doomed



Babies growing under fire

Evils mind

Like Elvis was a lier

All believe

On one eye

May some know

One or two things

about thy Freemason show

World in order

No border moves with out my knowledge

World turning to mid evil days,

can't be a loner

Must belong some where,

or fall off the edge

Lost tossed crossed paused, feeling rare.

Judgementday soon arives

Upto you to live on dare

or mess up Four wives lifes

Glits and glare, I swear

You will suffer for all you've done under those stripes

Killing for tribes, I swear

You will make more clutter more than any gutter

Feelings for their rights, I swear

This won't end, as it continues

the world will join, as WW3 commences




A Death wish

On land fish

Trigger pulls for breakfast

The fake causing ruckus

WW..We'll Will Three...Don't be a loner now*







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Dilligence and Deadly, lol thats too graphic...don't scare some of us smile.gif



Imagined ever!


The fresh spill of blood trickling down

Driping and droping in a wild silence

ticking and tocking with the seconds

over another's gross cut and of wound,

of Hawling men. Mouning mums yelling;

for babies lying with half slit throats,

as blood makes path, dogs come near

The claws scratching, baby screeching,

Mothers from inside deeply screaming,

As the killer comes near ever more

-- one last burst occurs - a big boom

A mix of darkness entwined with light

serenade minds with a weapon of gloom

-- and forver rest and remain in gloom

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Fasinated with death

Yet they are afraid to die.

Their t-shirts read: NO FEAR

But they lie.


Cuz when it rains

And thunders,

Oh how their hearts



They cover their heads

While laying in bed.

Then pray to God

That they're not struck dead.


The storm is past,

They forget about Him.

And again they will say,

There is no fear in them.

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