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A Poet's Advice to students

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> Distinguish among thinking,believing and feeling

A poet is somebody who feels, and who expresses his feeling through words. this may sound easy. it isn't

A lot of people think or believe or know they feel but that is thinking or believing or knowing; not feeling. And poetry is feeling not knowing or believing or thinking

Almost anybody can learn to think or believe or know, but the moment you feel,you're nobody but yourself. In a world which is doing its best night and day to make you everybody else means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; and never stop fighting.

As for expressing nobody but yourself in words, that means working just a little harder than anybody who isn't a poet can possibly imagine why? Because nothin is quite as easy as using works like somebody else like right now. if you and whenever you do it you are not poets.

if at the end of your first ten or fifteen years of fighting and working and feeling you find you've written one line of one poem"you will be very lucky indeed.

And my advice to all who wish to become poets is do something easy like learining how to blow up the world unless you're not only willing,but glad to feel and work and fight till you die

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I heard a writer once say something along the lines of, 'If u've read it ONCE before, it's a cliche'.


Might sound extreme but I agree. Most of us don't have anything new to say, only the hope of discovering new ways to express our feelings.


U're right, poetry is feeling. The words are a response to experience not just a narrative of events alone.


So if poetry is shaped around feeling and each feeling is unique to each individual(no two people will react the same way to the same experience), shouldn't the words that describe them be unique as a result?


They should be but the brain is lazy(if allowed) and it tends to provide cliches first. But u can't use old words and ways to describe unique feelings. That would be unjust. So a poet must struggle sometimes...

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Guuleedyare, the advice of the poet is a valuable one. I must also say that environment and society dictate what any poet puts down in words as a poem. S/He is like a book that records general feeling felt by the masses, while at the same time centering the poem on the way He/She feels. Afterall, what the poet feels is what the masses feels in general terms.




"I heard a writer once say something along the lines of, 'If u've read it ONCE before, it's a cliche'."


I once heard of a great politician who asked a clever slave girl to evaluate his speech. The slave-girl replied " your speech would be nice if you don't repeat its words"... "by the time you repeat yourself, the bulk of the clever men would be bored, the bulk of the fools who didn't hear you first, would say the speech is a cliche'"


So i guess what the writer meant is also manifest in the advice of the clever slave-girl.

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I heard poetry was a form of expression, from mind to page. With mine I rage, poetry is unheard of if not paid "the attention", if not spoken proper its just another bla'. Poetry is meant to differ you from the rest, uniquely put you on your own set; yet corresponding with all that read yours. In terms of metaphore, I he we he she & they all become one in terms of expressing from feeling and experience.


I once heard (Nothing comes if not yelped for, and nothing goes if not asked away) in my


Easy motion with this teaching of poetry, its B.S.

Just write how you feel does not have to rhyme all the time....More of expressing and addressing than impressing...feel the flow as it go~>there.






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Deadly, LoL I guess you are right, but remember poetry isn't confined to what one feels! Sometimes there could be a far-reaching poem with hidden intent in its lyric. There could also be the poem in which one recites or writes for the sole purpose of getting a certain reactions or attention... Each occasion has its own type of poetry, anger/rage, love/joy, imagery/metaphor, and many other occasions tend to conjure up a lyric with difference!


However, I can understand your point, and to some extent i think i know the type of poetry you're talking about.


-----Types of Poetry:


Narrative Poem

- A narrative poem is a non-dramatic poem that tells a story or presents a narrative. A narrative poem may be long or short, complex or simple.


Some Types of Narrative Poems:




Metrical Romances


Dramatic Poem

A dramatic poem is a poem that employs dramatic form or technique.


Satiric Poem

A satiric poem is a poem that treats its subject with irony and/or ridicule.


Didactic Poem

A didactic poem is a poem that is intended primarily to teach a lesson.



A sonnet is a lyrical poem of fourteen lines, highly arbitrary in form and following one of several rhyme conventions.



An ode is a ceremonious lyrical poem marked by exhaltation or feeling and style. An ode has varying line length and complex stanzas.



Elegy [/b]

An elegy is a sustained and formal poem setting forth the poet's meditiations upon a grave theme (usually death).

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Originally posted by DeadlyVision:


I heard poetry was a form of expression, from mind to page. With mine I rage, poetry is unheard of if not paid "the attention", if not spoken proper its just another bla'. Poetry is meant to differ you from the rest, uniquely put you on your own set; yet corresponding with all that read yours. In terms of metaphore, I he we he she & they all become one in terms of expressing from feeling and experience.


I once heard (Nothing comes if not yelped for, and nothing goes if not asked away) in my


Easy motion with this teaching of poetry, its B.S.

Just write how you feel does not have to rhyme all the time....More of expressing and addressing than impressing...feel the flow as it go~>there.






DeadlyVision, if teaching poetry is BS, your advice is the biggest load of Bee-Es.......You just gave a clear,concise lesson in the art of poetry. smile.gif


That was an Introduction to Poetry 101. Room BS. When's the next class, teach.? ;)

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Ya'all really studied poetry...Jamaal you really thought me something great..thanks bro.

Am for real on that.

I just wrote what was on my mind; never put that much of complex thought to it,yet it came as it was...thanks for your feedback. I can give you the restpect I should have gave you.

once again, thnx bro.


My boi Resonance, I said B.S not because the teaching of poetry was B.S__I will contridict me self on taht mistake. I felt like starting it with B.S, and what I said was not B.S. However thanks for your thought. You truely missunderstood me. However whatever the case. ONE!


Stay up, big brother is watching.






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I think I made it clear that yr advice on poetry was not BS. I was trying to point out yr contradiction with a lil humour. ;) Here's a little more humour, courtesy of Spike Milligan, entitled, A Silly Poem:


Said Hamlet to Ophelia,

I'll draw a sketch of thee,

What kind of pencil shall I use?

2B or not 2B?



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Deadly, No worries mate. sxb complexity complicates things, but sometimes it becomes inevitable to use it for explaining the un-explainable...marka it is o right sometimes...tho not my fav'rite smile.gif


Rosonance, lol indeed that silly poem lived upto its name smile.gif

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short and silly smile.gif Perfect.


Here's what Pablo Neruda had to say on poetry.



And it was at that age ... Poetry arrived

in search of me. I don't know, I don't know where

it came from, from winter or a river.

I don't know how or when,

no they were not voices, they were not

words, nor silence,

but from a street I was summoned,

from the branches of night,

abruptly from the others,

among violent fires

or returning alone,

there I was without a face

and it touched me.


I did not know what to say, my mouth

had no way

with names,

my eyes were blind,

and something started in my soul,

fever or forgotten wings,

and I made my own way,


that fire,

and I wrote the first faint line,

faint, without substance, pure


pure wisdom

of someone who knows nothing,

and suddenly I saw

the heavens


and open,


palpitating plantations,

shadow perforated,


with arrows, fire and flowers,

the winding night, the universe.


And I, infinitesimal being,

drunk with the great starry


likeness, image of


felt myself a pure part

of the abyss,

I wheeled with the stars,

my heart broke loose on the wind.

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