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Has love been blood-written by Hadrawi

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Translated by Martin Orwin ( Modern Poetry in Translation, New Series, No.17, 2001 )


Hadraawi is considered by many to be the greatest living Somali poet. Born in northern Somalia (the present self-declared Republic of Somaliland) in 1943, he was educated in Aden and went on to a career in teaching in the early 1970's. At this time he began to become well known for his poetry and plays. Aside from the love lyrics (one of which is the poem translated here), he was a powerful commentator on the political situation and critic of the then military regime in Somalia. Imprisoned between 1973 and 1978, he was again in public life as director of the arts section of the Academy of Science, Arts and Literature from 1978 to 1982, when he joined the opposition Somali National Movement based in Ethiopia. He was a very powerful voice in the ensuing years of civil war and the repressive military regime, and continues to be a very important poet commenting on the predicament the Somalis face.


The poem translated here, which became very popular in the early 1970s, was composed in response to an incident which made an impression on the poet. Some time in the early 1970s a famous Somali woman singer called Magool visited Sudan to give some concerts. At one of these a Sudanese man fell in love with her and wrote a letter in Arabic which she received after returning to Somalia. Not knowing Arabic, she passed it to Hadraawi to translate. He was at first surprised to see the letter written in what seemed to be red ink, and as he read on an explanation made itself known. The man had extracted some of his own blood to write the letter and from this Hadraawi's poem sprang.


The poem is of a type known as hees, a modern sung form with musical accompaniment (see general introduction), and is composed in a metre from another poetic genre known as jiifto, a metre commonly used for such hees. It was made particularly famous through performances sung by Magool herself. The poem speaks for itself in a way understandable to a non-Somai audience and is composed in a series of negative questions which have largely been retained in the translation.


Has love been blood-written

(Jacayl Dhiig ma lagu Qoray)


Has love been blood-written

has marrow yet

been poured for it

a person peeled

the skin from their back or ribs

has expression of this

been offered in flesh

cut from the cheeks

has blood been extracted

its colour still red


been scooped from the arteries

poured into a milk vessel

have two people offered it

one to the other

as they would fresh milk

have they shared it happily


time-separated in spirit

in body as by a thorn fence

sworn to each other

one morning have two

after first soaking rain

the damp mist dense

in an unpeopled place

where apart from the trees

nothing stirred

become aware

of each other's rustle


did that true meeting

seem a vision to them

brought by love's plight

or its mirage

from time to time

as if suddenly waking

out of a dream

did their speech

desiring utterance

pass from a mouth

if just a howl


did words elude them

was the situation soured by this


did spots of ceaseless rain

emotion's tears

spill from their eyes

did it soak their clothes

did they sweat compassion


disoriented with but

a stutter of movement

they were stuck

each time a word

no link with others

lacking substance

limped out alone

was it ten days later

their tongue and palate

found strength for it


but they are born for success

of equal standing

parted for so long

did they greet one another

exchanging stories

did each for their part

pass on the trials

sustained through their love

did they read the message

exchange the news


love was a food store

which when it was heated

with charcoal and fire

the glowing embers

of emotions stirred

did they fill a large pot

time after time

drag the enclosure's

night-time gate

each one with tender eyes

seeing nothing harmed the other

did they listen thus

for a whole year


did the talking end

did they then spend

half a day

in this silent way

as the daylight fell

from their staring gaze

their inflamed thoughts

did they pass that night

like the camel herders

in nocturnal endurance

of cold and dark

difficulties bringing illness


did the dawn then glow

and the sun call out

approaching each other

not crossing the boundary

of mores and modesty

longing for a balm

with a mere forearm

between them did they stand

bodies held straight

opposite each other

avoiding the step

of moving closer

resisting the play-touch

the youthful way

the taste glimpsed

in the distance

did they just behold each other

through their eyes


they stood on the spot

each one gazing

standing upright

did it last a thousand nights


the legs of the termite

emerged from the earth

breaking the surface skin

did is peel their bodies

consume the flesh

did it wound the veins

pass to the nerves


to the very inside of the bone


the bad news

it places in you

that you look on with fear

is the trials and your death

did they welcome it

with their whole body and a smile


there's a flower which blooms

after morning's compassion

has refreshed it with dew

it brings forth a red liquid

for the mouth to sip

its stamen and stigma

entwine like a rope

was it this they exchanged

offering as a legacy

did they present it to taste

as the last earthly food of love

did they place at the other's ear

the word which was missing


the termite gathered up

sand and detritus

forming clay diligently

rendering and plastering

did it transform those two

did a building arise

did it mould from them

a structure of wonder

a lofty termite mound

famed for its thickness and strength


roaming in the sun-heat

of daytime did people

in the dry season grazing lands

rest in its shade

then move away in the evening

unaware of the reality

of the story that deep inside

this shady backbone support

two souls await the outcome of truth


if self sacrifice is not made

the breath of life not exchanged

if one does not wait

for an enduring legacy

the building of a house upright

children and earthly sustenance

then the kisses and intentions

are nothing but superficial

a poison sipped to satisfaction

in that one same moment

like hyenas snatching

a girl of good repute

as they hide themselves

in the higlo tree

to pounce out quickly

each man is expectant

for what will fall to him

a hyena and his grave hole

the honour he has trampled

the modesty he has snatched

the lying illusion

this does society harm


did he strive for the highest level

of fulfilment of love

that closest to honour

or is something still missing




Jacayl dhiig ma lagu qoray

Weli dhuux ma loo shubay

Qofna saanta dhabarkiyo

Ma u dheegey feedhaha

Dhabanada cad laga jaray

Hadalkii ma lagu dhigay

Xinjir aan is dhalan rogin

Midabkeedu dhiin yahay

Laga dhuray halbowlaha

Weli dhiil ma lagu shubay

Laba mays dhansiiyeen

Sida dhayda xoolaha

Dhag dhag maw wadaageen

Weli laba is dhaarsaday

Beryo dhacan nasiib iyo

Dhul ku kala cillaalaa

Subax dharabku kowsadey

Dhedaduna cuddoon tahay

Cidla aan dhir mooyee

Wax dhaqaaqayaa jirin

Jabaq maysku dhaadeen.

Kulankii dhabta ahaa

Riyo dhiifi keentiyo

Dhalanteed ma moodeen

Sida ay dhadhabayaan

Dhawr jeer ma seleleen

Af dhabaan dhab jamashada

Ma ka dhoofay hadalkiii

Bal dhaqaaq na kay tahay

Dhihidii ma waayeen

Ma ka dhabaqday xaajadu

Ilma dhalatay xiisuhu

Sida dhibic ma hiigaan

Ma ka qubatay dhaayaha

Ma ku qoyey dharkoodii

Naxariis ma dhidideen

Iyagoo dhanqalankii

Dheel dheelli mooyee

Dhegna aanay kaga jirin

Kolba erey dhex roorkiyo

Dhumucdii ka maqantahay

Dhitinaaye keligii

Ka dib tooban dharaarood

Carrabkiyo dhanxanagii

Dhirindhirid ma ku heleen

Laba guul u dhalatoo

Isu dhiganta weeyee

Dabadeed dhabeeshii

Hanadkii ku dheeraa

Dhudi mays bariidsheen

Dhubbad qaadka sheekada

Qofba dhagarta caashaqa

Wixii dhaaxo soo maray

Ma dhex galay kalkiisii

Ma akhriyey dhambaalkii

Warka maysu dhiibeen.

Kalgacayl dhito ahaa

Dhamac iyo dab huriyeen

Dhuxuliyo ladh soo kacay

Hadba dhoon ma buuxsheen

Kolba dhacan ma jiideen

Dhacdadiyo u jeedada

Qofba dhaadashada guud

Qofka kale dhankiisii

Inaan looga soo dhicin

Ma ku dhaabadeeyeen

Sannad mays dhegeysteen

Ma dhalaalay waagii

Dhag ma tidhi cadceedii

Intay soo dhaqaaqeen

Iyagoon ka dheeraan

Dhaqankiyo xishoodkii

Dhaymana u jeel qaba

Iyadoo dhexdoodii

Dhulka suxul banana yahay

Dhibta maysla taageen

Wax intaa ka sii dhow

Ma ku dhiiran waayeen

Dhayal laysu taabtiyo

Dhallinyaro habkeedii

Ma ka dhega adaygeen

Dhadhansiga miliilica

Isha mayska dhawreen

Dhabbaday is taageen

Qofba dhaabaddiisii

Sara joog dhankiisii

Kun habeen ma dherernaa

Dhudhummada aboorkii

Dhulka hoose kaga baxay

Dhilashada jidhkoodii

Ma dhanbalay sartii guud

Ma dhammeeyey hilibkii

Xidididada ma dhaawacay

Ma u dhaafay seedaha

Lafta hoose maw dhacay

Dhiilluu ku geliyaa

Ama waad dhalliishaa

Dhagartiyo wedkaagee

Dhimashada kal iyo laab

Ma ku soo dhaweeyeen

Dhoollaha ma ka qosleen

Ubax dheelka subaxdii

Naxariis ku dhaashtoo

Afka dhiin cas mariyoo

Dhaddigiyo labkisii

Laba dhude isugu maran

Ma is dhaafsadeenoo

Dhaxal maysu siiyeen

Dhuuni kawlka caashaqa

Maysu sii dhadhamiyeen

Ereygii dhinaa hadal

Dhegta maysu saareen

Dhafan dhaaf aboorkii

Ma dhufsaday cammuudii

Ma u qaatay dhoobada

Dhab-dhabkiyo kabkabidii

Labadaba ma dhalan rogey

Dhismo kale ma soo baxay

Ma ka dhigay wax yaabliyo

Dudun dherer ku caanoo

Dhumuc iyo laxaad weyn

Dhalan dhoolka maantii

Dadku dhacarta jiilaal

Ma dhasaday dharaartii

Ma ka dheelmay galabtii

Iyadoon la dhaadayn

Sheekada dhabteediyo

Dhabar weyntan hooska leh

In dhexdeeda laba ruux

Runta kaga dhur sugayaan

Haddaan laysu dhamanayn

Nafta laysu dhiibayn

Ama dhaxal tis qaadiyo

Dhismo aqal la taagiyo

Ubad iyo dhaqaaliyo

Dhaqan reer la kala sugin

Dhunkashiyo u jeedadu

Tahay dhaayo guudkood

Waabay la dhabaqsado

Dhereg iyo markaas qudha

Ama sida dhurwaayada

Hilbo gabadh dheg roonoo

Higlo loogu dhuuntoo

Dhakhso loogu kala baxo

Ninba waxa dhabbacashada

Dabinkiisa ugu dhaca

Dhidar iyo xabaashii

Sharaf lagu dhabcaaliyo

Dhawrsooni laga tegey

Dhalanteedka beenta ah

Bulshadaa u dhaawacan

Hab jacayl u dhaqan galo

Ma holladay ka ugu dheer

Maamuusna ugu dhow

Mise weli wax baa dhiman

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walaalo, thank you so much for posting that. Not only is that song my favorit it has become somewhat of an outlook for me. so great to see it in English...


nice one babes,

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Thanks Siman

It was beautiful,Any here has the song Suleekha please write it down,you know the one by Hadraawi sang by Mohd Nur Giriig.Thats awesome too.

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