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A Mother Praises Her Beloved Daughter

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by:- Rukia Hussein, trans. Abdhirahman Dahir

The following poem in the original Somali below and in English translation is representative of buraanbur, a women's praise poetry and dance tradition that is carried on by the Somali community in the Washington, D.C. area



My beloved girl, you are a gift from Allah.

You are sweet, bestowed on me by the Victorious One.

When you were a baby and were held on a lap,

When you became an adolescent and took your place among your peers,

And went to school and claimed success,

Your intellect and knowledge rounded in every way,

You helped me when I lagged behind,

So I pray Allah the Omnipotent on your behalf.

May your life be lived at the highest level

When you begin to date and are ready for marriage.

Do not nag him, and let not your grumbling be heard;

Open your house and spread mats for his people.

Apply incense at home, and dress and indulge him with pleasure,

But if he rewards you with mischief, move out from his home.

Accept this conclusion of my bestowing prayers to you:

I wish you paradise in the life hereafter//


Aamiin hooyo.

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