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Hell Is Real

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Hell Is Real

I went into my classroom,


Ready for another year at school,


I didn't want the work,


Just wanted to hang and be cool.


I had on new clothes,


New sneaks on my feet,


I was there for class on time,


Went to the back and took my seat.


Yeah, I'm moving up,


I'm already grown,


Soon I'll be graduating,


And out on my own.


I talked to some of my friends,


We were all having fun,


Said some things I shouldn't have said,


Did stuff I shouldn't have done.


I knew I was different,


I felt God touch my heart,


I knew I should set a standard,


But then I'd be set apart.


Walking to the bus,


I was not looking for strength,


I heard the car tires screeching,


But now it's too late.


I'm standing in this room,


And I can see the heavenly gate,


Oh no! I never prayed,


I thought I had time to get it straight.


An angel walked to me,


He had a book in his hand,


I knew it was the Book of Life,


When would this dream end?


I told him my name,


And he began to look,


then he looked at me sadly and said,


Your name is not in this book.


Angel, this is a dream,


No, I can't be dead!


He closed the book and turned away,


He whispered-You cannot proceed ahead. this can't be real,


Angel, you can't turn me away,


Let me talk to God,


Maybe he'll let me stay.


He led me to the gate,


Allah came to me,


He did not let me in but said,


Beloved what is your need?


Allah, I cried, please,


Don't cast me away from you,


Tears ran down his face as he said,


You knew what you needed to do.


Lord, please I'm young,


I never thought I would die,


I thought I'd have plenty of time,


Death caught me by surprise.


Lord, I went to mosque,


Please Allah, I believe,


He said you would not accept me,


My love you would not receive.


Lord, there were too many hypocrites,


they weren't being true,


He took a step back and asked,


What does that have to do with you?


Lord, my family claimed to be saved,


They weren't real.


Now I have to go.


I fell to my knees crying to him,


Lord, I planned to be real tomorrow,


I couldn't make Him understand,


I had never--felt such sorrow.


Then it hit me hard, I said,


Lord, where will I go?


He looked into my eyes and said,


My child you already know.


Please Allah, I begged,


The place is so hot,


It seemed to trouble and grieve him,




Lord, you're supposed to be love,


How can you send me to damnation?


He replied, with your mouth you said you loved me,


But each day you rejected my salvation.


With that in an instant,


Day turned into night,


I never knew such torture could be,


Now too late, I know the Quran is right.........


If I can tell you anything,


Hell has no age,


It is a place of torture,


Separated from God and full of rage.


You know, I thought it was funny--a joke,


But this one thing is true,


If you never accept Allah




So please, ask Him into your heart,

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That was something else Sujui-1...

Dont believe all of it, but interesting-

your peom*made me really think beyond thoughts here....

Thanx alot B.

True'say we all need Allah by our side....

Guess you left me writing a thank you note-SUJUI-1







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Assalamu Alaikum,





He said, I died for you,


Now I have to go.



WHAT???? Allah died for us? Wal 'ayaadu billah!! Are we on the same track here?? Because that disturbingly reminds me of another religion... Please clarify if I have, in any way, misunderstood any point you were trying to make. Jazzak'Allahu khayran.

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Salam Calayakum Nomads.


I am not the author of the poem rather i recived it from a dear friend.


Like u said DV you dont have to accept the story as being baised on a true event (like they do with some of them holywood films smile.gif ) but you got the point of the poem.


CM Your right bro :confused: . I didnt quite read that. I thougt the extract you got in qoutaion marks referd to student. I am gonna have to edit the poem now to avoid others getting confussed.



Thx for the alert. Jazzak'Allahu khayran.

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