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Qac Qaac

NBA eastern conference

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Qac Qaac   

Hey guy i know, this conference is weak and no one really cares about them.... because most of the ppl know, one of the west teams will win the champion. but anyways the playoff race is quite more intresting in the east then the west.


so who u all think would make it to the playoff.


5. New orleans

6. New york

7. Boston

8. Cleveland

9. Miami

10. Toronto


who will make it... out of all this teams...

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Qac Qac, i thought i was alone in this department, but not any more. I can't watch anymore East Ball Games,since i am in the East Coast, i switched watching "Water Baloons" and you know those 900 channels.Lol.

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5 Hornets

6 Miami Heat

and everyone underneath who care cuz Miami got da east dont forget where u heard it

rite now y'all be hatin but later on y'all will be givin me props

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Qac Qaac   

come on man, miami's center is Brian Grant, undersized PF. playing center, where they gonna go... honestly i think. boston, new york, and t.o. will make it. but Detroit will win the east... Wallace + Wallace, who could stop them in the east.

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am new to this NBA thing but i'll been watching cleveland and that young player is hot on fire and New York i want them get through too.



New York



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I said Cavs and Knicks are in..L,James is playing like a supestar and he is only 19 guess what he can do at the future, that squad is gonna be good as hell....I can't beleive Toronto and Vinsanity are about to miss the playoffs, Damn they should fire that coach.. He aint sh$ttt.

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I'm a little disappointed in the folks who suggested that the heat gonna come off the east, are U KIDDING ME?


Anyone who ain't even so much as hinted that the sixers are gonna sneak into the playoff picture, is deadly ill.


Y'all watch out snow and the rest to sneak in to 7th's spot or 8th. (It's gonna be a tough battle, especially if we won't have everyone healthy come playoff time, but I think with more bodies, we can knock off either pistons or jersey (whoeverer ends up in the #2 spot come april.)



I think that no eastern team has a chance to even compete, especially pistons.


Y'all might think that the pistons are alot stronger because of wallace-wallace, but I doubt they can match up to the wolves or the kings come finals.



I am watching for T-Wolves to go as far as the western conference finals this year, Y'all heard it here first.(History in the making)


I honestly see T-wolves Vs Kings at the western conference finals.(it should not only be fantastic, but they are going all the way to the wire.......7games)



I see Pacers Vs Knicks or (JERSEY) Eastern conference Finals.(knicks/new jersey will push as far as one or two wins, but it just might end with game 6, in favour of pacers)


If pacers play pacers basketball, they will meet kings for the finals in june. (ofcourse, Kings all the way this year)


Personally, I don't think toronto is going anywhere, and the heat with young wade, will take up some much needed vacation come april with carter and company joining him in the sun.


If I speak a little about young james, and the cavs, he did prove that he can over come all the hype, but a man who hasn't gotten much needed luv is melo. Melo and company will indeed play this year's playoff if they keep on pushing. I gotta say The Jazz are pushing right behind them, there just might knock off melo and nuggets...



All in all, both rookies need to be awake long enough to see the playoff birth...(few more games and both rookies will be in the history books and will be talked about 20yrs from now)

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Qac Qaac   

hey phillie fan, come on now.. phillie just got 2 wins in a row, doesn't mean they'll go to the playoff, and make big assumption like they gonna beat Detroit.. r u kidding me..



as for the bottom spots of the east, from 6th to 8. those 3 positions anyone could win. could be miami, t.o., bos, cavs, knicks, phillie, because u can't tell, one time u think New York is very good, then they go to lose 3 games, now philly and cavs are hot, but u never know anytime they could lose. T.O. is going down.. but could come back anytime.. only 1.5 games back.. so who knows..

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I'm sorry to disappoint you Qaac, but sixers won 4 games in a row. It could be that according to your standards, that you only saw the 2 wins you wanted to see, which probably was the last two games....against bulls & Knicks. (They beat bulls twice and the bucks as well as knicks)


Coming into today's game sixers were up 2-1 over pistons. I didn't see the same effort from the team that I saw on the last 3games after the half-time break. (bottom line is that they lost to pistons and that series is tied)


As I said before, sixers faith in the playoffs will be determined on their health.(the biggest factor is injuries)


I personally don't think losing glen robinson is much of a loss. I would want to have jackson and derrick healthy and ready come playoffs. If we have those two, plus AI, kenny and the rest, team will get passed the first round.



I think that as of today, the knicks are holding 8th spot. I probably think knicks will move atleast to 6th spot come april. I still think cavs have a legitimate chance in holding 7th or 8th depending on how strong philly gets in there but I honestly think philly is the team who is looking out now that will knock off boston. (Neither miami or toronto will make it....TORONTO HAS A DEAD CHANCE IN MAKING THE PLAYOFFS PERIOD)



PS:THe reason why I picked the celtics to drop from the race is becuz their last 7 games of this month are all against tough opponents. eg, Nuggest(hungry), spurs, maverics and playing 2x against new jersey and philly...but the philly game will probably go down to the wire.

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Qac Qaac   

sis... sixers lost to Detroit. this last sunday... i told u... they can't beat. even with iverson. WALLACE-WALLACE thing is crazy...

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yo philly girl just to let u know Miami is in eighth same record as da Knicks who are in seventh and half a game back of Cavs for 6th.

Miami won 3 in a row and 6 of their last 7 games. Now philly where da sixers at and Q-tip where ur raps at lemme remind u both they be in da lottery draft. We be lookin forward to da playoffs and y'all be looking forward to da lottery. oh yeah in this stretch we beat da Kings,Hornets, Nets,Sonics,Magic and Bucks. 7th belongs to da Heat and Cavs can keep their 6th spot cause i'd rather face da Nets than da Pistons

Miami got da East if u dont believe me keep watchin

This Saturday watch da Heat beatup da Sixers

remember that day Saturday March 20th

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did anyone watch the Knicks Vs Wizards lastnight?? man, dat was a hot game and am starting to get into this NBA thing man..



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Qaac, I am not sure if you are really reading my posts, the post before last, I have stated that "coming into today's game" sixers were 2-1 vs the piston series this season and because at the time of my post, it was a sunday, they did lose it and I told u why they did. I have said that a loss is a loss but those same sixers who played @detroit didn't put the same effort they did on their last 4 wins coming into that game.


You have got to start paying attention to other pple's response or else you would repeat the same thing over and over again.


Getting back to Capital H, not Z, since u are so full of heat.


For you to come out and say that philly is going to exist real soon and heat gonna keep their engine on, thats just laughable.


You have your opinions as far as your team is concerned, you have read what I had to say as far as breaking the entire playoff picture, and I have read yours....let the show begin.


Ima watch and let it unfold.(Not sure if u seen the memphis game lastnight, but I caught up with the highlights and it was an easy one that got away, and u will bet my team is gonna take their frustration out on your boyz down @ the sun come saturday, but you make sure that you keep in touch right after, because I would love to know how you react to losing since u all pumped up about it.



PS: THe next 7games, sixers are gonna come out with a 6-1 record. only 3 of the 7games are away games, meaning tonight against hornets will be decided by 4th quarter, sixers winning that one. The miami game is easy win, but the dallas @home(but becuz its in philly, it might help a bit) might be a tough one too, other than that the next 4games after dallas game should be favarouble to my team.

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-I like the 6ers, but lets face Lazie girl they ain't goin no where. Sixers depend souly on Iverson, and he's a little banged up right now and his supporting cast don't look too good with the injuries to big dog and everythang.


-Knicks- are my favorite team, but Marbury is taking too many shots he need to dish more to my main man HOUSTON. They have the potential to be explosive but with all the new players, I dont know if they can "GEL" in time for playoffs.



-Pistons-If I had to bet on a team from the east it would be this 1. They got all the tools in place, two shot blocking big men with one (R.wallace) who can score at will. Solid back court who can put up points quickly. Once they meet a team from the west in the finals, don't know how they'll fare. Specially with San antonio, L.A, Sacramento.

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yo Lazy u need to cool urself off. u say that da 76ers ARE gonna be 6-1 in their next 7 games but lets come back to reality. In Heat's last 7 games Miami's record is 6-1 u see thats da difference between Heat and Sixers is everything da sixers wannabe da Heat already are.

For lander u say Marbury needs to pass da ball to Houston 1 problem Allan Houston is always injured.

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