Che -Guevara

Farmajo suspends over misuse of public lands and accuses him of corruption

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3 hours ago, Che -Guevara said:

. And one can't help but judge Farmaajo"s judgment.

Half baked moves . 

Who knows , maybe this is how the Mogadishu games are played. One thing we all understood was that Hassan Sheikh and INa C/shakuur could never have accepted an election where Farmaajo is the winner.

waa dagaalkii beri dambe dhici lahaa oo la soo hormariyey.

why these Americans wouldn't comment when the premier single handedly fired the election conflict reslution committee. That was the main trigger point of these problems. 

If there was anyone who made the coup, it is the unelected premier trying to fire the president who appointed him. If Rooble is in control of the army , why warlord militia who are his men holding check points in certain intersections?



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Blinken, the American foreign minister failed Ethiopia diplomacy and now he is going fail in Somalia. He is arrogant and can not understand public opinion of other countries. He does not understand east Africa is not middle east. Farmaajo game is crazy. This one is a close call. If he survive this with a win, he will be the somalia leader for years to come.I noticed moqdisho politicians paying great deal of respect to foreign dignitary in the city. They are still hoping they will be appointed the leadership of somalia through UN and foreigners. Fahad Yaassin and Farmaajo changed the formula. That game is over, they have to win elections without foreigners. 

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Farmaajo wants to be a spoiler. He will be flying out of Mogadishu asagoo dhutinaya.

Once the locals and the international community want you out, you are better off resigning gracefully like Abdulahi Yusuf did instead of kursi jeceel. He is taking advantage of good will and institutions built by all previous presidents. His handlers and social media whisperers are lying to him that he is beloved by the people, but we all know he lives in a bubble and doesn’t know it. No one wants Farmaajo to create a new tribal war just so he can have another term. No one with a healthy mind. People are tired. 

The guy has to leave and let the elections proceed. 

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Very soon all the homeless tuugo parasites from far away regions who lived off the back of reer Mogadishu will find themselves besieged and under the mercy of the same hospitable folks  they grudgingly taunted and belittled for the past five years

Marka ciyaarta waa gelinka dambe!

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12 minutes ago, Dalmar1 said:


Marka ciyaarta waa gelinka dambe!

You are mistaken. Roble has no more care for the people of Mogadishu than Farmajo. But clans are useful tools that Somali politicians have perfected in employing. 

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1 hour ago, Che -Guevara said:

You are mistaken. Roble has no more care for the people of Mogadishu than Farmajo. But clans are useful tools that Somali politicians have perfected in employing. 

That the thing Reer Mogadishu are 100% supporting their Hero Badbaadiye Rooble, as we speak there are huge voluntary enlistment going on to fight dictator Farmaajo.

Anyone who supports the Criminal Dictator Farmaajo has bloods on his hands and reer Mogadishu will never forget it.



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You missed the point  The Somali politicians are more or less the same. They might mobilizing reer Mogadishu but only to their benefit. Once that goal is reached, the public is discarded.

During last the skirmish, I remember Sharif saying their differences were political and they should forgive each other  Whatever happens in Xamar, I assure the losers will be the public just as in Bosaso and Guriceel.

That said Farmaajo should present the alleged corruption case, and Roble get on with the business of the (s)election. 


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Che, yariisoow degdeg badne warkiisa dhag jalaq ha u siin. Meeshee dabeesha u socoto u socdaa. Farmaajo is the same person uu amaanaaye bilooyin ka hor markuu ciidamo u diray Dhuusamareeb si Guriceel u soo celiyaan.

Same 'Reer Muqdisho' uu sheegaayo waxba kama oga, because no one owner of sarahaas dhaadheer dhistay in the last ten years want in laga dumiyo, including tuuga weyn ee Mr. 30/30's Elite Hotel owner. No way.

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Waanwaan 2.0

Guudlaawe iyo Qoorqoor oo kusoo wajahan Muqdisho


Waxaa la filayaa in saacadaha soo socdo ay magaalada Muqdisho ee caasimadda Soomaaliya soo gaaraaan madaxweyayaasha maamul Goboleedyada Galmudug iyo HirShabelle Axmed Cabdi Kaariye iyo Cali Guudlaawe Xuseen.

labada madaxweyne ayaa si kala gooni gooni ah diyaarado uga soo kala raacay magaalooyinka Jowhar oo Gobolka Shabeellaha Dhexe ah iyo Magaalada Dhuusamareeb oo Gobolka Galgaduud ah.

Safarka labada Madaxweyne ay ku imaanayaan Magaalada Muqdisho ayaa waxaa uu kusoo aadayaa xilli uu ka taagan yahay khilaaf xooggan oo ka dhaxeeya Ra’iisul Wasaare Maxamed Xuseen Rooble iyo madaxweynihii hore ee Soomaaliya Maxamed Cabdullaahi Farmaajo.

Wararka la helayo ayaa waxaa ay sheegayaan in labada madaxweyne ee Hirshabeelle iyo Galmudug ay Muqdisho ka bilaabayaan waan waan lagu dhex dhexaadinayo Farmaajo iyo Ra’iisul Wasaare Rooble

Madaxweynaha Galmudug Axmed Cabdi Kaariye (Qoorqoor) ayaa ku guuleysan waayay in uu xaliyo khilaafkaan kii ka horreeyay balse uu ku guuleystay Madaxweynaha Koonfur Galbeed Cabdicasiis Xasan Maxamed (Laftagareen).

Lama oga sida ay u suurtageli karto in xal laga gaaro khilaafka u dhaxeeyo Farmaajo iyo Ra’isulwasaare Rooble oo gaaray meel xasaasi ah isla markaasna ay adag tahay in labada Nin ay mar kale isla shaqeeyaan.

Maamul goboleedyada Puntland iyo Jubbaland ayaa horey u sheegay inay garab taaga yihiin Ra’isulwasaare Rooble halka Koonfur Galbeed ay si cad ula safatay madaxweynihii hore ee Soomaaliya Farmaajo.

Galmudug iyo Hirshabeelle ayaa ka aamusay khilaafka cusub ee ka dhex qaray Farmaajo iyo Rooble, waxayna aamusnaatooda calaamad u tahay inay dhex-dhexaad ka yihiin khilaafka.


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