Che -Guevara

Somali government closes UN terminal in Mogadishu over ‘breach of immigration protocols’

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It is about time.

Finally we got a foreign ministery with some backbone. These mercenaries had a free hand in Somalia for 30 years. Certainly the Farmaajo goverment is doing the right thing.

Dalkani wado halaq mareen ah ayuu ahaa. 

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4 hours ago, galbeedi said:

It is about time.

Finally we got a foreign ministery with some backbone. These mercenaries had a free hand in Somalia for 30 years. Certainly the Farmaajo goverment is doing the right thing.

Dalkani wado halaq mareen ah ayuu ahaa. 

Farmaajo as a prime minister was the one who exposed the forgotten Somali aviation centre, based in Nairobi, that controlled and misused the collected fees from airlines that used our airspace. It was in 2011; I was in Islii, too, when that happened. Farmaajo asked them to move to Muqdisho as well as all UN agencies that were suppoaed to work for Soomaaliya.

He was unsurprisingly swiftly replaced by the conning and conniving tuugo, the two Shariifs.

To this day, they have not paid back lacagtee aruursadeen from 1994 to 2018, which was tens of millions of dollars. They were supposed u keydiyaan dowladdii Soomaaliya u imaan doonto. 

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