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Hey ya all, just wanted to share this wit ya nam'ean I got it from another somali website.




By ®Ahmed Hamud


I am a Hustler

I am a Holy Man

I am a Marine

I am a Moryaan

I am a Dottore

I am a Driver

I am: what I wannabe


I am a Warlord

I prey on the weak

Steal from the poor

Rob from the dead

Kill and rape

Pillage and burn

I am a Warlord!

I inject pain

Administer sorrow

I Relish the agony of grieving mothers

The lament of defeated fathers

The vanishing glimpse of a wasted child

I am a Warlord!

I am a locust

I chew on cables and concrete

Munch on signatures of history

Wreck havoc on monuments and museums

Harvest gold and silver from the dead

I am a Warlord!

I am a bulldozer

I destroy and devastate

Steal the gifts of God

Harvest the birds and the bees

Poison the seas

Cut the trees

I Cultivate hunger and hate

I am a Warlord!

I Sow and sell substance that kill

Peddle doomed aspirin to cousins and kin

Trade dead-trees carcasses to Shaytaans and Sheikhs

I am a Warlord

When implored to stop

Told not to kill and steal

Not to destroy and rape

Told not to reap the wrath of God

I shrug and laugh

Roar and roll

Peek at my crystal ball

See an enemy bleep

I flash my clan card

Dawn my Reer 1 jacket

Peek at my crystal ball

And yell Tola=eey! Tola=eey! 2

Cousins and kin!

Sons of mighty men of yore!

In Mogadishu and Minnesota

Resist and fight!

The enemy is near!

The end is here!

I am a Warlord

When the dust settles

And the dough is down

The bullet scarce

I flash the peace sign

Recite the Quraan

Don my three-piece suit

Jump on a plane

And call upon the Man

I am a Warlord!

When I return to my den

I return to what I do best

Prey on the weak

Steal from the poor

Rob from the dead

Kill and rape

Pillage and burn


I am a Warlord!

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