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This wall of Qabiil

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As I look across the room

I just wonder why,

Why is it that they assume

You'll never be mine?


Why are we separated

By this wall of qabiil?

Each side hated

By the birth of the other.


Are we really that different?

Don't we all have the same heart?

Sometimes I think you're Heaven sent.

God, why do we have to be apart???


Preacherman says it's wrong,

His mama told him so.

Yet we sing the same song,

And feel the same wind blow.


But, baby, it feels so right,

Can it really be wrong?

Just because I'm different.

Does it mean we don't belong?


I can't draw lines in my broken heart,

Or tell it what to feel.

All I know is I love who you are,

And you make me feel so real

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Hiboyahay markaan ku arkaan gariiraaye

qalbigaad igaga dhacday adoo qaawan baan arkaye

Qabiil iyo qolaad ka hadli anna waan kuu qalalaye

qaaxo ku dishaye ila qabo jacaylka sowdigaan qaatay oo tagaye


I hope you like that little poem Hibo nuura. Waa kii budhka weynaa oo ku leh..."budh baan madaxa kaa la dhici hadaadan joojin gabayadan xunxun"



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War waxani waa yaabi gabadhan ma waxa ku dhacay kalsooni daro?


waxaan maqlijiry self steamka lama iipsan karo? show waa run!!


Little sister get a grip and fellow the crowd!


Your crap poems are really driving me insane they are utter rubbish and deserve to be wipe out on the screen.


Peace chiao

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Ileen waxaan maqli jiray fara dheer lagama baxsado....Ninkaadan habrjecel isku sheegaaya... miyaan ignoregareykareyn hadaadan ka helin........mise wax kasta oo aad u taagan tahay ayeey jejebisaa.. u know ur qabiilism crap. N folks r allowed to have opinions...if u have missed the meaning of the poem.....pls... re read it...its love.....nothing has to do with self esteem?.. maybe u require that...waxaa la yiri qofka sida uu yahay buu ku mooda... so sxb hadaad adi la dahay cid ku eegtaa.....walaaloow nolosha hanoo diidin... we r free to express ourselves the best way we know how?.. GOt that mise weli ma ku galin....ileen Boodhkii burco yaa weli ku saranee!

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Qawdhanow: sxb maxaa ka xun gabaygan.... ilen waa jaca'ib soomalidan sina ugama baxsanmeysid......xitaa jeceelka maka soo horjeediin... Bisinkoooooooow...

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Naa Hibo,



thumbs this is a poem one can relate to....not that black nonsense.....anyway soomaalidu waa sunta ayaxa and u know it markaa ha la yaabin qawdhan iyo kan la baxay habarjeclo star.....waad argtaa oo shaadh qabiil ayuu xidhay isaga xagaa ku parking'garee


Hibooy this time u have hit a home run.. xagaa ka wad dadaalka oo gabayada wadankeena iyo dadkeena ka sheekeeya soo qor ...take care

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looooooooool......jaber.... phew now that is a relief...I was expecting more like what habarjecelow had to say..I guess I misjudges u he...Oops...sorry my bad.. u r cool...only when u rn't bitter......loooool.. yala ya wadani dheh...hahahahaahahaha

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Talking of self steam and free expression, well have u looked at my name little sister, proud and smag as a princes!


You are entitle to throw up rabbish but tribilism is reallity little girl.


Burco is bodhweyn doesn't need little girls like you.


By the way just for info and to feed your little brain cell, am from Erigavo, enjoying the view at DAALO.


Just keeping my heritage and culture a live, Man without qabil is like man without a penis.


To the little dude calling himself jibir or shall say yibir. You keep bragging on about Nomad, and you don't even know the principles of being a NOMAD. Tribilism plays a major part of nomads life dude. The whole nOmad thing revolves around family ties and Tribilism.


Tribilism is identity that somalis used just like your Crap ID card.


Peace Chioa!

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Last time I checked ERIGAVO was gadhweyne/Harti city...



Naaleye Axmed (dhulbahante)


Gahayle (Majeerteen)


These are the tribes that are known reer ceerigaabo. Habarjeclo is around the Burco area. isn't it?

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listen up u bone-head called star



I'm not at all shocked to read ur narrow-minded,psychotic caqli lix saac as hibo said..


yibir's r human-beings just like the rest of us........atleast they didn't take up arms and kill their fellow neighbors......did u just woke up not too long ago and found out that u r a member of the reer jaamac waal community?


well if thats the case.......goodluck with ur new founded identity as another haber jeclo nut case.......even though I had so many habr jeclo friends but I have yet to meet a sensible one who thinks before taking any actions!



FYI trabalism is why we r here!!

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First of all I liked that is a beautiful thing unless ignorant people get te wrong idea. And 'Dear brotha who can't spell worth &^%^'...get a grip, get a life, and back offa sista who is xpressing herself. Ain't got NOTHING to do with her self esteem!!! NOMAD, you have it wrong....nomads are men of honour and respect, and they are known for their poetry, so if you have a problem with it then maybe you aren't a REAL nomad...feel


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Salaamz all,


Hibo sis, the poem is great. Plz Ignore the Negative comments!! It's in their nature to be jealous when They see Talent. :)



If I had the power to change Or one wish to be granted... I would change or wish to Erase trabalism in our culture.... Ilaahay Subxana Wata'alaa said "O Mankind, We created you from a single (pair) of a male and a female and made you into nations and

Tribes, that you may know each

other. Verily the most honored of you in the sight of God is he who is the most righteous of you" (49:13). Somalida sideedaba when people ask them what religion they belong they should say " Our religion is Qabiil" Cuz Honestly, We believe in Qabiil more then we do our Religion... and I think the reason is the Lack of religon in our lives(I'm not generalizing) but there are plenty of somalis out there who know Nothing about Islam or being a Righteous person.

The only source of preference or greatness among human beings is not on our "qabiil"

but it is at the individual level.

One individual who is (higher in Taqwa), more conscious of his Creator and is Staying away from the bad and doing the good is better, no matter whether he is Isaaq, Darood,Hawiye,or other group his part, Individual piety is the only thing that makes a person better and Greater than the other one.


Look at us? Look where Qabiil brought us. Isn't time we let go of the past and Move on?.. Subxana'Alaah.


I'm proud of my Tribe, but I don't think anyone is better then me and I don't think I'm better then anyone...... After all we are all Xawo iyo Adan's children



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That is So true... Naaggaawan....what a sad reality?.....



HaberJEcloStar iyo Qawdhan ........U too Moron's leave the Hibo alone.........


and Hibo the Poem is tight!



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To Naag Caqli (**** ) Weyn


Back off bitch, have you just finished ESOL and your home work to spell check NOMADS.

I ain't got time to argue with a bitch like you. Who told the meaning of NOMAD bitch? your clearly lacking the knowledge about Nomads. So i suggest that you keep doing what your good at which is displaying your 3-D 1000 tonne backside meat.





What an earth have made you give up prostitution? well atleast you got your body back but you certainly haven't got your brain cells working yet.


you must visit your local clinic you might have STD and related diseases.


What is your job now, arguing with the honourable nomad men?





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