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trying to find out what is reality and what is not


What is known is unknown

What is seen is not seen

What you say can't be heard

The pain that you feel can not be felt by anyone besides you,

The love that you give won't be returened

This will create the fear of happness never returning

This will also create confusion on what's real and what's not

Then confusion will create frustation and chaos of trying to find out whayt this

means to you

You may never find out because it is mostlikly part of the unknown, but remember

the unknown is known.

So you will see soon enough yoiu just wont know it because what is seen is not



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My apologies are sincere

I know it's sad

No please don't say it

I hold my hand over his mouth


He whispers it in

Words of plea


You are a true friend

The whispers are fewer now


Silence takes over dominating our existence cruelly

I take my hand off

He looks at me


A tear threatens his manhood

The door shuts behind me

A tear revives my womanhood

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jamal, abowe..iam not sure if u read one of ma posting about ma favorites poets b4, but i remember some1 said that you were thier favorit, and ma replay was that i neva read any of ur work and picked guled and deadlyVission cuz i did enjoy reading thier poetry.

After reading all your poems, i think u just made it on top of ma list.Wow, you are one talented brotha.

and as for idil, gurl you are right, nothing god created is ugly and one thing i strongly believe from experience is that an individual can look extremly attractive, with all the right features,makes heads turn ect.., but if they have an ugly personality or charactrastics it makes them look nasty too.

i enjoyed reading your poems and keep up the positive vibe!


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Salam to all the great poets of SOL :D


I humbly ask a favour from u all,I am no great poet but i try..all in vain :( but now its not fun its serious and i need a critical knowledgable eye to analyze my poem..which is to be worth around 5% of my final mark in my Creative writing class ( dont ask me why i took that class :confused: )

I am to use the words, groan, gulp,grumble in my poem effectively..this is my try so critism should be spared..pls PLEASE butcher it :D


The Truth


I can almost hear my conscious grumble

The truth stings my ears

My heart trembles when the consequences are thought of

My very soul groans from the guilt

Right and wrong were certainly not


When my spirit took control

But I gulp down my pride

Look down the road

And take the bull by the horns.

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A haiku on surfing the web


Sitting at chair

Watching blank screen flicker

What's that noise coming from kitchen?

I'm imagining it again

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Have you ever sat in a dark room,

where there is no light or bloom,

Fixed your eyes close near the screen,

Typing words of love, and of sublime

Till the dancing lady knocks down the door,

Crying insults as she collects her rent




Lucky thank you darling ....

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Sitting here trying hard to concentrate

Studying for an exam

A duty I very much hate







If only this was like magic

And I could hocus pocus it all into my brain

What subject am I studying again?

um...let me see was it physics? anthroplogy?

or maybe biology? no no

Its none of those's sociology

I'm sitting here stressing pulling at my hair

wailing and screaming it not fair

Cut down that noise I keep yelling

They insist the noise isn't coming from them

but from me

That my radio is booming with a violent tenacity

Off it goes with all my lights

I think I will catch some sleep

Than sit here and try to unwravel this plight

So my studying is put off for while

I'll read up on it

Tommarow I promise to walk the extra mile

I'll look over everything once more

I'll study all I haven't from the day before

But for now Good night and God bless

I need to give my brain a rest

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At times, can a Warlord become a Gentleman?

If good in profesion, can he be an honest-man?

If to give credit to where tis due is only right;

Then the Warlord is the ruler, am i not right?


Shall we not admire the Warlord's efficiency,

With which he portrays evil and in-decency?

Though bad is wrong, was it not skillfully done?

Can good men match, what warlords have done?


Aside the killings of many a non-combatant;

In the name competance, is he not competent?


The good must do good, evil men the wrong;

But good did none; evil did much, is not so?

So good is bad, and evil good, can it be so?

Warlord rules, as goodmen sit, can it be wrong?

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We crowd together

In a shaky trolley

Everyone ogles you

But making eye contact

Is a huge folly

So close together

you can taste the sweat

dripping from their pores

Talking so loudly on their cells

You become well acqainted

with their folklores

So far away from each other

Everyones in their own little world

The signs and scenery is whats

watched while going by

The cars like couloured birds

Glide past and seem to fly

While we all sit, stand or crowd

Thinking, pondering or just stting and

Staring off into space.....


(can you tell I just got off the bus then the subway...sardines is a fricken understatment)

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That root that brawls in arid land,

That coils and curls its tail in vein,

That deepens amid dry loom and clay,

That sears and trods ahead on pathways,

That looks for moist in desert's abyss.


That root is my soul and my innerself


My soul seeks the everlasting truth

While my root roams the depth of sea

Sleeps beneath the heaviest mountains

The soul protests the phony that it sees

The illusionist that doesn't exist,

One with million smiles and slithers

of million venom bites in his mind.


That is a sad story which is now mine,

But its a fraction of frictions i face.


As my root tires, my trueness blossoms,

As my root slumbers, my dance begins.

My branches sway to beats of the wind,

Swing the head to the rhythms of life.


Down below i am, up above I am there

Down below i suffer and up i prosper

Cos If I'm low, i cry the underworld

And If I am up, i smile of red roses.


I am a mirror reflecting fregrances,

As true mirrors reflect all colours

I see a good you and the bad of you

And I see what your remedies in you




That is the sad bitter depth of me,

For I am composed of opposed halves.

Happiness and sadness compete in me,

at war to reign over my own kingdom.


When you place a raimant upon flesh,

That comfort that makes a skin sigh

with tenderness, thats the one I am,

I keep the key to gates of laughter.


I guard the giggles of the infants,

I'm how you feel when you are loved.

I'm a resident who rents your heart,

and keeps it kept and full of joy.


I am what you reminisce in solitude

I am the stone that turns to sponge,

when thrown at you by the criminals.

And if in joy your soul cries a tear,

Im the shimmers in your joyous tear.


Sipmly, I am sadness and joy combined

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