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You were lucky it was not in August/Sept ,,, try to see that and you will be lucky if you don't melt.


January is its best time weliba ,,,,,,,,

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Aniga waxaan is lahaa baddii quruxda badneyd iyo kalluun baad arkeysaa markaasaad waxaad indhaha naga galisay bilcaamo qaawan oo surwaal gashan...waa maxay waxaas? :mad: :mad:



My old girl thinks of me as a pervert now all thanks to you because she caught me looking at these pictures and she started screaming and yelling at me...war ninyahow bal waxaad igu sameysay bal eeg...bilcaamaha yar waxaa ka weyn kuwaan awoowga u ahay. redface.gifredface.gif



Salam Aleikum W.W



Peace, Love & Unity.

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Marka horeba odayaasha looma ogolayn inay meelahaas khaawisaan niyow markaasaad dalaq iska soo leeyadahay.


Mida kele Badda quruxda badan iyo xeebtuba way ka muuqdaan meesha ee dee ma anigaa idhi hablahan yaryari ha isku gudbeen meesha ? :D

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LooL@Nuune sawiraanta meesha aan ku arkay malaisku sheegayo


laakin sawirada waa arkay adinko asakar Diktonada la dhahay Camal iswada garab taagan

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