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Is it time to ban everyone?

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Originally posted by Abtigiis & Tusbax:

Sherban, I raised an issue. Please address that one and not the intentions of people. And also spelling as if you are Grade 4 English teacher. Speaking of who used to beat us when he asks "WHAT IS THE OPPOSITE OF CAT?" and We fail to say "RAT"!

My addressing the issue can be found in the thread you started. Refer to it.


I have nothing against anyone in this forum. But it seems there are those who have something against me. Why? I have no idea.

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Originally posted by NGONGE:


Originally posted by Abtigiis & Tusbax:

looooooooooool@Jibreel. Nothing to add on that one.



"Hunno inkaar baa igu dhacday de! Tii Xaali ahayd unbuu ilaahay i daba dhigay oo hadaan far xinne marsado, tobankaba soo gashan! anagaa wax aragnay."



Enough said.

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