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I'M interesting to go job.

I WAS working I print some pen and to meet a lot of interesting peopleand I get fun to now evrything in the worel.

and I marrid

after that I get pregnente after 9 month I had buteful boy so whan I finsh 3 month I have to go back in my job but I could to go back becouse I don't have no body to tacer my baybe and I cuqek in my job.

I stey my home after that I feel had to stey home I get cunfiyus until know ,

I know these things so what is importantis tht I make something of my life,

until I'm confiyus

what can I do?

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Salaams walashiis, first of all congratulations on ya new baby born...i can imagine he must be beautiful...and it' must be taught specially on the first baby,...ya know, ur all new on being a mom....but it must be a one hell of a tought job...but what can i say, it's great that u taking care of ur baby ma'sha allah...and u know what there is alot of things u can do....i"mean just cuz ur a mother doesn't mean all u gotta do is staying home.


Here is a few things that i kind thought would help.....I'mean u can help your self become a better mother by also enjoying activities with your kid as he grows up.


1. Going to the Masjid...they have classes for mothers and have baby sitters 2 in many of these masjids...


2. Going to the parks with your baby (kids love outdours when they are young, and just having them in the house 24/7 isn't healthy)


3. Have a Picnic in the summer outdoor...all the neighborhood could do's always fun...


4. Taking your baby to musiums, maybe to the zoo,


5. Maybe taking the baby as he grows up 2 swimming lessons ( my younger brothz and sis use 2 go Skatin' every weekend)


6. JOint Somali Communities and helping the events they have....


7. JOint a GYM...Excersisin' relaxes ya mind and ya' ain't just bout losing' a weight but all about being releases all those stress u have in ur mind i would say' gear it up...even when u r @ home, watching some rope...ya's always fun...



I realized that it's taught on many of the new mothers on co-opin' with motherhood at first, because the experience is all new, and many of your non-marry girlfriends would never understand cuz they aren't in the same category as you are, therefore i would suggest that if by any chance lets say u live in a somali area...maybe u and those mothers could help each others..for instance, u know u guys could watch each others kids when one is away on work......u know....cuz that's what the ladies in my neighborhood do...and its great 2 c they are helping one another...

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make yr baby a genius. thats what i would and insh allah will do. theyre little sponges filled with so much potential. talk to him, read to him, and as he get bigger go on to alphabets, numbers, and than adding substracting e.t.c so that by the time hes 3 he can keep up with 1st graders. think of it as an investment. ummm, i dont know if that helps but seriously, being a mother is just about the most important thing youll ever do in yr life. take advantage of this time you have with your kid.

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^^great advice there...


Originally posted by Qac Qaac:

Nova, adi waxaan yaa ku baray.

aboo waxaaa daganahay xafad oo' ciyaalada la iskuugu faano...every day i c a new babyshower happening when my azz is comin' from work/ it's normal 2 c them' ladies doin' their thangsss...i'm actually thinking of joining them on their next babyshower' with maybe one of my own' that case, i betta run and "Order a new Baby Born"...I heard too many Orders are Ready to go In Somalia...marabtaa kuwo' yaryar inaa kuukeeno...FedEx's baan' kuugu soo dhiibaaya hadaa rabtid.... :D

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Qac Qaac   

iyaah fedx aah, i like DHL, better ask nuune asaa single motherska xagga wax ugudiree.


laakiin duqda meesha ka qeeb gal, waaba lagu dhaafay, iskuul intaa kusii jeeday, ee yaa laguu faanin. Nova.

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LoL @ 7/9! :D:D






Your fellow sci-fi fan has arrived! How do u like my new uniform?


*Proudly shows off her leather peacekeeper uniform*



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Congratulation on your new baby boy. I think its probably natural to be confused at this stage, since it's ur first child. Your probably not used to staying at home for long periods of time. And to make things worse, child-care costs are out of this world nowadays, so u might be forced to stay at home for much longer. Unless your husband is loaded and can provide a nanny for ya. LoL..nice dream, eh? ;)


I think Nova gave you some great suggestions. If being stuck at home is really getting on ur nerves, you might want to make some personal time for yourself. For example when ur hubby is at home in the evenings, you could leave the baby with him and go to your local gym (they usually have body-conditioning classes for new mothers). The execise will probably be good for both your mind and body.


You havent said whether you have any family living near you. If you are very interested in getting back to work, it might be a good idea to ask if one of them can look after your child once or twice a week (or maybe even full-time), so u can look for a part-time job. There are a lot of flexible jobs around, (such as job-share positions) which are suitable for ppl who cant work the standard full day/week.


The women in my family usually get back to work once their maternity leave is up, but thats only because we are a huge family and there's usually someone available to babysit. So it can be done if you have the necessary support.


Personally, I would choose to stay at home and look after my child myself, for the first year at the very least (the first 5 years are the most crucial in a child's mental, emotional and physical development). That is unless we're experiencing financial difficulties. Then my dear hooyo will have to come to the rescue and bring up her grandchild...while I get back into the rat race. :D

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