
From Guriceel to Baraawe with war

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Reer Iljeex iyo dagaal maxaa kala heysto.

Wararkii ugu dambeeyey ee xaaladda Baraawe?

Wararka laga helayo gobolka Shabeelaha Hoose ayaa sheegaya in maanta ay deggan tahay xaaladda magaallo xeebeedka Baraawe oo caasimad u ah dowlad goboleedka Koonfur Galbeed Soomaaliya, kadib dagaal ka dhacay halkaasi.

Ilo wareedyo lagu kalsoon-yahay ayaa inoo sheegay in saaka lagu guuleystay kala qaadida labadii dhinac ee shalay ku dagaalamay halkaasi, xaaladduna ay haatan tahay mid xasilan.

Waxgarad iyo mas’uuliyiin ka tirsan Koonfur Galbeed oo ku baxay xiisaddaas ayaa ku guuleystay in ciidamada iyo maleeshiyaadka dagaalamay ay kala qaadaan, iyaga oo ka dajiyey dabaqyo ku yaalla magaalada oo ay dhufeyso uga jireen dhinacyada diriray.

Sidoo kale waxaa weli socda wada-hadallo lagu doonayo in lagu soo afjaro dagaalka Baraawe oo saameyn ku yeeshay dhaq-dhaqaaqyo guud ee magaaladaaso.

Caasimada Online waxay u kuur gashay waxa la isku hayo iyo sababta keentay dagaalka, waxayna ogaatay in khilaafkaan gaaray gacan ka hadalka uu salka ku hayo awood qeybsiga dhismaha golaha deegaanka oo haatan la doonayo in loo dhiso magaalada Baraawe.

Madaxweynaha Koonfur albeed Cabdicasiis Laftagareen ayaa la sheegay inuu diidan yahay in beesha *** ay xubno ku yeelato golaha deegaanka ee loo dhisayo Baraawe, isagoo taas ka duulaya ayuu maalmo ka hor ciidamo si gaar ah uga amar qaata ka soo daabulay Baydhaba, waxuuna ka dejiyey Baraawe, kuwaas oo shalay dagaal ku galay magaalada.

Si kastaba, waxaa maalmihii lasoo dhaafay isa soo tareysay cabashada waxgaradka beelaha Mogadishu Clan ee wax ka dega magaalada Baraawe, kuwaas oo sheegay Madaxweyne Laftagareen uu si cad ugu sheegay in golaha deegaanka ee loo dhisayo Baraawe aysan hal xubin ku yeelan doonin beesha ***, waxayna shaaciyeen in taas aysan aqbali doonin.


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Sxb your fake nationalistic mask is slipping lol,  we always knew you were a qabiliste hiding behind Wadani iyo somalinimo so keep going with your xaar  induced posts attacking reer Mogadishu iyo reer Hargeisa.

As for Baraawe war it's a war based on xaqdaro iyo fitna created by beggar folks who live in Bay iyo bakool who have no business in S/hoose.

Anyhow, enough with begging iyo calacaal I hope reer bay iyo bakool will put a good fight in Baraawe against the locals than their usual beggings.


P,s it makes you wonder why reer beggers bay iyo bakool who are the biggest abused victims of Somalis with their recent mass expulsion from Somaliland are today calling of another's clans expulsion from their own Deegaans in s/hoose particularly Baraawe.


It seems the victims of yesterday are today's aggressors.

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''yariisow'' kulaha the man-child, niyahow waa iga talo since you being from reer beggars D&M, you should be the last person to throw a stone.

isku xishood next time, ileen eelay baa tahay.

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Yariisoow deg deg badane, you think uttering qabiil's name is caay? Such a ciyaal.

Anyway, I will wait 'Guul Laftagareen' adigoo leh beri knowing fudeedkaaga after hal laf ceyriin ah laguu tuuro. Or you will blame Deni waxa Baraawe ka dhacay? 

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Flowing the logic Somalis had applied according to the 4.5 formula, both local selection and parliament membership is based on traditional local clan residence. Unless one person one vote takes place, only traditional clans can be appointed in local councils and parliament membership.

Yet, in Baraawe case, Laftagareen is taking the hard line on the local councils. the Baraawe of 2021 is definitely different than the one of 1990, because the super majority of the city are probably not native Barawaani.

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12 hours ago, galbeedi said:

Flowing the logic Somalis had applied according to the 4.5 formula, both local selection and parliament membership is based on traditional local clan residence. Unless one person one vote takes place, only traditional clans can be appointed in local councils and parliament membership.

Yet, in Baraawe case, Laftagareen is taking the hard line on the local councils. the Baraawe of 2021 is definitely different than the one of 1990, because the super majority of the city are probably not native Barawaani.

Laftagareen wuxuu ka xunyahay inaanan tolkiisa guddoomiye degmo gobolka Banaadir laga siinin. Aargoosasho ayuu wadaa. That is why wasiiro ugu diiday Reer Iljeex, sidoo kalena ugu diiday xildhibaanno in Koonfur Galbeed. 

Unlike Shariifka ka horeeyey, he also has British-trained ciidamo ka amar qaato asaga, Baraawe ayuuna geeyey. Laakiin qorshahaan Baraawe guddoomiyaha baarlamaanka KG Cali Saciid Fiqi ayaa la wado oo deegaan ahaan ka soo jeedo Baraawe. 

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First of all Reer GM gave reer KG wasiir and mp in Galmudug, and as for Banaadir we can all agree that it's not independent Admin but an admin under SFG.

And 2nd of all, Beesha GM were already given their share of Baraawe gole deegaans 6 seats, the current dispute is about not singling out reer GM by giving them the only seats among HAG when there are many smaller HAGs who live there. 




As for laftagareens aargoosasho we all know that handicap Farmaajo is behind it and once he's gone all things will fall into it's rightful place.

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I dont get the math why GM should get seats in baraawe let alone mogadishu. Xamar iyo xamar daye, that was the historical and demographic outlook of the city and during the last free election in xamar, Avokaati raajis @xamarwayne folks and Avokate Jimcale got the seats, when did guriceel come in to the picture, specially in baraawe Yaab.

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On 11/6/2021 at 5:40 PM, Khadafi said:

I dont get the math why GM should get seats in baraawe let alone mogadishu. Xamar iyo xamar daye, that was the historical and demographic outlook of the city and during the last free election in xamar, Avokaati raajis @xamarwayne folks and Avokate Jimcale got the seats, when did guriceel come in to the picture, specially in baraawe Yaab.

Reer ku qabso ku qadi meysidee waa lagu yaqaanaa. Iyagaaba xataa isku qabsado waxooda isku ogaleyn.


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MMA War odaygaas xun oo cuqdadsan from Gedo wargiisa naga daay, we here all know HAG will get its rights one way or the other, we are not some unarmed masaakiin begging here, we are the Head security of S/hoose (specifically Baraawe where we rule), we either get our rights or xabad ba noo taal, taas meel iga qoro 




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