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Ethiopian Army withdrawal won't make a difference

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Why the withdrawal of Ethiopia’s Military from Somalia won’t make a difference


Ethiopia has reportedly started withdrawing its army from Somalia. At least physically, that is what they are expected to do. There are some who doubt this will happen, but my issue here is different. I am of the opinion that a new cycle of war, perhaps more devastating than the one that we saw in the last two years, is on the offing. It doesn’t take one to be a good analyst to see where it is coming from.


Few weeks ago, a mysterious group by the name Ahlu-suuna wal jamaca filled media pages, after they fought with the marauding Aslhabab. Few days ago, former warlord Barre Hiirale, now a proselyte of note, entered Gedo with the support of the Ethiopians. The TFG leaders are in Addis Ababa, and surely will get instructions to the effect of not allowing the Islamists to take over the country. Strategies must have been hatched up to sustain the war machine in Somalia.


All this indicate that we are entering a new phase of conflict. Against this backdrop, some are still singing to the tune of reconciliation and national reconstruction via the ‘moderate’ Sheikh Shariif. How exactly this ‘peace’ is revealed to some is a mystery to me. Don’t they see the lurking enemy, ready to sow seeds of discontent and division among the Somali’s?


What is the solution? I think it is a simple one. Having diagnosed Ethiopia as the primary cause of Somalia’s problems, all those who are influenced by it must be uprooted. Only then, will reconciliation among Somali’s be possible.


Who thinks peace is possible while Ethiopia is still on the driving seat on Somalia's issues?

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The Ethiopian withdrawal is only a fraction of solutions, and nothing more, the bigger agenda lies inland and outside, and that is hard to reach by the means that are available at the ground right now!

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Ethiopia meela ma tagin. Dooloow intay fadhiisatay destablisation'kii wadaysaa. But it may be a relief in some ways for the people of Muqdisho and other badly affected areas. Laakiin dagaal haduu ina hayaa'e ogow.

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